Wednesday December 16, 2020

Becky and Lauren are twinning it up!


Dear valued members,

Unfortunately, there has been a spike of positive Covid cases at CFD. To ensure everyone’s safety, we have made the hard decision to temporarily close.
*CLOSURE DATES: Wednesday 12/16- Sunday 12/27. 
*RE-OPENING Monday 12/28 with our regular schedule.
* New Years schedule: Thursday 12/31-6am-Noon, no PM classes. Friday 1/1- Holiday schedule TBA
Hillari will post home workouts on the website/blog. We will not be loaning out equipment at this time or doing Zoom wods. Yoga Zoom TBD.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. 
Thank you for understanding. Have a safe, healthy and happy holiday!

Mauree and Hillari
214-417-7413 / 801-243-6810



“Double Check”

On the 4:00 x 5 Rounds:
50 Double Unders
20/15 Calorie Row
10 Front Squats (155/105)


On the 4:00 x 5 Rounds:
50 Double Unders
10 Double Dumbbell Front Squats
100 Meter Double Dumbbell Farmer’s Carry



Some interesting fun facts to share.
Science has measured humans to have 20,000 genes.
Science has also measured onions… which come in at over 40,000.

The idea of better or worse “gene pools” is a myth. They determine our natural hair and eye color, but we stand by this core belief to our last breath: they do not control our potential.

Another “gene” controls that. It’s called “Epigenetics”. A fancy word that says, we are the ultimate adaptation machine. It’s the quality that human beings can learn and grow faster than the vast majority of species on our planet.

The great thing about Epigenetics is that we’re all born with it.
Forget what you were born with. And focus about what you can become.

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