Wednesday September 21, 2022

MK is working through the Push Jerks during Mondays WOD!


PART 1: Deadlift

Build to a Heavy Set of 20

*Score = Heaviest Load

PART 2: “The Rest Is History”

3 Rounds For Time [20 Minute Cap]:
30 Lateral Barbell Burpees 🙂
20 Hang Power Cleans (115/85)
100 Double Unders

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds

*Score = Time it takes to complete the workout, including rest.


“If failure is not an option, neither is success.”

We fear the one who is willing to lose it all. The one who is willing to play full out with no reserves. The one who swings for the fences.

That’s a dangerous person. Dangerous enough… to accomplish something great.

We all have a comfort zone. A status quo. It’s warm, cozy, and familiar. But it’s a box, with a ceiling and walls that we can see and touch. It’s a world that cannot grow further than what it’s already grown to.

If we want to grow, we have to climb out of that world into the unknown. To face that chance that we may fall flat on our face, because we’re walking in new ground. Yet, as much as a “swing and a miss” may sting a bit, there’s something far worse. Worse than any of that is the pain of knowing that we didn’t try.

Life is so short.
There’s no time to bunt.
Let’s swing for the fences.

Tuesday September 20, 2022

Cam is crushing her Clean and Jerks from Fridays WOD!




5 Rounds For Time:
400 Meter Run
30 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
30 Wall Balls (20/14)

*Score = Time it takes to complete the workout


“75% Emotional, 25% Physical”

It’s said that the hardest part about anything is starting. And that once we just take that first step, the successive action seems to just fall into place. And there’s absolutely merit to that… an object in motion tends to stay in motion (Newton).

But beyond the surface we want to recognize the truth about us as human beings… that we are emotional creatures. And that our ultimate success is less dependent on the physical actions we take, and more on the emotional backings behind them.

We can conceptualize “successful action” in this way: 25% of it is the physical side. The actual hands in the dirt, grunt work. This stuff matters, of course. But these specific and granular “whats” only account to a quarter of the recipe.

75% of it is the emotional side. The story that plays between our ears as we’re underway. We’re going to hit bumps in the road, and how we internalize obstacles determines our path forward more than anything else. How do we respond when it’s a “bad day?”, and we’re missing every single snatch attempt?

When we think about it that way, successful action isn’t just about what we’re doing, and far more about how we’re doing it. Despite the battle being in our hands, it’s won in our mind.


Monday September 19, 2022

Dan is leading the group in from their Farmers Carry!



PART 1: Strict Press

Build to a Heavy Set of 3

*Score = Heaviest Load

PART 2: “Lynne’s Twin”

500/400 Meter Bike
Max Unbroken Push Jerks (135/95)
500/400 Meter Bike
Max Unbroken Strict Pull-Ups

*Score = Total Reps


“Bread today is better than cake tomorrow”

~Chinese Proverb

There is a common misconception about drive. That if we pause to celebrate today, that we will lose our fire for tomorrow. We’ll lose our competitive edge. And we’ll be satisfied with where we are.

Something we want to recognize: Gratitude is not linked to a lack of drive. Or a lack of performance. It’s actually quite the opposite.

There’s a hormone in our brain called dopamine. It’s the “feel good” hormone. And it’s released whenever we hit that big lift, PR that workout, or just do something well. Call it the celebration hormone.

When athletes go wrong here, it’s because they fail to see something:
That dopamine is incredibly, incredibly addicting.

Think back to when you were first starting CrossFit, and let’s say you were in class. You’re thinking and working hard on your technique, and coach walks by and catches you with marked improvement to your form. He/She says – “Hey.. freakin’ nice job there. That’s an incredible improvement!”.

How would you feel? Think about it for a moment. I think we would have felt proud, accomplished, and… eager for the next one. The next praise. Because that felt good. And I want that next one. So I’m going to bust my ass even harder now to get my technique even better.

Now purely for thought – take the opposite. Pretend you never got that praise, ever. It’s only “not good enough” at all times. Fast forward 2 years. Which athlete is thriving?

Dopamine is a weapon. An absolute weapon. We just need to use it properly. Celebrate today, if for no other reason, than because it will make us even hungrier for tomorrow.

Sunday September 18, 2022

Reminder: There will be Open Gym today from 8:00am to 10:00am. Come get your weekend WOD on!



Sweaty Sunday [PICK ONE]

10 Sets:
400 Meter Run
1 Minute Rest

10 Sets:
500 Meter Row
1 Minute Rest

10 Sets:
1,000 Meter Bike
1 Minute Rest


“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.”

~Edmund Burke

Saturday September 17, 2022

Everybody jump!



“Restless Legs”

[Teams of 2]
12 Toes to Bar
20 Double Dumbbell Reverse Lunges (50’s/35’s)

*Partners Switch After 500/400 meter Row

*Score = Rounds + Reps


“There will never be a better you, than you.”

There is a lot to be said about authenticity.
The first definition inside Merriam-Webster reads, “worthy of acceptance or belief.”
If there’s one sure way to find failure in something, it’s through not being ourselves. It just doesn’t pan out in the long run. While we always remain a student, the harm lies when we blur the lines between emulating the traits of our mentors… with trying to actually be them.

Our mentors do not wish for us to follow in their footsteps.
Our mentors wish for us to go further. To blaze the path further than before.

We have incredible leaders to guide us. But it is now on us to push even further. And there’s no one suited better for that, than you.

Friday September 16, 2022

Bob and James are the two best friends!



“Well Rounded”

10 Rounds For Time:
3 Clean and Jerks (155/105)
200 Meter Run
1 Round of “Cindy”

*Score = Time it takes to complete the workout


“Vision is the bottleneck of effort.”

We talk a lot about effort.
It’s the gasoline that will drive us to our destination. And there is no substitute.
It’s often however not that effort is lacking when we aren’t reaching our goals… and instead, it’s a lack of direction.

There are many highly capable people in this world. They have the gasoline and the horsepower behind it. But where they direct that energy is the misstep. When they wanted to travel from the East Coast to the West Coast, they found themselves in the South. The largest pity is that all along, they had the right address in the GPS… but they failed to check back on it often enough to ensure they were on the correct route.

We pride ourselves in our horsepower. Your raw effort. We just need to get ourselves pointed in the right direction, and the rest will fall into place.

Thursday September 15, 2022

Erin is looking strong as she works through her 50 pound Dumbbell Snatches!



PART 1: Back Squat

Build to a Heavy Set of 8

*Score = Heaviest Load

PART 2: “Supper Time”

4/3 Calorie Bike
100 Meter Farmers Carry
8/6 Calorie Bike
100 Meter Farmers Carry
12/9 Calorie Bike
100 Meter Farmers Carry

Add 4/3 Calories Per Round

Dumbbells: (50’s/35’s)

*Score = Total Rounds + Reps


“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I’ll remember. Involve me, and I’ll learn.”

~Benjamin Franklin

The musician doesn’t learn by listening. The musician learns by playing. It’s how the mind, in its ever plastic state, adapts. It responds to application.

In Edgar Dale’s “Cone of Learning”, we learn:
10% of what we read.
20% of what we hear.
30% of what we see.
50% of what we hear and see.
70% of what we say and write.
90% of what we actually participate in.

Information without application, is knowledge.
Information with application, is wisdom.

Wednesday September 14, 2022

Coop is crushing the heavy DB Snatches from last weeks team WOD!



“Pyramid Scheme”

For Time [30 Minute Cap]:
20 Double Unders, 2 Hang Snatches
40 Double Unders, 4 Hang Snatches
60 Double Unders, 6 Hang Snatches
80 Double Unders, 8 Hang Snatches
100 Double Unders, 10 Hang Snatches

Directly Into…

30 Sit-ups, 1,000 Meter Run
30 Sit-ups, 800 Meter Run
30 Sit-ups, 600 Meter Run
30 Sit-ups, 400 Meter Run
30 Sit-ups, 200 Meter Run

Barbell: (115/85)

*Score = Time it takes to complete the workout



“You can easily judge the character of a person by how they treat those who can do nothing for them.”

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Cue, craving, response, reward.
In “Atomic Habits”, by James Clear, this is the loop process that determines many of our actions.

A large part of the above is the final piece – the reward. We can be reward oriented beings. It’s not a bad thing by itself, but we do find ourselves in trouble when it is the only thing.

The quote above gives us something to think about. Some time today, we’ll come across the individual who can offer us the least in return. As in, there won’t be a reward for whatever action we have the option of taking. We’ll know who it is when we see them.

How we act inside that moment is the reality of our character.

Tuesday September 13, 2022

Mark is flying through the 9/11 remembrance WOD like a super hero!



PART 1: Deadlift

Build to a Heavy Single

*Score = Heaviest Load

PART 2: “Ball Don’t Lie”

For Time [20 Minute Cap]:
150 Wall Balls (20/14)

Every 2 Minutes:
18/14 Calorie Row

*Score = Time it takes to complete the workout


“Do not fear failure. But be terrified of regret.”

~Ashley Soughtley Spaulding

The reality of life is that we will hear more “no’s” than “yes’s”.
And we will fail.
A lot.

But despite the hundreds of doors closed on our phase, the hundreds of times we are told “no way”, they will never haunt us. What we will regret will be the instances where we gave up. Where we told *ourselves” no.

We don’t fear failure… we welcome it. It’s where the learning occurs. Where the real magic happens.

Monday September 12, 2022

Ingrid has been working so hard and she is crushing it!


Reminder: The 10:30am WOD is changing to 10:00am starting today! Don’t forget to sign in on the Mindbody app.



“4-Wheel Drive”

5 Rounds x AMRAP 4:
21/15 Calorie Bike
15 Burpee Box Jumps (24″/20″)
Max Shuttle Runs (10 Meters)

Rest 4 Minutes

*Score = Total Shuttle Runs


“The soul is like a bowl of water.”


It’s ok to get ruffled sometimes.
We are indeed human, and we will get emotional too.

The analogy that Epictetus depicts for us is that even though we can be rocked, knocked around, shaken… through disciplined stillness, we can always find emotional stability. The visual is quite relatable: a bowl of water, disturbed from some event, has ripples running throughout it. It’s not at rest.

But with disciplined focus and effort, we can regain stillness. Often faster than we think.
In the moments where we are most shaken, remind ourselves of this visual. No matter how bad things get, everything is recoverable.