Friday May 8, 2020

Brynne and Sergey are back at it!

Click here for the 7:00am Zoom WOD.


Tempo Back Squat

On the 1:30 x 5 Sets:
1 Tempo Back Squat
1 Back Squat

Set 1: 55% 1RM Back Squat
Set 2: 60% 1RM Back Squat
Sets 3-5: 65% 1RM Back Squat


8 Barbell Facing Burpees 🙂
25 Double Unders



10 Burpees
25 Double Unders


*Today’s workout is a variation of a CompTrain workout last completed on 2.4.20
*In February, we completed 8 bar-facing burpees (10 standard burpees today)
*Over this 12 minute workout, you can expect to complete around 8-12 rounds
*This means rounds will last anywhere between 1:00-1:30
*Chest and thighs make contact with the floor
*Reach full extension at the top with a small clap and some air under the feet
*You can jump up or step up out of the burpee
*The rep number on each round is designed to be very small
*Choose a double under variation or rep number that can ideally be completed unbroken
*Reduce Reps
*50 Single Unders
*30 Seconds of Practice
*25 Double Taps Video
*50 Line Hops Video
*Let’s bring our focus to the heels on both movements
*In the burpee, we want to land with the heels on the ground
*This makes it easier to transition right into the jump and is more forgiving on the knees than landing on the toes each rep
*Jumping the feet outside the hands can help with landing on the heels
*On the jump rope, we want to gently kiss the heels on the ground with each jump
*If we stay on the toes the whole time, the calves never get a chance to relax and can fatigue a lot faster
*Kissing the heels on the ground allows the calves to contract and relax, provides more of a bounce, and pushes off fatigue
*This workout is all about finding a way to keep moving across the 12 minutes of work
*The way we stay moving as much as possible is by establishing a pace on the burpees that allows for as few sets as possible on the rope
*If you know double unders are going to be a tough movement, slow down the burpees
*For big picture pacing help, imagine doing burpees for 7 minutes straight
*That is likely the speed we’re trying to hold from the very beginning
*As far as efficiency goes, setting the rope neatly on the ground after each set of double unders makes for a much smoother transition
*Also, whenever you finish a movement, make it your goal to just start the next station
*Just drop down into the first burpee and just pick up the handles of the rope
*These immediate transitions keep you moving and help you feel like you’re always progressing in the right direction


8 Rounds

20 Seconds Spiderman + Reach Video
10 Seconds Mountain Climbers Video

8 Rounds

20 Seconds Single Unders
10 Seconds Air Squats

Body Armor

Max Single Dumbbell Strict Presses

On the Minute: 10 Sit-Ups


*Within the 6 minute window, complete as many single dumbbell strict presses as possible
*You can alternate hands as you see fit, but we recommend changing every 5-10 reps
*Choose a weight that you are capable of completing 15+ reps unbroken with when fresh
*The sit-ups with halt your progress and give the upper body a needed break every minute
*The sit-ups take place on the (0-1-2-3-4-5)
*Complete all 10 reps before moving back to the dumbbell
*Use an AbMat if you have one and anchor your feet if you don’t




“Success is not owned. It’s leased. And rent is due every day.”

~J.J. Watt

Having a “chip on your shoulder” is an known as an edge. As if the athlete has more to prove given his or her circumstances than the next one. But as soon as success is reached, that edge… it disappears.

We don’t own success. We have to work for it every day. If we cross a thousand finish lines, let’s establish a thousand more. Not for any other reason than the unstoppable fiery purpose behind… To find the next best version of ourselves.

Rent’s due.

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