Don't forget to do your weekend mobility!
Min 1 | Max Burpees to target
Min 2 | Max Calorie Row
Rest 4:00
Min 1 | Max Alternating Single DB devils press
Min 2 | Max Calorie Bike
Rest 4:00
Min 1 | Max 25’ Shuttle runs
Min 2 | Max Push Ups
Score | Lowest round of each added (6 stations added together)
"You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction."
~George Lorimer
“Win the morning, win the day” is something we’ve all heard a couple times.
It’s less, however, about winning the morning, and more about establishing the right habits. The most successful in life routinely draw back to a core staple of set daily habits.
Write a short list of healthy habits you believe push you forward. It could be reading, journaling, “no phone hours”, or anything in between. Where consistency is king, discipline is freedom.