Monday August 23, 2021

Ellen is crushing her Toes to Bar!



Sunday August 22, 2021

Justin and Kristen are getting their Wall Walks on!


Reminder: There will be Open Gym today from 8:00am to 10:00am. Come get your weekend WOD on!




3 Rounds For Time:
100 m Double Dumbbell Overhead Carry (50/35)
75 Double-Unders
50 m Double Dumbbell Bear Crawl (50/35)
25 Push-Ups



“Seek not good from without; seek it within yourselves, or you will never find it.”


When something goes right, we’re relatively quick to point to actions we took to get there. But when something goes wrong, it’s all too easy for us to do the opposite. To play the “blame game”, where we’re using external events as excuses.

A core tenant of Mental Toughness is responsibility. To accept that we played a role. But the purpose is not to blame ourselves or throw a pity party. The purpose is that it gives us options.

When we take responsibility and look within, we now are in control. We can now focus on the moves to make to put ourselves into better position. It opens our eyes to the path forward. If we do the opposite however, and blame the externals, we have surrendered control. We won’t have any control, as the story we’re telling ourselves is that outside events determine my path.

Responsibility is a weapon. And it only comes from within.

Saturday August 21, 2021

It’s always a good hair day for Baylie, but Muscle-Ups make it even better!


Don’t forget to jump in on Heathers Zoom Yoga today at 9:15am!  Click here to join.



Friday August 20, 2021

When it rains it pours! The nooners are getting a much needed cool down after Wednesdays WOD!


Happy Birthday Luckey!




For Time:
Power Snatch (75/55)
Before each set of Power Snatch, complete 10/7 Calorie Assault Bike



“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.”

~Scott Adams

How does an echo start?

With a tiny sound. One that in and of itself, might not even be noticeable. But shortly thereafter that soft sound, comes it’s echo. Still maybe nothing to turn heads. Yet, this echo builds upon its previous. And again. And then again. Before we know it, it’s impossible to ignore.

It’s called the “changing of the echos”, and it starts with a single tiny noise. Will we start one today?

Thursday August 19, 2021

James is powering through his Front Squats!



Bench Press
Increase the load across each set
Score = Log loads across all sets

For Time:
15 Wall Walks
After the first minute, and at the top of every minute, complete 4 Box Jump Overs (24/20″)
10:00 Time Cap



“Comparison is the death of joy.”

~Mark Twain

We are indeed out to destroy someone’s standards.
Our own, of yesterday.

The opposite of comparison isn’t forfeit, failure, or complacency.
It’s participation.
It’s the act of joining arms with other like-minded individuals in the pursuit of our own next best version.

Wednesday August 18, 2021

Welcome back Chayden!




21/15 Calorie Row
21 Toes to Bar
21 Front Squats (95/65)

[Rest 4 Minutes]

15/12 Calorie Row
15 Toes to Bar
15 Front Squats (115/85)

[Rest 4 Minutes]

9/6 Calorie Row
9 Toes to Bar
9 Front Squats (135/95)



“Don’t set your heart on so many things.”


At first glance, this almost sounds demoralizing. Yet at the core of this statement is a cause that is so pure: to put “first things first”.

A modern mantra of our lives is that “we can have it all”. Work, family, purpose, success, leisure time. We want all of it… at the same time… and right now.

The pitfall is not the act of having multiple desires, but the lack of prioritization of them. In a world where it’s about the constant pursuit of more, we can lose ourselves in the fog. And where everything is important… nothing is important.

Take a moment today to contemplate our priorities. Are we focused on the right things.

Tuesday August 17, 2021

Lauren is making Olympic lifting look effortless!




For Time:
30/24 Calorie Assault Bike
120 Double-Unders
30/24 Calorie Assault Bike

On the Minute [Starting at 0:00]:
7 Deadlifts (185/135)



“You’ll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut”

~Dr. Suess

This quote is worth reading twice.
We are creatures of habit. We enjoy our routines. From the morning rituals, to the way we warm up for a workout, to our regimented diets and food plans.

Although dialing in the routine is a great thing, it’s important that we remind ourselves to “keep our eyes open.” What Dr. Suess’s quote alludes to is an open mind. Even when we feel we’ve found exactly what works for us, we must resist the urge to close our eyes and ears to new ideas.

There is so much to learn, experience, and challenge ourselves with. That is, if we only keep our eyes open to do so.

Always a student.

Monday August 16, 2021

Congratulations to Gabe for taking 1st place in his devision in Woodward Downhill Mountain Bike race in Park City!



Sunday August 15, 2021

Todd and Sara are bringing it on in!


Happy Birthday Sara Z!


Reminder: There will be Open Gym today from 8:00am to 10:00am. Come get your weekend WOD on!




3 Rounds for Time:
100m Sled Push (or Plate Push/Bear Crawl)
50 Step-Back Reverse Lunges
200m Overhead Plate Carry (45/25)
25 Burpee to a Plate
100m Plate “Gun Walk”
50 V-Ups



“There is a difference between listening, and waiting for your turn to speak.”

~Simon Sinek

Listening is a skill.

To not “hear” the words of another, but to truly be in the moment. To listen sincerely.

Most listen with the intent to reply. That is, as the other is speaking, they’re already formulating what to say next. In these moments, they are no longer listening. We’ve shifted towards “hearing”.

In conversations today, pay close attention to our thoughts as the other is speaking.

The intention is this:
Listen with the intent to understand.
Not to reply.

Saturday August 14, 2021

Teamwork makes the dream work!


Don’t forget to jump in on Heathers Zoom Yoga today at 9:15am!  Click here to join.




On a 20:00 Clock:
Buy-In: 2000 meter Row


Max Rounds With Remaining Time:
15 Power Cleans (95/65)
12 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
9 Thrusters (95/65)

Score = The number of rounds and reps



There are two definitions in the English language for the word “Overcome”.

The first is that we are helpless. Overwhelmed, overrun, and beaten down, one who is “overcome” has lost the battle.

The second difference is the polar opposite. It is to triumph. To square off towards some form of adversity or obstacle, and to win.

These two definitions are on opposite spectrums for a reason. There is no middle ground. Adversity causes some to break. For others, it breaks records.

We don’t run from the fire. We run to it.