Friday November 22, 2019

Sienna, Kenzie, and Estee are crushing the Overhead Squats during Wednesdays WOD!

Reminder to save the date: We will be holding our 11th annual “Ugly Sweater” party on Friday December 6th! There will be something for everyone, including the Utah Football game! So bring the whole family and let’s celebrate another incredible year at CFD!
We are so excited to announce that this Thanksgiving we will be participating in the “Utah Human Race 5K” for the 11th year in a row! This is such a fun way to start the Holiday and give back at the same time! Click here to get registered.

It’s Benchmark Friday!

“Fight Gone Bad!”
Compare to 9/13/19
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20/14 pound ball, 10/8 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75/55 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20″ box (Reps)
Push-press, 75/55 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of “rotate”, the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.



“Integrity is not a noun. It’s a verb.”

Just about everyone “knows” right from wrong. And if one knows right from wrong, they could be said to “have integrity”, as they possess the requisite knowledge. Yet, we know that’s not what real integrity is – as not everyone acts with so.

Real integrity, is action. Not a “thing”, but a living and breathing lens we live our lives through that we refine every single day.

Thursday November 21, 2019

The 5:30 class are just loving the bike portion during Tuesdays endurance WOD!

Happy Birthday Baylie!

Reminder to save the date: We will be holding our 11th annual “Ugly Sweater” party on Friday December 6th! There will be something for everyone, including the Utah Football game! So bring the whole family and let’s celebrate another incredible year at CFD!
We are so excited to announce that this Thanksgiving we will be participating in the “Utah Human Race 5K” for the 11th year in a row! This is such a fun way to start the Holiday and give back at the same time! Click here to get registered.


Option 1:
“Old MacDonald”
5 Rounds:
100 Meter Farmers Carry (53’s/35’s)
30 AbMat Sit-ups
100 ft Walking Lunges

Option 2:
Make up a WOD that you missed, or a WOD that you have really been wanting to try, work on skills, etc!

*You must still come to one of the regularly scheduled WOD times.


“Worry is a misuse of imagination”

~Dan Zadra

Our imaginations are powerful forces. As kids, we use our imaginations to go all sorts of places, and do many different things.
When our imagination turns to focus on poor outcomes, or less favorable things however, it brings concern – it brings worry. It is a misuse of our imagination that can being great stress and pain, without anything actually happening. It’s a true “”human”” error, which we can all admit to.
Where we do want to spend our time, is preparation. But preparation and worry can have a close relationship, where there are implications.

When the US Navy SEALs flew a helicopter into a compound on the mission that ultimately led to the successful elimination of Osama Bin Laden, catastrophe occurred. One of the helicopters crashed on landing, and was rendered unusable. Without hesitation, the SEALs adapted to the situation, and planned for a seamless extract on other helicopters. They had prepared for this actuality. What they did not do however, is spend any additional thought worrying that it may happen.

It’s wise to look at all possible outcomes, and weigh probabilities at each. It’s good to plan. But never good, to worry.

Wednesday November 20, 2019

Christy, Lacey, and Kerri are getting their squat on with a little “Sally Up”!

Happy Birthday Tanya!

Reminder to save the date: We will be holding our 11th annual “Ugly Sweater” party on Friday December 6th! There will be something for everyone, including the Utah Football game! So bring the whole family and let’s celebrate another incredible year at CFD!
We are so excited to announce that this Thanksgiving we will be participating in the “Utah Human Race 5K” for the 11th year in a row! This is such a fun way to start the Holiday and give back at the same time! Click here to get registered.


Pausing Overhead Squat
Build to a Heavy Single (3 Second Pause)

“Double Jointed”
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)
30 Double Unders
15 Deadlifts (95/65)
30 Double Unders


“I don’t like that man. I should get to know him better.”

~Abraham Lincoln

Perspective is everything.

In the abundance mindset, there is the belief all human beings are good. No one is born evil. The differences, between a terrorist and a police officer, are not malintentions. Both in their own mind, believe they are doing “the right thing”. The difference between the two are their interpretations, and understanding, of the world. Massive differences, but still at the root, perspectives.

A situation we can all relate to from some point in our lives, is poor first impression. An introduction to someone who… you’d rather not spend another second on. After the interaction, you want to distance yourself as far away as possible. Yet, life puts us right back next to them, not by choice, but by chance.

And we talk. And we strike some common ground. And we understand. We may not be close friends, but the brief amount of time we spent with them afforded us the chance to better understand their perspective.

Next time we find ourselves feel the wave of animosity towards someone, remind ourselves… we just need to get to know them a little bit better.

Tuesday November 19, 2019

It’s always a great time when Watts comes in town!

Happy Birthday Sean!


Reminder to save the date: We will be holding our 11th annual “Ugly Sweater” party on Friday December 6th! There will be something for everyone, including the Utah Football game! So bring the whole family and let’s celebrate another incredible year at CFD!
We are so excited to announce that this Thanksgiving we will be participating in the “Utah Human Race 5K” for the 11th year in a row! This is such a fun way to start the Holiday and give back at the same time! Click here to get registered.


“Sea Horse”
3 Rounds:
40/30 Calorie Assault Bike
800 Meter Row
400 Meter Run
20 Burpees 🙂


“There is but one degree of commitment; total.”

~Arnie Sherr

When we are “interested” in something, we’ll do what’s convenient. But when we are “”committed”” to something… we’ll do whatever it takes.

When we are only interested in a goal, one that doesn’t deeply drive us, we’ll feel the first obstacle that comes our way… and stop. We can find compromises, and comfort-based decisions, given how the uncomfortableness of the inevitable struggle is stronger than our will to win.

Yet, what the quote urges us to do, is to fully commit. Before we embark on the journey, to fully sit and realize the work that is to come. The challenges we’ll face. And to visualize, overcoming all of them. To build this will to be so strong, that no amount of obstacles could ever stop it.

Struggle is guaranteed. The difference will be our level of commitment amidst. No matter where we go in life, let’s go with our full heart.

Monday November 18, 2019

Coop is working on his quick turns during the 10 meter shuttle sprints!
Reminder to save the date: We will be holding our 11th annual “Ugly Sweater” party on Friday December 6th! There will be something for everyone, including the Utah Football game! So bring the whole family and let’s celebrate another incredible year at CFD!
We are so excited to announce that this Thanksgiving we will be participating in the “Utah Human Race 5K” for the 11th year in a row! This is such a fun way to start the Holiday and give back at the same time! Click here to get registered.


Macho Man Complex
Build to Heavy Complex:
3 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerks

“Randy Savage”
3 Rounds of “”Macho Man”” (135/95)
15 Toes to Bar

1 Round of “Macho Man”:
3 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerks


“One can have no smaller or greater mastery, than mastery of oneself.”

~Leonardo DiVinci

Leonardi DiVinci was one of the first documented individuals to believe that humans could take flight. Before such an idea became a mainstream success… talk about a horrific idea! The thought of hurling a human into the air, like a bird, with no guarantee of landing.

The above quote speaks to his greatest accomplishment. His mastery over his mind. He well knew of the risks, and well recognized the fears. But he believed it to be possible through it all.

The one person that will stop of us from doing what we want to do, looks back at us in the mirror.
It’s good to acknowledge that the primary job of our brain is to keep us safe. It’s going to try to keep us away from risk, danger, and failure.

It’s you versus you.

Sunday November 17, 2019

Who doesn’t love a little pre-WOD stretch!
Reminder: There will be Open Gym today from 8:00am to 10:00am. Come get your weekend WOD on!


Power Clean Complex
Build to a Heavy Complex:
1 Hang Power Clean
1 Power Clean

“Power Bar”
9 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
12 Push-ups
15 Deadlifts (135/95)


“The way to get things done is not to mind who gets the credit for doing them.”

~Benjamin Jowett

Saturday November 16, 2019

Name that nooner!

Happy Birthday Carson!



“4th Down”
21/15 Calorie Row
21 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
21 Thrusters (75/55)

Rest 4 Minutes

15/10 Calorie Row
15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
15 Thrusters (95/65)

Rest 4 Minutes

9/6 Calorie Row
9 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
9 Thrusters (115/85)


“Shallow people believe in luck and circumstance. Strong people believe in cause and effect.”

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

We have a choice – to believe that life is happening to us, or that we are fully in control. That life is a direct reflection of the choices that we make. That the good, bag, ugly, and everything in between is a direct result of our actions.

We can stand by, and wait for life to happen to us. Or we can choose to believe that we have a say in our own story, that we are the writers of our script, that we have complete control over what happens next.

Ask ourselves – at the end of the day, are we going to allow our life to be dictated to us by chance, or by choice?

Friday November 15, 2019

Dr. D recently got his Muscle-Ups and was able to prove it in the Open with 3 during 20.5!
Reminder to save the date: We will be holding our 11th annual “Ugly Sweater” party on Friday December 6th! There will be something for everyone, including the Utah Football game! So bring the whole family and let’s celebrate another incredible year at CFD!

We are so excited to announce that this Thanksgiving we will be participating in the “Utah Human Race 5K” for the 11th year in a row! This is such a fun way to start the Holiday and give back at the same time! Click here to get registered.


5 Rounds:
Max Bodweight Bench Press
Max Strict Pull-Ups
400 Meter Run

*Score is max reps


“One of the sincerest forms of respect, is actually listening to what another has to say.”

~Brian McGill

Everyone hears things. Not everyone listens.

Just hearing the words of another is to scratch the surface. It’s often here where one can turn into their own mind, formulating a response. The listening has stopped at this point. The focus is elsewhere now.

What if we changed those efforts around.
Where instead of thinking of what to say next, we seek to see further than the words. In full commitment to appreciating their perspective.

Listen not with the intention to respond, but with the intention to understand.

Thursday November 14, 2019

And the Muscle-Up pics just keep coming! Congratulations to Casey for getting her first one on Monday during her Open WOD 20.5 Re Do!
Reminder to save the date: We will be holding our 11th annual “Ugly Sweater” party on Friday December 6th! There will be something for everyone, including the Utah Football game! So bring the whole family and let’s celebrate another incredible year at CFD!

We are so excited to announce that this Thanksgiving we will be participating in the “Utah Human Race 5K” for the 11th year in a row! This is such a fun way to start the Holiday and give back at the same time! Click here to get registered.


Option 1:
“Climbing Annie”
Double Unders
AbMat Sit-ups

After Each Set:
Rope Climbs (1-2-3-4-5)

Option 2:
Make up a WOD that you missed, or a WOD that you have really been wanting to try, work on skills, etc!

*You must still come to one of the regularly scheduled WOD times.


“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”


Wednesday November 13, 2019

Day three of 20.5 Muscle-Up photos! Jake is working through the 25 reps he got!

Reminder to save the date: We will be holding our 11th annual “Ugly Sweater” party on Friday December 6th! There will be something for everyone, including the Utah Football game! So bring the whole family and let’s celebrate another incredible year at CFD!
We are so excited to announce that this Thanksgiving we will be participating in the “Utah Human Race 5K” for the 11th year in a row! This is such a fun way to start the Holiday and give back at the same time! Click here to get registered.


Back Squat Complex
Build to Heavy Complex:
1 Pausing Back Squat (3 Seconds)
1 Back Squat

“Step Aerobics”
3 Rounds For Time:
30 Med Ball Cleans (20/14)
20/14 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Single Dumbbell Box Step-ups (Each Side)

Box: 24/20
Dumbbell: 50/35


“People fail to achieve mastery, not because they aren’t talented, but because they aren’t disciplined.”

~Daniel Pink

Our greatest strength as humans: Malleability.

Like playdough, the human being can mold and remold to whatever it desires. It’s incredible when you really think about it.

Yet over time, we can forget that, and say things like “I’m too old for that”, or, “I’ll never be able to do that”. Our playdough stays in a certain form for so long, it hardens. And we can barely move it, if at all.

However, with a single droplet of water at a time, one can start to soften the playdough. The playdough moves again, restored.

We must remember that playdough will always be playdough. We just need to bring the discipline, patience, and hard work… and we’ll take the shape of whatever we seek to be.