Monday March 20, 2023

Happy Birthday Casey!



Part 1: Overhead Squat

Build to a heavy set of 3

Part 2: “Fighting Words”

3 Rounds For Total Reps:
1 Minute Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
1 Minute Overhead Squats
1 Minute Double-Unders
1 Minute Power Snatches
1 Minute Bar-Facing Burpees 🙂
1 Minute Rest

Barbell: (75/55)

Daily Mindset

“Life is a wonderful, wonderful opera… except that it hurts.”

~Joseph Campbell

Our life is a summation of what we think about. It’s what the human brain is programmed to do – to pay attention to what we’re thinking about.

If we are in the market to buy a silver Toyota, all we see are silver Toyotas on the road. It’s as if they suddenly appeared out of the sky, yet… they were there all along. It’s called the “Reticular Activation System”. We simply notice more of something if we’re focused on it.

Now replace the silver Toyota with a harmful emotion… such as feeling like the world is out to get us. Feeling like we aren’t important. Feeling frustrated. It becomes exaggerated, monopolizing our thoughts. If we look for the negative, it will be there in droves. But… if we look for the positive, it will be there just as powerfully.

Are we going to see the wonderful opera, or are we going to be distracted by the pain?

Sunday March 19, 2023

Becky is staying as consistent as ever as she works through her Wall Balls!



“Sweaty Sunday”

Max Meter Row, Bike, or Run

Rest 4 Minutes

For Time:
Distance Completed In Part 1

Daily Mindset

“It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that what we do is more important than what we are. Of course, it’s the opposite. What we are, ultimately determines what we do.”

~Mr. Rogers

It always starts with character. It always starts from within.

We can become tunnel visioned on the loud moments. Or the “exciting” moments. Standing on the podium, hitting a PR, getting a new job. But those moments in time don’t define us. Those moments in time are simply reflections of what we already have become.

If thoughts ultimately become actions, we know where we need to start.

Saturday March 18, 2023

Jake is right back at it after his Shoulder surgery! Proof that it’s ok to scale!



“Down With The Strictness”

3 Strict Pull-ups
6 Power Cleans (115/85)
9 Box Jumps (24″/20″)

400 Meter Run

Daily Mindset

“Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.”

~John Wooden

This isn’t about optimism.
This is about opportunity.

Urban Meyer coined the equation “Event + Response = Outcome”.
A simple three-word phrase that speaks to the power of choice.

When an event takes place, we will have a moment in time where we will make a mental choice. To soak in the pity of loss, or to take action in the moment of opportunity. The event does not change… but the outcome, based on our response, dramatically can.

We are always in control. We just need to take it.

Friday March 17, 2023


Baylie and Buddy getting their Spring Run on!



Part 1: Thruster

Build to a heavy set of 5

Part 2: “Rust Bucket”

21 AbMat Sit-Ups
15 Push-Ups
9 Thrusters (95/65)

Daily Mindset

“Don’t wait for your turn. It’s always your turn.”

~Seth Godin

The perfect moment will never come.

We want to acknowledge a thousand-year-old tendency that we have… that of protection. In an attempt to stay “safe”, the human mind will resist change. And will attempt to convince itself that the time is not right. That the conditions are not “favorable enough”. The laundry list grows.

It starts with awareness. Being conscious that this “resistance” is self-driven.
It ends with action, as it is indeed your turn.

Thursday March 16, 2023

Ellen is working through her Rope Climbs with ease!



“Up Down”

3 Rounds For Time:
1,000-800-600 Meter Row
50-40-30 Dumbbell Reps (50/35)’s
5-4-3 Rope Climbs (15′)

Round 1: Deadlifts
Round 2: Bench Press
Round 3: Front Squats

Daily Mindset

A short story.

One day, a man won a brand new car in the lottery. Thrilled, his relatives came to visit and congratulate him. They said, “Isn’t it great? You’re so lucky!”. The man replied, “Maybe”.

A few weeks passed, and suddenly the man was hit in the car by a drunk driver, leaving him in the hospital with multiple injuries. His family once again came to visit him, now saying, “That was really unfortunate.”. Again the man replied, “Maybe”.

A few more weeks passed, and as the man is recovering in the hospital, a landslide takes his home into the sea. His family comes back, saying “Aren’t you lucky you weren’t at home, and instead here at the hospital!” Again, he replied, “Maybe”.

The man’s “maybe” signifies a refusal to judge anything that may happen. Instead of judging what is, he accepts it as so, moving consciously into alignment with whatever comes his way.

Wednesday March 15, 2023

Rye is flying through her Burpees!



Part 1: Jerk Complex

Build to a Heavy:
1 Push Jerk
1 Split Jerk

Part 2: “Duck, Duck, Goose”

2 Rounds For Time:
400 Meter Run
21 Push Jerks (135/95)
120 Double-Unders

Time Cap: 15 Minutes

Daily Mindset

“If you have everything under control, you’re not moving fast enough.” 

~Mario Andretti

When we are truly going for it, there is an unmistakable sense of being slightly out of control.

The author of this quote, Mario Andretti, is one of the most successful race car drivers of all time. To bank turns at speeds that could without question kill, and do it with this mindset, speaks to the feeling of chasing down something great.

We won’t be 100% sure what’s around that next corner.
But we’re going anyway.

Anything worth doing, will elicit really, really uncomfortable feelings. The separating factor is our ability to settle in the eye of the storm. To find our calm, and to dive into the next turn at 100mph… even when we don’t know for sure what’s around the bend. Do we get lost in the chaos, or does our focus and commitment to our true north continue our path forward?

Tuesday March 14, 2023

Casey, Ellen, and Coop are soaking up all the sun they can get while working through their Tabata Push-Ups!



“Lead Foot”

27/21 Calorie Row
27 Burpees 🙂
27 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

rest 4 minutes

21/15 Calorie Row
21 Burpees 🙂
21 Toes to Bar

rest 4 minutes

15/9 Calorie Row
15 Burpees 🙂
15 Pull-Ups

Daily Mindset

“Alright. They’re to the front of us, to the left and right, and behind us. We’re surrounded…. They can’t escape us now.” 

~General Chesty Puller, United States Marine Corps

Greatly outnumbered, General Puller drove his Marines that day to victory. It was for no other reason than they believed they could. To accomplish anything extraordinary, we first need to believe it’s possible.

That sounds ridiculously obvious. Yet when we think a bit more on it, we come to realize that we can be the first to tell ourselves that next task or goal is not possible. We can talk ourselves out of action with negative compounding thoughts. Concern, worry, doubt, fear. We can be our own worst enemy.

Like the Marines that day, sometimes we just need to get out of our own head, and do what we do best. Work. Even when we’re out-gunned. Out-“talented”. Out of time, out of resources, out of everything. Even when every damn reason tells us we can’t… let’s go win. That’s what we do.

Monday March 13, 2023

Erin is looking strong as she works through her Wall Walks during Open WOD 23.3!



Part 1: Back Squat

Build to a heavy set of 5

Part 2: “Play Ball”

3 Rounds For Time:
10 Power Snatches (115/85)
20 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
30 Wallballs (20/14)

Time Cap: 15 Minutes

Daily Mindset

Science has measured humans to have 20,000 genes.
Some onions have 40,000.

The idea of better or worse “gene pools” is a myth. True for our skin and hair color at birth, but not at all towards our potential in life.

Another “gene” controls that. It’s called “Epigenetics”. A fancy word that says, we are the ultimate adaptation machine. We respond to our environment, and most specifically, to stress.

The great thing about Epigenetics is that we’re all born with it.
We just need to get after it.

Sunday March 12, 2023

Baylie is working through the Double-unders of 23.3 as she absolutely crushes the Open!



“Sweaty Sunday” [PICK ONE]

8 Sets:
30 Calorie Row

Rest 1 Minute

8 Sets:
30 Calorie Bike Erg

Rest 1 Minute

8 Sets:
400 Meter Run

Rest 1 Minute

Daily Mindset

“Bread today is better than cake tomorrow”

~Chinese Proverb

There is a common misconception about drive. That if we pause to celebrate today, that we will lose our fire for tomorrow. We’ll lose our competitive edge. And we’ll be satisfied with where we are.

Something we want to recognize: Gratitude is not linked to a lack of drive. Or a lack of performance. It’s actually quite the opposite.

There’s a hormone in our brain called dopamine. It’s the “feel good” hormone. And it’s released whenever we hit that big lift, PR that workout, or just do something well. Call it the celebration hormone.

When athletes go wrong here, it’s because they fail to see something:
That dopamine is incredibly, incredibly addicting.

Think back to when you were first starting CrossFit, and let’s say you were in class. You’re thinking and working hard on your technique, and coach walks by and catches you with marked improvement to your form. He/She says – “Hey.. freakin’ nice job there. That’s an incredible improvement!”.

How would you feel? Think about it for a moment. I think we would have felt proud, accomplished, and… eager for the next one. The next praise. Because that felt good. And I want that next one. So I’m going to bust my ass even harder now to get my technique even better.

Now purely for thought – take the opposite. Pretend you never got that praise, ever. It’s only “not good enough” at all times. Fast forward 2 years. Which athlete is thriving?

Dopamine is a weapon. An absolute weapon. We just need to use it properly. Celebrate today, if for no other reason, than because it will make us even hungrier for tomorrow.

Saturday March 11, 2023

Stef is crushing her Overhead squats during Mondays WOD!



“The Triplet Triplet”

4 Rounds For Time:
50 Synchro Air Squats
400 Meter Run (Together)
30 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)

Time Cap: 30 Minutes