Wednesday October 25, 2023

Erin and Casey are cruising through their Rope Climbs! 



“How ‘Bout Those Chieeeefs?”

5 Rounds x AMRAP 4:
12 Toes to Bar
60 Double-Unders
Max Rounds of “The Chief”

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds

[“The Chief”]:
3 Power Cleans (135/95)
6 Push-Ups
9 Air Squats

* Pick up where you left off.

Daily Mindset

“Rome was not built in a day.”

~John Heywood

An old adage on building greatness. Indeed an accurate statement, and a healthy outlook on mastering a craft. However, the critical message is less about how “great things take time”, and more, about the importance of laying the next brick.

We can become consumed with the idea of making it… finishing “Rome.” And in so, we don’t place the value in the next brick being laid. With one eye distracted, thinking of the prize, we only have one eye left for the journey.

The call to action is to lay the focus on that next brick… with every ounce of energy we have. Full mind, body and spirit in the present moment.

It may take weeks, months, years, or a lifetime. But under this lens, you will not miss a day. Until, that is, you have your empire.

What goals are you chasing? What actions are you taking (or bricks you are laying) each day in order to get closer to achieving those goals? If you ever catch yourself feeling overwhelmed by your goals and thinking “I’ll never get there,” refer back to your actions. Ask yourself if these actions are aligning with what you are chasing.

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