Saturday May 18, 2019

Happy Birthday Verno!



“Buzz Lightyear”
In Teams of 3
For Time (30 Minute Cap):
3 Rounds:
400 Meter Team Run
50 Barbell-Facing Burpees 🙂
9 Rope Climbs

Directly Into…

21 Clean and Jerks (115/85)
21 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
21 Clean and Jerks (155/105)
21 Clean and Jerks (185/125)
21 Clean and Jerks (205/135)

*Completing the workout for time, or AMRAP in 30 minutes
*Teams run together and must wait until everyone is back to begin the burpees 🙂
*All other movements are broken up however teams see fit, with one athlete working at a time
*Score is total number of clean and jerks (If you complete the workout, put time in notes)


“You’re obsessions become your possessions.”

~Ed Mylett

The word “obsessed” gets a bad rap.
And there’s indeed some merit to that.

But it’s not about time that we put in, but about quality. When one is obsessed with reaching a goal, it’s not the amount of hours that tips the needle… it plays a role, but there’s a different factor that comes into play. The unwavering, burning commitment. The willpower that sees us through the harshest of storms. Failure is not an option to one who is obsessed with a goal.

Be obsessed with reaching our dreams.
Be obsessed with becoming a better person.
Be obsessed with what we care about the most.
Our fiercest willpower, when leveraged in the right direction, is the secret sauce.

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