Thursday March 17, 2022

Donette is looking calm and collected as she works through the Thrusters of 22.3!




For Time:
Shuttle Runs (10 Meters)
Calorie Bike

200 Meter Farmer’s Carry (50’s/35’s)

Shuttle Runs (10 Meters)
Calorie Bike

200 Meter Farmer’s Carry (50’s/35’s)

Shuttle Runs (10 Meters)
Calorie Bike

[Time Cap = 38 Minutes]

*Score = Time it takes to complete the workout



“Don’t wait for your turn. It’s always your turn.”

~Seth Godin

The perfect moment will never come.

We want to acknowledge a thousand-year-old tendency that we have… that of protection. In an attempt to stay “safe”, the human mind will resist change. And will attempt to convince itself that the time is not right. That the conditions are not “favorable enough”. The laundry list grows.

It starts with awareness. Being conscious that this “resistance” is self-driven.
It ends with action, as it is indeed your turn.

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