Thursday May 18, 2023

“You Dip, I Dip, We Dip!”



“Heart & Swole”

For Time:
2,000 Meter Row
50 Bench Press (185/125)

Partition As Needed


“If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.”


Wednesday May 17, 2023

Monica is pushing through her Power Snatches!



Part 1: Strict Press

Build to a heavy single

Part 2: “Road Kill”

3 Rounds For Time:
400 Meter Run
21-15-9 Thrusters (95/65)
1,000 Meter Bike


“Beast Mode doesn’t make excuses. It doesn’t complain. Whatever you’re doing, go out there and get it done. Keep pushing. If I have a bad game, I think about what I have to do to return to form. Figure it out, go to sleep, and wake up a new man.”

~Matt Kemp

Tuesday May 16, 2023

Eleanor is getting set for her heavy set of Deadlifts!



“Jump Around”

50/40 Calorie Row
20 Power Snatches (95/65)
Max Burpees Over Rower

Rest 5 Minutes

50/40 Calorie Row
20 Power Snatches (95/65)
Max Bar-Facing Burpees

Rest 5 Minutes

50/40 Calorie Row
20 Power Snatches (95/65)
Max Burpee Pull-Ups


“Procrastination makes easy things hard, hard things harder.”

~Mason Cooley

Monday May 15, 2023

Bob aint afraid to push the weight!



Part 1: Back squat

Build to a heavy set of 3

Part 2: “Ante Up”

6 Toes to Bar
30 Double-Unders
1-2-3…Dumbbell Squats

Dumbbells: (50’s/35’s)


“You need to put what you learn into practice and do it over and over again until it’s a habit. I always say, ‘Seeing is not believing. Doing is believing.’ There is a lot to learn about fitness, nutrition and emotions, but once you do, you can master them instead of them mastering you.”

~Brett Hoebel

Sunday May 14, 2023

Happy Mothers Day to all our incredible CFD moms!



“The Mother Lode”

Hand Release Push-Ups
Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
Wallballs (20/14) (10 ft./9 ft.)

Daily Mindset

“One can have no smaller or greater mastery, than mastery of oneself.”

~Leonardo DiVinci

Leonardo DiVinci was one of the first documented individuals to believe that humans could take flight.

Imagine living back then, when the idea was first expressed. Talk about a nightmarish idea! The thought of hurling humans into the air, like a bird, with no guarantee of landing. Pretty damn amazing how his prediction came true, despite it all.

The quote at the top is an expression of such a thing. To believe, to master his mind, despite what all external “sources” may be offering in response. He knew of the risks, and well recognized the fears. But he believed it to be possible regardless.

It’s good to acknowledge the primary job of our brain – to keep us safe.
It’s going to aim to convince us that we want to avoid risk, danger, and failure.
The saying “it’s you versus you” is accurate.
It’s not the competition that will beat us. It will only be ourselves.

Saturday May 13, 2023

Good Luck Judd!




Every 10 Minutes x 3 Rounds:
800 Meter Team Run
Max Calorie Bike*

* 5 Strict Pull-Ups Every Time You Get Off Bike

Daily Mindset

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

~Dr. Seuss

People aren’t thinking about you.
People are thinking about what you are thinking about them.
Just think about it for a second.

We’ve all been in that rabbit hole… moving about our day wondering what others think of us. In an effort to please everyone, or to “look right”.

Taken from a children’s book, this quote… is anything but childish. In a world where we can be consumed with the thoughts of another’sthoughts… we can realize that we may be “minding” things that we don’t need to.

Your buck stops with you.
My buck stops with me.
And that’s all that really matters.

Friday May 12, 2023

Post WOD spontaneous Sit-Ups! 



Part 1: Deadlift

Build to a heavy set of 5

Part 2: “Double Time”

5 Rounds For Time:
12 Deadlifts (155/105)
9 Handstand Push-Ups
60 Double-Unders

Daily Mindset

“Shallow people believe in luck and circumstance. Strong people believe in cause and effect.”

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

We can choose to believe that life is happening to us, or that we are fully in control.

We could stand by, and wait for life to happen to us. Or, we can choose to believe that we have a say in our own story. That we are the writers of our own script.

Life is a direct reflection of the choices that we make. That the good, bag, ugly, and everything in between is a direct result of our actions. It’s a cop-out to believe that chance is what makes the great, great. If we can train ourselves to truly believe that everything is by choice, opportunity opens.

Thursday May 11, 2023

Lauri, dipping out of her Muscle-Up!



“When I Dip, You Dip, We Dip”

For Time:
135 Calorie Row
90 Overhead Squats (95/65)
45 Strict Ring Dips

Partition As Needed


“The fact of the matter, is that it’s just my opinion.”

~Benjamin Franklin

Have you ever caught yourself saying, “Well the fact of the matter is…”?

Sometimes we can be so sure of something, that we forget that it’s actually not a fact. And that it’s truthfully just our opinion.

We are a proud, dedicated group. With strong, passionate beliefs. That is an amazing quality, and on the character level, one we do want to cultivate. Yet, there is a tipping point here.

We can hold such strong thoughts about something, that we can literally blind ourselves to another perspective. Another way of doing things. To continue to grow into the next best version of ourselves, Franklin’s quote brings us back to a core focus of ours, humility. To always have an open mind, and to always be a student.

Wednesday May 10, 2023

The noon crew is taking advantage of the sunshine as they work through the Bike!



Part 1: Push Jerk

Build to a heavy set of 3

Part 2: “Graceland”

5 Rounds x AMRAP 3:
5 Clean & Jerks (135/95)
10 Toes to Bar
15 Box Jumps (24″/20″)

Rest 1 Minute

Daily Mindset

“One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness. It usually comes back to you.”


Science has proven that showing kindness to another elicits one of the most powerful hormonally driven emotions we can feel. But what is even more interesting, is that kindness is contagious.

Think back to the last time you saw someone else doing something generous. Maybe it was as simple of a gesture as someone holding the door open for an elderly citizen entering a store. Or when another randomly buys the next person in line behind them their coffee at the drive-through Starbucks. Think back to those moments… How did you feel, witnessing that? Did it make you feel more generous?

If kindness is contagious, we just need to start the chain.

Tuesday May 9, 2023

Dr. D isn’t letting his “baby bump” get in the way of his Saturday workout!



“Jerry” [HERO]

For Time:
1 Mile Run
2,000 Meter Row
1 Mile Run



“The carpenter doesn’t show up to the job with a single hammer, and a single nail.”

To the carpenter, no two jobs are the same.
Despite years of experience, the carpenter knows their toolbox is only as good as their last project.

Think of every skill we practice as a vote towards a larger goal.
The goal is to always build the toolbox.
To never accept things because of a way we did them in the past. To always stay open to the next “tool”.

As students of our craft, we can draw many similarities to the carpenter.
Let’s treat every “job” as an opportunity to build, but not just in a single way.
The project, but also, the toolbox.