Sunday November 27, 2016

Ellen is working her way through the Burpee Box Jumps during last Monday’s WOD!

Happy Birthday Nick!

Attention: Shayan WILL be running Open Gym today from 9:30am to 11:30am!


“Sunday Funday”
For time:
Calorie Row
Strict Press (75/55#)

“Some memories are unforgettable, remaining ever vivid and heartwarming!”

~Joseph B. Wirthlin


Saturday November 26, 2016

Welcome home Dainja! We will have an 8:00am and 10:00am WOD this morning and Daine will be training both of them! Then this evening at 6:00pm we will be having a Pot Luck style get together to celebrate his homecoming! We hope to see all of you there!


1 Mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Air Squats
1 Mile Run
*You may choose to do this workout as a team of two or on your own. Partition reps as desired.

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, who was killed in Afghanistan on June 28th, 2005.
This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it ‘Body Armor.’
Today we honor a focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

“Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing.”

~Salvador Dali


Friday November 25, 2016

Thanks to everyone that came and ran the “Utah Human Race” with us, what a great way to start Thanksgiving!
Attention: We will be running a Holiday schedule today 8:00am and a 10:00am WOD’s. Saturday Dainja will be running the regular schedule of 8:00am and 10:00am! Thanks for understanding and we hope you have a great Holiday weekend!

It’s Benchmark Friday!



“Filthy Fifty”
For time:
50 Back extensions
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double-Unders

““Only in America people trample others for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have.”



Thursday November 24, 2016


Attention: If you are running the Thanksgiving 5K with us here is the information you need to know! We will have someone picking up the race packets so if you want yours picked up please let Hillari know ASAP! We will meet at the gym at 7:30am and carpool over to the race. Right after the race we will meet at the finish line for a group picture! After the race we will have a Coffee, Mimosa, and Hot Chocolate party at CFD!! We are so excited to see all of you there!
The Holiday schedule for this week will be as follows: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will be the regular schedule. Thursday there will be NO WOD’s at the box, we will be running the Utah Human race 5K! Meet at CFD at 7:30am. Friday we will run an 8:00am and a 10:00am WOD. Saturday we will run the regular 8:00 and 10:00 WOD’s. Thanks for understanding and we hope you have a great Holiday!
You may have noticed the blue barrel by the fridge, it’s empty!! Come on CFD, we can do better than that! Let’s get that barrel filled with canned food so that we can do our part to help feed hungry families!


Run a 5K!

The 5K is one of the most popular race lengths in the world. A 5k run is 5 kilometers long, which is the equivalent of 3.1 miles. Because the 5K is one of the shorter road races, it’s very popular among beginner runners who want to give racing a try as well as advanced runners who like to have short-term goals.

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”

~William Arthur Ward

Wednesday November 23, 2016

Last years “Utah Human Race” participants! This is such a great way to start Thanksgiving!
Attention: If you are running the Thanksgiving 5K with us here is the information you need to know! We will have someone picking up the race packets so if you want yours picked up please let Hillari know ASAP! We will meet at the gym at 7:30am and carpool over to the race. Right after the race we will meet at the finish line for a group picture! After the race we will have a Coffee, Mimosa, and Hot Chocolate party at CFD!! We are so excited to see all of you there!
The Holiday schedule for this week will be as follows: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will be the regular schedule. Thursday there will be NO WOD’s at the box, we will be running the Utah Human race 5K! Meet at CFD at 7:30am. Friday we will run an 8:00am and a 10:00am WOD. Saturday we will run the regular 8:00 and 10:00 WOD’s. Thanks for understanding and we hope you have a great Holiday!
You may have noticed the blue barrel by the fridge, it’s empty!! Come on CFD, we can do better than that! Let’s get that barrel filled with canned food so that we can do our part to help feed hungry families!


“Rock, Paper, Scissors”
Teams of 3:
Back Squat:
50 Reps at 135/95#
50 Reps 185/135#
AMRAP at 225/155#

Rest 3:00

Push Press:
50 Reps at 135/95#
50 Reps at 155/105#
AMRAP at 185/135#

Rest 3:00

Hang Power Clean:
50 Reps at 135/95#
50 Reps at 155/105#
AMRAP at 185/135#

“Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.”

~Mattie Stepanek


Tuesday November 22, 2016

Mindy is working her way through her Power Snatches!
Attention: If you are running the Thanksgiving 5K with us here is the information you need to know! We will have someone picking up the race packets so if you want yours picked up please let Hillari know ASAP! We will meet at the gym at 7:30am and carpool over to the race. Right after the race we will meet at the finish line for a group picture! After the race we will have a Coffee, Mimosa, and Hot Chocolate party at CFD!! We are so excited to see all of you there!
The Holiday schedule for this week will be as follows: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will be the regular schedule. Thursday there will be NO WOD’s at the box, we will be running the Utah Human race 5K! Meet at CFD at 7:30am. Friday we will run an 8:00am and a 10:00am WOD. Saturday we will run the regular 8:00 and 10:00 WOD’s. Thanks for understanding and we hope you have a great Holiday!
You may have noticed the blue barrel by the fridge, it’s empty!! Come on CFD, we can do better than that! Let’s get that barrel filled with canned food so that we can do our part to help feed hungry families!


Deadlift 5×3

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 handstand push-ups
20-calorie row/bike
30 single-legged squats, alternating

“We are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for I don’t know.”

~W. H. Auden


Monday November 21, 2016

Happy Birthday Dainja and Baylie!

Attention: Today is the last day to sign up for the “Utah Human Race” Thanksgiving 5K, Click here to sign up! Also you may have noticed the blue barrel by the bridge, it’s empty!! Come on CFD, we can do better than that! Let’s get that barrel filled with canned food so that we can do our part to help feed hungry families!
The Holiday schedule for this week will be as follows: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will be the regular schedule. Thursday there will be NO WOD’s at the box, we will be running the Utah Human race 5K! Meet at CFD at 7:30am. Friday we will run an 8:00am and a 10:00am WOD. Saturday we will run the regular 8:00 and 10:00 WOD’s. Thanks for understanding and we hope you have a great Holiday!


Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20″)
Rest 5:00

Calorie Row/Bike
Rest 4:00

Power Cleans (You choose the weight)
Guys: 75, 95, 135, 155
Girls: 55, 65, 95, 105
Rest 3:00

Wallball Shots (20/14#)
Rest 2:00

Max Unbroken Pull-Ups

“The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.”

~Joseph Campbell


Sunday November 20, 2016

Happy Birthday Tanya and Kory!

Shayan WILL be running Open Gym today from 9:30am to 11:30am!


“Sunday Funday”
“Pushy Cindy”
1 Round of Strict “Cindy”
50 Meter Prowler Push (90/45)

“Never reach out your hand unless you’re willing to extend an arm.”

~Pope Paul VI

Saturday November 19, 2016

Sometimes you just have to focus!
Attention: There will be NO Yoga today. Shayan WILL be running Open Gym this Sunday from 9:30am to 11:30am!


“Strongman Meets Beach Body”
In teams of two with only one person working at a time, AMRAP 36:
AMRAP of each movement in each station. Score will be individual (not team) and will be two parts: one score for strongman movements and one score for body movements.
Station 1: 60 seconds Tire Flips followed by 60 seconds Burpees 🙂
Station 2: 60 seconds Atlas Stones followed by 60 seconds Sit-Ups.
Station 3: 60 seconds Farmer Carries (25 feet is one rep) followed by 60 seconds Air Squats.
Total time for the workout will be: 36 Minutes.

“Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.”

~David Frost


Friday November 18, 2016

Welcome home Dainja!!


It’s Benchmark Friday!


It’s your lucky day if you want CFD gear! We are having an early “Black Friday” sale from now through the end of November! All Tanks, T-Shirts, and Hats are 50% off!!

A lot of you have shown interest in getting the “Advanced Muscle Integration Technique” performed that Lauri does with Dr. Buhler. Well it’s your lucky day! This Saturday Lauri will be in house here at CFD performing the technique! Call or text Lauri at 801-864-6141 to set up an appointment!
We have some fun things coming up here at CFD, make sure to save the date! Dainja will be coming home at the end of the month, we will be having a welcome home party for him on Saturday November 26th! We will also be running the Utah Human Race 5K for the 8th year this Thanksgiving, click here to get registered! And last but not least, we will be throwing our annual CFD Christmas Party on Friday December 16th! We are so excited to celebrate these fun events with all of you!


Benchmark WOD

3 Supersets of:
10 Barbell Rollouts
10 Glute Ham Raises

Compare to 7/22/16
For time:
1000 meter Row
50 Thrusters (45#)
30 Pull-Ups

“I truly believe that everything that we do and everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose. There are no accidents; we’re all teachers – if we’re willing to pay attention to the lessons we learn, trust our positive instincts and not be afraid to take risks or wait for some miracle to come knocking at our door.”

~Marla Gibbs
