Thursday April 27, 2017

Throwback Thursday to February 10th. It must have been a strange day!

Happy Birthday Julie!

The online qualifier WOD’s have been announced and for the next four days we will be giving you the opportunity to see how you would stack up! Click here for all the scaling options.



Option 1:
AGOQ Workout 4

2 rounds for time:
10 Deadlifts, 315/225 lb.
20 Deficit Handstand Push-Ups, 4.5/3-in. deficit
30 Front Squats, 95/65 lb.

Option 2:
Make up a WOD that you missed, or a WOD that you have really been wanting to try, work on skills, etc!

*You must still come to one of the regularly scheduled WOD times.

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.”

~Mark Zuckerberg


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