Thursday September 2, 2021

Erik is flying through his Toes to Bar during Tuesdays WOD!





“If people knew how hard I worked to achieve my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful after all.”


Written by someone recognized as one of the greatest artists of time.

“Natural born talent” is a myth. Movies portray it, sports news glamorizes… the “uncontrollable factor” that leads to such heights of achievement. Yet here he is, Michelangelo himself, expressing his backbone to success.

It’s easy to believe that we can’t control tomorrow. To believe that it is by chance. It’s far harder, to believe that it is within our capabilities. That there is another level of true grit and unrelenting effort we can choose to go. It’s realizing that the great Michelangelo simply worked his ass off… and that we can too.

Greatness is never by chance. It is always by choice. The choice to do the work.

Wednesday September 1, 2021

Sean has some hops!




For Time:

400 Meter Run
15 Unbroken Clean and Jerks (115/85)
400 Meter Run
12 Unbroken Clean and Jerks (115/85)
400 Meter Run
9 Unbroken Clean and Jerks (115/85)
400 Meter Run

Every Additional Break:
200 Meter Penalty Run



“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”

~Peter Drucker

In business, this is ever important for leaders to fully understand. That the culture of a team is everything. Over any marketing plans, product launches… anything.

The same mindset is true for us as athletes.

We’ve all heard the line, “it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog”. And we believe it to be true. The picture perfect strategy, executed half-heartedly, will always be beaten by the less-than-ideal strategy, but executed with full heart.

Our character is our back bone. During round 4 of “Kelly”, or the final minutes of an Open AMRAP, it will not be our “workout strategy” that we fall back to. It’s something deeper. Cultivate that, and everything else falls into place.

Tuesday August 31, 2021

The nooners teaming it up!




For Time:
Thrusters (95/65)
Toes to Bar
Lateral Barbell Burpees 🙂



“It doesn’t matter when we start. It doesn’t matter where we start. All that matters is that we start.”

If you’re human, you’ve felt the burn of waiting too long.
Felt the pain of a missed opportunity, not due to action, but mis-action.

It is wise of us to recognize that it is a human condition to await the better setup. It is our nature to be risk-averse. We want safety, and guaranteed results. Yet the unfortunate guarantee there is that we’ll wake tomorrow in the same place we are today… if not worse.

Just start.
Whatever it is, you’re not too old. You’re not too young. You’re not too busy, too poor, too unprepared. You’re not too tired, too uneducated, and you’re not too weak. You’re ready. The perfect time is now.

Monday August 30, 2021

Wall Walks at any age!



Sunday August 29, 2021

The nooners are getting their mobility on! Don’t forget to work on yours this weekend!


Reminder: There will be Open Gym today from 8:00am to 10:00am. Come get your weekend WOD on!




10 Rounds For Time:
25 Double-Unders
6 Seated Double Dumbbell Strict Press (50/35)
4 Dumbbell Facing Burpees 🙂



“Choices reveal our intentions.”

Every choice we make today is a vote in a certain direction.

If we choose to hit the snooze button today, we are more likely to hit it again tomorrow.
If we choose to have the snack we shouldn’t be having today, we’re more likely to have the same tomorrow.
If we choose to allow negative thoughts to take hold in our mind, we’re more likely to let additional ones consume the rest of our lives.

We realize that the choices we make ultimately will result in the person we become.
Accountable to our thoughts, responsible to our actions.

Saturday August 28, 2021

Dustin is working on his fitness with some Front Squats!


Don’t forget to jump in on Heathers Zoom Yoga today at 9:15am!  Click here to join.



Friday August 27, 2021

Congratulations Watts on our engagement! 




5 Rounds For Time:
400 Meter Run
15 Power Snatches (75/55)
15-12-9-6-3 Handstand Push-Ups



“Most people think they lack motivation when they really lack clarity.”

~James Clear

Rowing harder doesn’t help if the boat is headed in the wrong direction.

When was the last time you sat quietly on where you would be in a year from today?
5 years from today?
10 years?
… 20 years?

It’s blurry, and should be. Yet this pivotal step is far too often missed, rushed, or even avoided all together. The result: we climb a ladder to a window we never fully intended to climb into.

This is where working harder meets working smarter.

In this journey, clarity is a weapon. It will bring light to situations where we need patience, and to others where we need action. Our guardrails as we steamroll down the highway, as effort and drive is our strength. We just need to continue to point ourselves in the right direction.

Thursday August 26, 2021

Staci and Mike are loving how their legs feel during Tuesdays burner!




Hang Squat Clean
For Load:

Increase load every set
Less experienced athletes: 5-5-5-5-5
Additionally, if lifting for the heaviest load is not your goal today, also increase reps per set to 5 in order to stay in line with the intended stimulus.
Score = Log all lifts. Score is heaviest set.

Wednesday August 25, 2021

Julie is working on her Butterfly Chest to Bar Pull-Ups, and she’s killing it!




For Time:
1500/1200 meterRow
1200 meter Run

Rest 3 Minutes

1000/800 meter Row
800 meter Run

Rest 3 Minutes

500/400 meter Row
400 meter Run



“Champions aren’t addicted to tomorrow because they are too busy focusing on today.”

~Nick Saban

To a certain extent, everyone understands the logic behind staying present.
They understand the benefits of focusing on the here and now, void of concern, worry, and speculation of what’s “next”.
Yet when the heat is on, it’s also quite clear to all of us that this is an easier said than done task, where many struggle… and fall.

The root of this problem is something we can all relate to – fear.
The False Reality Appearing Real.

The incorrect belief that we need to act or perform a certain way today, or we won’t reach our goals tomorrow. This is where, in those moments where the mind wanders, we want to center ourselves on something specific:

The goal is not to be perfect tomorrow.
The goal is to be better… today.

Tuesday August 24, 2021

Kristen crushed it on Mondays WOD, setting a new Deadlift PR of 275!




For Time
7 Rounds:
3 Push Press (115/85)
3 Front Squat (Same)
3 Box Jumps (30″/24″)

30/24 Cal Assault Bike

5 Rounds:
3 Push Press (115/85)
3 Front Squat (Same)
3 Box Jumps (30″/24″)

30/24 Cal Assault Bike

3 Rounds:
3 Push Press (115/85)
3 Front Squat (Same)
3 Box Jumps (30″/24″)



“Discipline is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most.”

~Abraham Lincoln

The desire to seek immediate gratification can be our mortal enemy. It drives us towards the comfortable choice. The safer option, or the compromise.

What we lack in those weak moments is discipline. Discipline is the willingness to stick to goals we set out to do. Emotions and conditions can tempt to sway us, where our discipline can see the temptations for what they are, and make the right decision.

This skill, as it truly is one that we can practice, has been linked many times over to being a critical component of success.

What our emotions drive us towards today, may very well be directly against what we want in the long run. So we must question them. Stacked side by side, here we need to choose. Which one do we want more? There can only be one.