Saturday December 4, 2021

The 8am group Lunging it out!




Team of 3:
AMRAP6: Clean & Jerks (135/95)
AMRAP6: Bike Calories
AMRAP6: Wall Balls (20/14)
AMRAP6: Bike Calories
AMRAP6: Build to A Heavy Clean & Jerk

*Score = Total Reps (Clean & Jerks + Bike Calories + Wall Balls + Bike Calories)

*Score = Sum Total Heaviest Loads (Partner 1 Heaviest Load + Partner 2 Heaviest Load + Partner 3 Heaviest Load)



“People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.” -F.M. Alexander

What foundation are we building for our future?

What positive and productive habits are we intentionally creating?

What negative and distracting habits are we actively working to re-pattern?

Focus on the small daily habits if you want to build a more successful future.

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