Thursday December 12, 2019

Christian is staying focused throughout his Overhead Squats!

Announcement: We can not believe how fast this year has gone by! That means it’s almost time for another New Year Nutrition Challenge! We will be starting the challenge on January 6th. If you’re interested in participating, put your name on the board. We will announce all the details in the coming weeks. We will also be having Dexa Body coming to take body composition on January 7th between 4:00pm and 8:00pm, click here to schedule a time. Slots will fill up fast!



Option 1:
“Body Slam”
On the 4:00 x 5 Rounds:
25 AbMat Sit-ups
15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
5 Push Press

Build in Weight on the Push Press

Option 2:
Make up a WOD that you missed, or a WOD that you have really been wanting to try, work on skills, etc!

*You must still come to one of the regularly scheduled WOD times.

Daily Mindset

“The most worth-while thing is to try to put happiness into the lives of others.”

~Robert Baden-Powell

Wednesday December 11, 2019

Bob, “The Silver Fox”, showing his fire buddy the Ropes!
Announcement: We can not believe how fast this year has gone by! That means it’s almost time for another New Year Nutrition Challenge! We will be starting the challenge on January 6th. If you’re interested in participating, put your name on the board. We will announce all the details in the coming weeks. We will also be having Dexa Body coming to take body composition on January 7th between 4:00pm and 8:00pm, click here to schedule a time. Slots will fill up fast!


Front Squat
Build to Heavy Set of 3

60 Double-Unders
30/21 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Front Squats (155/105)


“When I write, I feel like an armless, legless man with a crayon in his mouth.”

~Kurt Vonnegut

It can be easy to forget that even the greats are full of awkwardness and clumsiness. Yet the man quoted above is known to have changed the face of American literature.

But despite Vonnegut’s success, he didn’t start that way. It was full of fumbles, false starts, and embarrassing mistakes. Yet where others in his shoes stopped, he chose to keep going. Forcing himself to move forward. He kept taking one more step, even when the process did not seem rewarding.

Awkward and clumsy are not just OK… they’re part of the way.

Tuesday December 10, 2019

Buddy is making sure that Caleb doesn’t slow down during Fridays Sprint/Burpee intervals!
Announcement: We can not believe how fast this year has gone by! That means it’s almost time for another New Year Nutrition Challenge! We will be starting the challenge on January 6th. If you’re interested in participating, put your name on the board. We will announce all the details in the coming weeks. We will also be having Dexa Body coming to take body composition on January 7th between 4:00pm and 8:00pm, click here to schedule a time. Slots will fill up fast!


“Lead Foot”
Compare to 5/7/19
27/21 Calorie Row
27 Burpees 🙂
27 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Rest 4 Minutes

21/15 Calorie Row
21 Burpees 🙂
21 Toes to Bar

Rest 4 Minutes

15/9 Calorie Row
15 Burpees 🙂
15 Pull-ups


“For most of us, the problem is not a lack of goals. But rather too many of them.”

~Roy F. Baumeister

Goal setting can be exciting. We all love doing it… thinking about the future. To plan, visualize, and dream. It’s arguably a major strength of ours, as there rarely ever is a shortage we can list off.

The quote brings to light that this strength is however a double-edged sword. For we can create so many goals that we actually dilute our focus. And dilute our time and effort. It’s not that some aren’t important to us, but… if everything is important, then nothing is important.

Less can be more. In the words of Confucius, “Person who chases two rabbits, catches neither”.

Monday December 9, 2019

Thank you so much to everyone that came to celebrate 10 years of CFD magic with us!
Announcement: We can not believe how fast this year has gone by! That means it’s almost time for another New Year Nutrition Challenge! We will be starting the challenge on January 6th. If you’re interested in participating, put your name on the board. We will announce all the details in the coming weeks. We will also be having Dexa Body coming to take body composition on January 7th between 4:00pm and 8:00pm, click here to schedule a time. Slots will fill up fast!


Overhead Squat
Build to Heavy Single

“Power Move”
6 Power Snatches (95/65)
9 Overhead Squats (95/65)
12 Box Jumps (24/20)


“I’ve always wondered why birds stay in the same place, when they could fly anywhere in the world. And then I ask myself the same question.”

~Harun Yahya

We are like the bird. We can fly anywhere in the world. But… we hold ourselves back.

I don’t have the time. I’m not educated enough. I’m too old. I’m too young. I’m not a natural with this. I can’t afford it. I’m afraid of what might go wrong.

Every single one of the above can be legitimately true. But even with that being the case, we still want to see what they are at their core. A list of self-induced doubts and fears.

What Harun Yahya expresses is a powerful perspective we can take into our day: we sometimes can forget that we have wings.

Sunday December 8, 2019

The 5:30 WOD working through Tuesdays Push Jerks!

Reminder: There will be Open Gym today from 8:00am to 10:00am. Come get your weekend WOD on!


“Walk the Walk”
For Time:
75/55 Calorie Assault Bike
150′ Walking Lunge
75 AbMat Sit-ups
150′ Walking Lunge
75/55 Calorie Assault Bike

Daily Mindset

“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.”

~Margaret Mead

Saturday December 7, 2019

“Group Fun” midline activation!


“Hot & Heavy”
Teams of 3, AMRAP 30:
60 Calorie Row
50 Pull-ups
40 Power Cleans
30 Thrusters

Round 1: 95/65
Round 2: 115/85
Round 3: 135/95
Round 4: 155/105
Round 5: 175/115


“I define anxiety as experiencing failure in advance.”

~Seth Godin

It’s not abnormal to feel the nerves before something big. We have a several thousand year-old survival mechanism that wants to protect us. A bit outdated maybe, but it’s still alive and well.

This made sense when being chased by predators, or at risk of running out of food. Yet, our day to day actions are different now. Not only do we not need to prepare for catastrophic failure… we should resist it.

What we think, we will become. And if we dwell on the thought on failing, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. We start to focus in, on a subconscious level, on the reasons we will fail. Of course, we’re not in an imaginary world here… we will fail… but it’s the paradigm shift we’re after. Think less about all the reasons we’ll fail, and more, about all the reasons we will succeed.

Friday December 6, 2019

Come to the party tonight to get your picture taken with Santa!

Happy Birthday Jay!

Reminder: tonight at 7:00pm we will be holding our 11th annual “Ugly Sweater” party, and 10 year celebration!! There will be something for everyone, including the Utah Football game! This is a potluck style event So bring your favorite dish to share, and the whole family, and let’s celebrate another incredible year at CFD!


“Outside the Box”
Teams of 2, AMRAP 30:
100 Meter Run, 1 Burpee Box Jump
100 Meter Run, 2 Burpee Box Jumps
100 Meter Run, 3 Burpee Box Jumps

If unable to Run, complete one of the following:
150 Meter Row
7/5 Calorie Assault Bike


“If people knew how hard I worked to achieve my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful after all.”


A quote from a man who is recognized as one of the greatest artists of all time.

There’s the intoxicating myth in our society that there is such a thing as natural-born talent. Some kind of mystical factor that leads to such heights of achievement. Yet here he is, Michelangelo himself, expressing his magic secret.

It’s easy to dismiss achievements to factors we can’t control. To say history is by chance. It’s far harder, to admit that it’s another level of true grit and unrelenting effort. To realize that the great Michaelangelo simply worked his ass off.

Greatness is not by chance. It is by choice. Let’s get to work.

Thursday December 5, 2019

Luckey is showing how strong she is as she gets 135# on Tuesdays press complex!
Reminder: This Friday, December 6th, at 7:00pm we will be holding our 11th annual “Ugly Sweater” party! There will be something for everyone, including the Utah Football game! This is a potluck style event So bring your favorite dish to share, and the whole family, and let’s celebrate another incredible year at CFD!


Option 1:
“Mood Swing”
21/15 Calorie Assault Bike
12 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
2 Rope Climbs (15′)

Option 2:
Make up a WOD that you missed, or a WOD that you have really been wanting to try, work on skills, etc!

*You must still come to one of the regularly scheduled WOD times.

Daily Mindset

“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.”

~Og Mandino

Wednesday December 4, 2019

Who couldn’t use a good Lat stretch before their Presses!
Reminder: This Friday, December 6th, at 7:00pm we will be holding our 11th annual “Ugly Sweater” party! There will be something for everyone, including the Utah Football game! This is a potluck style event So bring your favorite dish to share, and the whole family, and let’s celebrate another incredible year at CFD!


“Low Tide”
Buy-In: 700 Meter Row
7 Squat Cleans (95/65)
25 Double Unders

Rest 5 Minutes

Buy-In: 500 Meter Row
5 Squat Cleans (115/85)
25 Double Unders

Rest 5 Minutes

Buy-In: 300 Meter Row
3 Squat Cleans (135/95)
25 Double Unders


“I attribute my success to this – I never gave, or took, any excuse.”

~Florence Nightingale

The terrifying thing about excuses, is that they blind us to our next move. If we excuse or try to justify a misstep, we at a subconscious level tell ourselves that this is “out of my control”. That this was a fluke, or a chance event, and there’s nothing I could do differently next time.

On the flip side, owning what happens is not about beating ourselves up or throwing pity parties. It’s solely so that we can open our vision on where to go next. To see the lesson in front of us.

Excuses are contagious, and horribly damaging. Let’s take the opposite road, as growth begins with responsibility.

Tuesday December 3, 2019

The 6am group warming up their midline with a little group fun!

Reminder: This Friday, December 6th, at 7:00pm we will be holding our 11th annual “Ugly Sweater” party! There will be something for everyone, including the Utah Football game! This is a potluck style event So bring your favorite dish to share, and the whole family, and let’s celebrate another incredible year at CFD!


Pressing Complex
5 Sets:
1 Push Press
2 Push Jerks

“Little Dipper”
Push Jerks (135/95)
Lateral Barbell Burpees 🙂


“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity.”

~James Clear

If someone has 10 coins, are they rich? Let’s say no.
What if they have 100 coins. Probably not.
What about 1,000 coins?

There is a tipping point. A number where our answer changes to yes. It actually narrows down to a single coin where that takes place.

But… we know it wasn’t just the single coin. It was the culmination of the many before. We can apply this same logic to our identity. By itself, walking the shopping cart back to its home isn’t going to change who we are as an individual. By itself, picking up trash outside of the local school isn’t going to either. It’s the culmination, that will. These votes for who we are, seemingly small at the time, add up.

A pitfall in life is when we view instances throughout our day as insignificant. We tell ourselves, “this won’t make a difference”. Yet at the end of the day, just like the single coin, it’s all that matters.