Tuesday December 24, 2019

We want to wish all of you a Very Merry Christmas!


Happy Birthday Carmen and Mauree!


The Holiday schedule for the week of Christmas will be as follows: Monday will be the normal schedule. Tuesday we will run the regular daytime schedule but there will be NO evening WOD’s. Wednesday (Christmas Day) we will be closed. Thursday the 26th we will run an 8:00 and 10:00am WOD. The rest of the week will be the regular schedule. Thanks for understanding and Happy Holidays!
Reminder: Make sure to schedule your time with Dexa Body by clicking here! they have opened more time slots, but spaces are limited, so get it done ASAP!


“The Twelve Days of CrossFit”
Compare to 12/24/18
1 Christmas Power Snatch (95#/65#)
2 Ring Dips
3 Burpees 🙂🙂
4 Pull-Ups
5 Toes to Bar
6 Push-Ups
7 Air Squats
8 Jumping Lunges (each jump = 1 rep)
9 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
10 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
11 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
12 Thrusters (95#/65#)

This workout is done just like the song-Round 1 = 1 Christmas Power Snatch, Round 2 = 2 Ring Dips and 1 Power Snatch -etc. Until all 12 rounds are complete.



‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the Box
Not a creature was stirring, not even Buddy;
The plates were all stacked by the barbells with care,
In hopes that CrossFitters soon would be there;
The Athletes were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of vegetables danced in their heads;
And mauree in herLulu Lemon leggings, and I in my beanie,
Had just downloaded workout songs, mostly bad rap,
When out in the lot there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the office to see what was the matter.
Away to the bay door I flew like a flash,
I opened the lock and pulled it up fast.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a Big Bob push-sled stacked with plates to your ears,
With a rugged old power lifter, lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick. (or maybe just Nick Hoggan)
Stronger than Ron Coleman and twice as great,
He whistled, and shouted, and called out “Light Weight!”;
From the top of the driveway! to the end of the street!
He pushed that sled around with lightning quick feet!”
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So out to the Interstate throwing sparks out the back,
With the sled stacked so heavy the roadway had cracked.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
I saw piles of new equipment spread over the ground.
And I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
“Merry CrossFit to All and to All a
Good Night!”



“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.”

~Dr. Suess

Words from a children’s book, but words that reach far beyond.

It’s easy to get caught up in “life”.
To be so focused on chasing our next goal. Hunting that next accomplishment.

Dr. Suess gives us a grounding thought: to value the present. To appreciate the moments in front of us, despite how tempting it may be to look ahead. In today’s world, we’re moving faster than ever. Planning more than ever. Forecasting more than ever. But in all the plans that we could possibly dream up, regardless of how big and audacious as they may be, they do not create memories. Only today can.

Monday December 23, 2019

Justin and Estee are getting some much needed couples time in with their WOD!
The Holiday schedule for the week of Christmas will be as follows: Monday will be the normal schedule. Tuesday we will run the regular daytime schedule but there will be NO evening WOD’s. Wednesday (Christmas Day) we will be closed. Thursday the 26th we will run an 8:00 and 10:00am WOD. The rest of the week will be the regular schedule. Thanks for understanding and Happy Holidays!
Reminder: Make sure to schedule your time with Dexa Body by clicking here! they have opened more time slots, but spaces are limited, so get it done ASAP!


Every 5 Minutes x 5 Rounds:
20/14 Calorie Row
20 x 10 Meter Shuttle Sprints
20/14 Calorie Assault Bike


“Think like an immigrant. Act like an artisan.”

To “think like an immigrant”… where nothing is owed to me. Nothing promised. There’s no legacy spot awaiting me, and I’m not owed a job, a title bump, or a promotion. That no matter what or who I was yesterday, I’m brand new here, today. So I better plan to work harder than I ever have before to achieve my goals.

And to act, “like an artisan”. In the middle-ages, before mass production, every pair of shoes, every saddle, tool and utensil were made by hand. All one-off productions. By a creator, called an artisan. Artisans took great pride in their work, and would carve their initials into each piece they created.

Regardless of what we’ve accomplished, nothing is owed to us. Yesterday is gone, and we must earn today. And in everything we do, let’s take so much care that we could proudly etch our name into the side of our work for the world to see. We are humble, we are hungry, and we are the hardest damn workers in the room.

Sunday December 22, 2019

Emily is looking strong as she works through her Push Jerks!
The Holiday schedule for the week of Christmas will be as follows: Monday will be the normal schedule. Tuesday we will run the regular daytime schedule but there will be NO evening WOD’s. Wednesday (Christmas Day) we will be closed. Thursday the 26th we will run an 8:00 and 10:00am WOD. The rest of the week will be the regular schedule. Thanks for understanding and Happy Holidays!


Back Squat
3 Sets of 5

Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
Wallballs (20/14)

Daily Mindset

“We grow small trying to be great.”

~E. Stanley Jones

Saturday December 21, 2019

This is what 72 should look like! Beck is cashing out with Wall Walks!

The Holiday schedule for the week of Christmas will be as follows: Monday will be the normal schedule. Tuesday we will run the regular daytime schedule but there will be NO evening WOD’s. Wednesday (Christmas Day) we will be closed. Thursday the 26th we will run an 8:00 and 10:00am WOD. The rest of the week will be the regular schedule. Thanks for understanding and Happy Holidays!


“Mile High”
For Time:
800 Meter Run
50 Power Snatches (75/55)
800 Meter Run
5 Rope Climbs
800 Meter Run
50 Lateral Barbell Burpees 🙂

*If unable to run, complete one of the following:
1000 Meter Row
60/40 Calorie Assault Bike


“Never confuse movement, with action”

~Ernest Hemingway

“Busy work” is our mortal enemy.

“Movement” here refers to taking care of the pressing and loud items in our day. The emails. The text messages. The bills. Parts that need to be done eventually, but are seemingly far more urgent in the moment than they are in reality. For at the days end, as we climb into bed, the days that were consumed with such busy work leave us feeling the least fulfilled. “What the hell did I do today?”

This is because “movement” does not push us towards our goals. Only action does. Action is premeditated effort, driven by purpose. It’s calculated energy, versus reactive “movement”. It’s swimming forward, versus treading water.

This quote urges us to recognize the difference between the two. Are we are we in motion, or are we in action?

Friday December 20, 2019

Erin is getting in touch with her inner Zen Ninja during Thursdays Group Fun!
The Holiday schedule for the week of Christmas will be as follows: Monday will be the normal schedule. Tuesday we will run the regular daytime schedule but there will be NO evening WOD’s. Wednesday (Christmas Day) we will be closed. Thursday the 26th we will run an 8:00 and 10:00am WOD. The rest of the week will be the regular schedule. Thanks for understanding and Happy Holidays!

Benchmark WOD

Build to Heavy Single

Compare to 1/4/19
21.15.9 rep rounds of:
Thrusters 95/65

“The New You” New Year Nutrition Challenge Information

From January 6th until February 17th

We’re challenging you to feel more alive then any other time in your life. During these 42 days, in the form of points, we’re going to reward you for good behaviors and punish you for bad behaviors. We’re going to require a lot in order to participate, but in exchange you are going to earn the ability to say you gave it your all and made positive steps towards health and performance. We’ll give you the data to back it up too. Here’s the details:

The challenge will run for 42 days. In order to compete for the prizes, you must
complete the following: pre/post pictures, pre/post body composition measurements.  The cost of this challenge is $50, buy-in has to be either via check or cash (because we know you’re gonna get it back!)
Each meal has a positive, negative, or neutral value:
-2 Cheat meal: not Paleo quality, not Zone quantity. (-10 possible per day)
+2 Zone meal: standard Zone rules apply (10 possible per day)
+2 Paleo meal: all Paleo rules apply (10 possible per day)
*** PWO will be considered Paleo/Zone if it consists of Whey protein & coconut juice

“Rules of 5” bonus points:

+1 Five meals per day (1 possible/day)
+1 Fewer than 5 hours between meals (1 possible/day)
-1 More than 5 blocks per meal (-5 possible per day)
-1 For a non paleo meal (-5 possible per day)


-10 Fewer than 3 WODs/week
+0 Three WODs/week
+10 Four WODs/week
+20 Five or more WODs/week

Bonus points:

+1 For cashing out
+1 For doing a mobility WOD each day
+1 64oz of H20 in a day
+1 8+ hours of sleep, including naps


-1 For each alcoholic beverage
-1 No PWO meal (before leaving the gym)
-1 Fewer than 3 grams of fish oil/day

Are you in it to win it? Only 42 days to the “New You”!



“Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.”

Although “knowledge” and “wisdom” are words often lumped into the same category, they are miles apart. The difference between the two: application.

Gaining knowledge, in and of itself, is relatively simple. But purely gaining knowledge doesn’t change who we are. We can place a turbocharged engine under the hood, but it’s not connected to the drivetrain, we won’t drive faster. We might even drive slower, clouding our efforts with “unusable weight”.

Wisdom on the other hand, takes effort. It takes trial, error, pain, blood, sweat, and tears. And it’s a lifelong practice.

Knowing is not half the battle. It’s not even a quarter. It’s the first 10%, if that. What we are after, is knowledge in action.

Thursday December 19, 2019

The 4:30 group getting their mobility on before Tuesdays Snatches!
Announcement: We can not believe how fast this year has gone by! That means it’s almost time for another New Year Nutrition Challenge! We will be starting the challenge on January 6th. If you’re interested in participating, put your name on the board.  We will also be having Dexa Body coming to take body composition on January 7th between 4:00pm and 8:00pm, click here to schedule a time. Slots will fill up fast!


Option 1:
“Eighth Grade”
Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
Assault Bike Calories
Kettlebell Box Step-ups (53/35 to 24/20)
Assault Bike Calories

8 Rounds:
20 Second On
10 Second Off

Option 2:
Make up a WOD that you missed, or a WOD that you have really been wanting to try, work on skills, etc!

*You must still come to one of the regularly scheduled WOD times.

“The New You” New Year Nutrition Challenge Information

From January 6th until February 17th

We’re challenging you to feel more alive then any other time in your life. During these 42 days, in the form of points, we’re going to reward you for good behaviors and punish you for bad behaviors. We’re going to require a lot in order to participate, but in exchange you are going to earn the ability to say you gave it your all and made positive steps towards health and performance. We’ll give you the data to back it up too. Here’s the details:

The challenge will run for 42 days. In order to compete for the prizes, you must
complete the following: pre/post pictures, pre/post body composition measurements.  The cost of this challenge is $50, buy-in has to be either via check or cash (because we know you’re gonna get it back!)
Each meal has a positive, negative, or neutral value:
-2 Cheat meal: not Paleo quality, not Zone quantity. (-10 possible per day)
+2 Zone meal: standard Zone rules apply (10 possible per day)
+2 Paleo meal: all Paleo rules apply (10 possible per day)
*** PWO will be considered Paleo/Zone if it consists of Whey protein & coconut juice

“Rules of 5” bonus points:

+1 Five meals per day (1 possible/day)
+1 Fewer than 5 hours between meals (1 possible/day)
-1 More than 5 blocks per meal (-5 possible per day)
-1 For a non paleo meal (-5 possible per day)


-10 Fewer than 3 WODs/week
+0 Three WODs/week
+10 Four WODs/week
+20 Five or more WODs/week

Bonus points:

+1 For cashing out
+1 For doing a mobility WOD each day
+1 64oz of H20 in a day
+1 8+ hours of sleep, including naps


-1 For each alcoholic beverage
-1 No PWO meal (before leaving the gym)
-1 Fewer than 3 grams of fish oil/day

Are you in it to win it? Only 42 days to the “New You”!


Daily Mindset

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

~Leo Buscaglia

Wednesday December 18, 219

Carmen is back in the game, and crushing it!

Announcement: We can not believe how fast this year has gone by! That means it’s almost time for another New Year Nutrition Challenge! We will be starting the challenge on January 6th. If you’re interested in participating, put your name on the board.  We will also be having Dexa Body coming to take body composition on January 7th between 4:00pm and 8:00pm, click here to schedule a time. Slots will fill up fast!


“Happy Hour”
3 Rounds:
12 Power Cleans (135/95)
12 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
12 Push Jerks (135/95)
12 Toes to Bar

“The New You” New Year Nutrition Challenge Information

From January 6th until February 17th

We’re challenging you to feel more alive then any other time in your life. During these 42 days, in the form of points, we’re going to reward you for good behaviors and punish you for bad behaviors. We’re going to require a lot in order to participate, but in exchange you are going to earn the ability to say you gave it your all and made positive steps towards health and performance. We’ll give you the data to back it up too. Here’s the details:

The challenge will run for 42 days. In order to compete for the prizes, you must
complete the following: pre/post pictures, pre/post body composition measurements.  The cost of this challenge is $50, buy-in has to be either via check or cash (because we know you’re gonna get it back!)
Each meal has a positive, negative, or neutral value:
-2 Cheat meal: not Paleo quality, not Zone quantity. (-10 possible per day)
+2 Zone meal: standard Zone rules apply (10 possible per day)
+2 Paleo meal: all Paleo rules apply (10 possible per day)
*** PWO will be considered Paleo/Zone if it consists of Whey protein & coconut juice

“Rules of 5” bonus points:

+1 Five meals per day (1 possible/day)
+1 Fewer than 5 hours between meals (1 possible/day)
-1 More than 5 blocks per meal (-5 possible per day)
-1 For a non paleo meal (-5 possible per day)


-10 Fewer than 3 WODs/week
+0 Three WODs/week
+10 Four WODs/week
+20 Five or more WODs/week

Bonus points:

+1 For cashing out
+1 For doing a mobility WOD each day
+1 64oz of H20 in a day
+1 8+ hours of sleep, including naps


-1 For each alcoholic beverage
-1 No PWO meal (before leaving the gym)
-1 Fewer than 3 grams of fish oil/day

Are you in it to win it? Only 42 days to the “New You”!



“Real fears can be overcome. It’s the imaginary ones that are unconquerable.”

~Theodore Vale

Fear can be absolutely paralyzing. It can feel so real, that we would bet our lives on whatever it is, happening.

If there ever was a superpower that we have, it’s the tremendous ability to bring whatever we’re thinking into reality. And if you’re human, you can draw back to a time where we talked ourselves into failure… before we even began. We convinced ourselves it was impossible, but we didn’t even try.

The unconquerable fear, as Theodore Vale puts it, is the imaginary one. It’s human to question, doubt, and fear. But this thousand-year-old survival mechanism, which means well, is leading us down the path of hesitancy. Of inaction.

FEAR – False Evidence Appearing Real. The same mind that builds a paralyzing fear can break one down by shifting what we place our thoughts towards. Instead of dwelling on what could go wrong, dwell on why it will go right.

Tuesday December 17, 2019

Aaron is working hard to chip away at the Deadlifts of Mondays WOD!

Happy Birthday Corby!

Announcement: We can not believe how fast this year has gone by! That means it’s almost time for another New Year Nutrition Challenge! We will be starting the challenge on January 6th. If you’re interested in participating, put your name on the board. We will announce all the details in the coming weeks. We will also be having Dexa Body coming to take body composition on January 7th between 4:00pm and 8:00pm, click here to schedule a time. Slots will fill up fast!


Hang Power Snatch
Build to Heavy Set of 3

For Time:
100 Air Squats
50/35 Calorie Row
25 Hang Power Snatches (115/85)


“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I’ll remember. Involve me, and I’ll learn.”

~Benjamin Franklin

The musician doesn’t learn by listening. The musician learns by playing. It’s how the mind, in its ever plastic state, adapts. It responds to application.

In Edgar Dale’s “Cone of Learning”, we learn:
10% of what we read.
20% of what we hear.
30% of what we see.
50% of what we hear and see.
70% of what we say and write.
90% of what we actually participate in.

Information without application, is knowledge.
Information with application, is wisdom.

Monday December 16, 2019

Jake and Braedon are looking pretty excited to be rowing 30 calorie!
Announcement: We can not believe how fast this year has gone by! That means it’s almost time for another New Year Nutrition Challenge! We will be starting the challenge on January 6th. If you’re interested in participating, put your name on the board. We will announce all the details in the coming weeks. We will also be having Dexa Body coming to take body composition on January 7th between 4:00pm and 8:00pm, click here to schedule a time. Slots will fill up fast!


For Time:
60 Double Unders, 30 Burpees 🙂
60 Double Unders, 30 Wallballs (20/14)
60 Double Unders, 30 Deadlifts (225/155)
60 Double Unders, 30 Wallballs (20/14)
60 Double Unders, 30 Burpees 🙂


“Our patience will achieve more than our force.”

~Edmund Burke

We are emotional beings. And we can only be rational, after we’ve been emotional.

When we see someone who is composed under adversity, it’s not that they aren’t an emotional person. Those feelings are there. What’s different (compared to the explosive nature of a “hot head”) is the closing of a certain gap. That of between an emotional reaction, and the subsequent replacement of rational thought.

Abraham Lincoln exercised this understanding through his “hot letters”. When he became fuming mad at someone, he forced himself to complete a task before taking his wrath directly to the individual. He wrote a letter to the offender, outlining all the wrongs and misdoings that have been committed. He held nothing back. Then, he would fold it up, place the letter in an envelope, place it in his desk drawer, and… never send it.

Think through the last time we lost our temper on someone. Was it worth it? Emotions will cool. And we can proceed in a more reasonable fashion that we won’t regret. We just need to acknowledge that gap, and work ourselves there through patience.

Sunday December 15, 2019

Krissa is crushing the Push Presses during Thursdays WOD!
Reminder: There will be Open Gym today from 8:00am to 10:00am. Come get your weekend WOD on!


“Side Hustle”
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
300′ Single Kettlebell Farmers Carry (70/53)
400 Meter Row

Daily Mindset

“I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.”

~Joyce Meyer