Thursday May 7, 2020

Come join in on a WOD guys, in one day you’ll lose that Covid 19 and be shredded like Coop! Disclaimer: These results are not common, you most likely won’t get shredded in one day unless you already were. But come to the WOD anyway. Also stop drinking so much and cut out all that sugar. What would you rather have, your sanity or abs. We are not saying Coop is insane.


“Beach Season”

3 Strict Pull-ups
3 Reverse Burpees
3 Hollow Rocks
6 Strict Pull-ups
6 Reverse Burpees
6 Hollow Rocks

Add (3) Reps Per Round


*”Beach Season” targets our upper body, midline, and conditioning
*This triplet workout will climb by 3 reps each round until the 15 minutes is up
*After completing the round of 6, you’ll progress to 9-12-15-18….
*Rather than adding up all the reps we did, we’ll keep it simple and score this piece as Rounds + Reps
*For Example: If you finish the round of 15’s and complete 5 strict pull-ups, your score would be 15+5
*If you have over 12 unbroken strict pull-ups with your bodyweight, try to the complete this workout as written
*If you’re not quite there, consider a strict pull-up variation (see “modifications” section)
*This could mean just dropping the number each round:
*Example: You could climb by 1’s instead of 3’s (1-2-3-4-5…)
*A reverse burpee blends aspects of the sit-up and a burpee together
*You’ll lay all the way back on the ground and use your momentum to transition to a standing position
*At the top, just like in a regular burpee, get a little jump and clap overhead before laying back down
*The goal on the hollow rocks is to keep the body as compact as possible
*Squeeze the legs tight, push the belly button into the floor, and keep the shoulder blades off the ground as you rock from the glutes to lower back
*Count 1 rep as a rock “back and forth”
*2x Odd Object Rows Video
*Barbell Bent Over Rows
*Single Arm Bent Over Row (Full Reps Each Side) Video
*Dumbbell Rows From Push-up Position Video
*Inverted Row Video
*Ring Rows
*Banded Strict Pull-ups
*Reduce Reps
*2x Sit-ups
*Hollow Hold or Front Plank
*Hold For 5x Reps in Seconds
*For Example: 3 Reps = 15 Seconds Hold
*One thing that all of these movements share is a hollow body position
*A big point of performance in the hollow body is keeping the legs tight together and slightly in front of the center of the body
*The tighter you are, the more your body operates as one piece
*If you operate as one piece, you are better able to control where you want to go
*Play the role of gymnast today and keep those legs glued together
*The strict pull-ups will likely be the most challenging movement of the workout and the one that causes us to slow down the most
*Breaking up the strict pull-ups early and often can lead to better consistency across the 15 minutes
*Especially as the reps begin to climb higher, adapt your strategy to what keeps you moving forward
*This will likely be somewhere between 1-3 reps at a time
*If you find yourself resting a lot, drop your sets down to keep chipping away
*Although the reverse burpees and hollow rocks gives the upper body a break from pulling, they will definitely challenge the midline and body position in the strict pull-ups
*This is another reason why breaking the strict pull-ups from the get-go can be beneficial


Seconds Jumping Jacks
Seconds Sit-ups
Seconds Pausing Air Squats (1s Bottom)
Seconds Push-up to Down Dog Video




“If you want to be truly successful at it, you cannot be content with pretty good.”

~Tim Grover

Pretty good is decent.
Pretty good is average.
Pretty good checks the box.
Pretty good… is the enemy of excellent.

How we do anything is how we do everything. And there is nothing in life worth doing half-assed. Although we recognize the truth behind that statement, every single one of us can improve on this. To refine this habit – to truly blast through “good enough”.

What actions this week have been “pretty good”? When these opportunities come around next week, what will we do differently?

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