Thursday February 28, 2019

Girl Scout cookies are here just in time for the end of the Nutrition Challenge!
Reminder: The CrossFit Draper Ski event, night skiing at Brighton, is tonight! Meet at Molly Greens at Brighton resort. James Wood will be there to greet. Plan on 4:00pm and we will have the 2 for 1 passes up there, or grab them at the gym. It closes at 9:00pm.


Option 1:
“Goat Day”
On the Minute x 20
Odd Minutes: Movement 1
Even Minutes: Movement 2

“Goat” is CrossFit slang for a movement that challenges us. Examples: Double-Unders, Ring Dips, Overhead Squats. These are the best days to turn perceived “weaknesses” into “strengths.” No better way to do that than today.
We don’t improve our technique with a high heart rate–that’s what we refer to as “training”. Today is geared towards “practice,” dialing in our mechanics with a controlled heart rate. As an example, to improve the technique of double-unders, we want to practice at a low-intensity where we can really focus on the mechanics of the hands and the timing of the jump.

When we couple “training” with “practice” throughout the week in the right doses, we set ourselves on the fast track to results. Choose two “Goats” to work on, and we’ll alternate between them on each minute. Coaches will have great suggestions in class.

Option 2:
Make up a WOD that you missed, or a WOD that you have really been wanting to try, work on skills, etc!

*You must still come to one of the regularly scheduled WOD times.
“Excitement comes from the achievement. Fulfillment comes from the journey.”

Winning the award is exciting. Fulfillment is looking back at the hard work put in.

There’s irony when we think about defining moments. When we forecast into the future, we build up in our minds that accomplishing the achievement is the ultimate. Exciting – yes – but more often that not, when we look back, the real defining moments were the experiences that led up to those big achievements.

The trials, the tribulations, the lessons learned… the early mornings and late nights.
The blood, the sweat, the tears.

The dopamine hit comes when we win, hit the goal, or get the promotion.
But the fulfillment – the true, ever lasting feeling of joy, often comes from the quality of our struggle over every obstacle along the way. The relationships we build with others through the process. The journey.

“Enjoy the journey of life and not just the endgame.”

~Benedict Cumberbatch

Wednesday February 27, 2019

We are so excited to congratulate Heidi and Ryan on their new adorable addition, Sadie Lynn Peck! She was born on February 22nd weighing in at 7 pound 8 ounces and 20 inches. The whole family is doing great!

Happy Birthday Warde!

Attention: Today is the last day to get your CFD swag order in! We will be making another order soon so don’t stress if you missed this one.

Reminder: The CrossFit Draper Ski event, night skiing at Brighton, is this Thursday February 28th! Meet at Molly Greens at Brighton resort. James Wood will be there to greet. Plan on 4:00pm and we will have the 2 for 1 passes up there, or grab them at the gym. It closes at 9:00pm.


3-Position Power Snatch
Build to Moderate Complex

For Time:
50 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
40 Pull-ups
30 Power Snatches (115/80)



“If people knew how hard I worked to achieve my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful after all.”


From a man who is recognized as one of the greatest artists of all time.

There’s the intoxicating myth in our society, that there is such a thing as natural, born talent. An “anointed” factor that leads to such heights of achievement.

Yet here he is, Michelangelo himself, expressing his backbone to success.

It’s easy to dismiss achievements to factors we can’t control. To say it is by chance. It’s harder, to see that he just simply worked his ass off.

When we recognize that it was just a different level of true grit, true hard work through near-unbearable adversity… we too, can see our potential in whatever we choose to pursue.

Greatness is not by chance. It is by choice.

Tuesday February 26, 2019















The male and female 2018 member of the year are:
Dave ‘08 and Julie. We are excited to give them a custom gift for their dedication and hard work, which will be here shortly.
The winners who guessed the top members with a prize of a free shirt are:
Verno, guessed Dave at 203 visits (he had 206)
Michael Young, guessed Julie at exactly 243 visits.
Results of the survey will be emailed out to all members!
Reminder: The CrossFit Draper Ski event, night skiing at Brighton, is this Thursday February 28th! Meet at Molly Greens at Brighton resort. James Wood will be there to greet. Plan on 4:00pm and we will have the 2 for 1 passes up there, or grab them at the gym. It closes at 9:00pm.


“Face Off”
5 Rounds, On the 4:00:
9 Deadlifts (225/155)
12 Barbell-Facing Burpees 🙂
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but rather by the seeds you plant.” – Robert Lewis Stevensen

The definition of “success” is whatever we make of it.

Many directly link results to success. And the lack thereof, to failure. But what if we reshaped that way of thinking. What we measured success, as the seeds we “plant for tomorrow”? What if we decide that a successful day is deemed so purely by how much we learned?

We can view days as tests.
Or we can view days as opportunities.
Let’s choose the latter, as we know in how different those trajectories will be.

“Seventy percent of success in life is showing up.”

~Woody Allen

Monday February 25, 2019

Mel is using Thursday Open Gym to work in some Manmakers!

The nutrition challenge is over and now it’s time to get your after stats taken! Make sure to get with Hillari or Mauree ASAP! We can’t wait to see all of your incredible results!
You still have time to register for the Open! Sign up and submit your score at no later than 4:00pm today!


Option 1:
OPEN WOD 19.1 Re-Do
19 Wallballs (20/14)
19 Calorie Row

Option 2:
“This One”
45 AbMat Sit-Ups
30 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks (50/35)
15 Dumbbell Goblet Squats (50/35)

“When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day.”

~Ella Woodward

Sunday February 24, 2019

It was so much fun to get “outside the box” and go give Cyclebar a try! Thanks for the great class Ellen!
There will be Open Gym today from 8:00am to 10:00am. Come get your weekend WOD on!


For Time:
100 Double-Unders, 50 Reverse Lunges, 25 Pushups
80 Double-Unders, 40 Reverse Lunges, 20 Pushups
60 Double-Unders, 30 Reverse Lunges, 15 Pushups
40 Double-Unders, 20 Reverse Lunges, 10 Pushups
20 Double-Unders, 10 Reverse Lunges, 5 Pushups

“I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death.”

~Leonardo da Vinci

Saturday February 23, 2019

Amber is back, and crushing it!


Teams of 3
For Time: (30 Minute Time Cap)
100/70 Calorie Assault Bike
70 Clean and Jerks (135/95), 70 Toes to Bar
50 Clean and Jerks (155/105), 50 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
30 Clean and Jerks (185/135), 30 Bar Muscle-ups
100/70 Calorie Assault Bike

“The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.”

~Bertrand Russell

Friday February 22, 2019

Mauree is judging Alia during last years Open WOD 18.4!



We are so excited that the CrossFit Games Open is finally here! We will be doing the Open WOD at the regular WOD times all day on Friday’s for the next 5 weeks. We will also be holding a CFD Open throw down each Friday night starting at 5:30pm! Click here to get registered ASAP. We can’t wait to see what all of you can do!
The end of the Nutrition Challenge is this Sunday! That means that Dexa Scan will be back on Monday February 25! Click here to schedule your post challenge body fat testing!


Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
19 Wall Ball Shots
19 calorie Row

Men throw 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
Women throw 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target

“To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.”

~Lao Tzu

Thursday February 21, 2019

Krissa is flying through the Deadlifts during Tuesdays WOD!

THE OPEN IS HERE! Tonight the first workout will be announced and we will begin 5 weeks of in house competition! Each Friday for the next five weeks we will program the Open WOD and have “Friday Night Lights” starting at 5:30pm. Click here to get registered ASAP!


Option 1:
“Goat Day”
On the Minute x 20
Odd Minutes: Movement 1
Even Minutes: Movement 2

“Goat” is CrossFit slang for a movement that challenges us. Examples: Double-Unders, Ring Dips, Overhead Squats. These are the best days to turn perceived “weaknesses” into “strengths.” No better way to do that than today.
We don’t improve our technique with a high heart rate–that’s what we refer to as “training”. Today is geared towards “practice,” dialing in our mechanics with a controlled heart rate. As an example, to improve the technique of double-unders, we want to practice at a low-intensity where we can really focus on the mechanics of the hands and the timing of the jump.

When we couple “training” with “practice” throughout the week in the right doses, we set ourselves on the fast track to results. Choose two “Goats” to work on, and we’ll alternate between them on each minute. Coaches will have great suggestions in class.

Option 2:
Make up a WOD that you missed, or a WOD that you have really been wanting to try, work on skills, etc!

*You must still come to one of the regularly scheduled WOD times.

“If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.”

~Bruce Lee

Wednesday February 20, 2019

Lauri and Christian are crushing the Strict Pull-Ups during Mondays WOD!
Attention: We have some exciting events coming up this February! Put your name on the board if you are interested in participating in any of them.

~CrossFit Draper Ski Event: Night skiing at Brighton Thursday February 28th. We have 2 for 1 passes!!
~The CrossFit Open at CFD every Friday evening from February 22nd (That’s this Friday!) through March 22nd! Click here to get registered.
We are getting close to the end of the Nutrition Challenge and that means that Dexa Scan will be back on Monday February 25! Click here to schedule your post challenge body fat testing!


“Double Play”
5 Power Snatches (115/80)
10 Overhead Squats (115/80)
15 Hang Power Cleans (115/80)
20/15 Calorie Row
50 Double Unders

“There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still.”

~Franklin D. Roosevelt

Tuesday February 19, 2019

Corby is making sure that his Double-Unders are on par for the “Open” this Friday!
Attention: We have some exciting events coming up this February! Put your name on the board if you are interested in participating in any of them.

~CrossFit Draper Ski Event: Night skiing at Brighton Thursday February 28th.
~The CrossFit Open at CFD every Friday evening from February 22nd through March 22nd! Click here to get registered.
We are getting close to the end of the Nutrition Challenge and that means that Dexa Scan will be back on Monday February 25! Click here to schedule your post challenge body fat testing!


Heavy Set of 3

“Dead Ahead”
4 Rounds:
21 Deadlifts (135/95)
15 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
9 Push Jerks (135/95)

“A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.”

~Mahatma Gandhi