Thursday April 2, 2020

Julie and Christian working through Wednesdays 7:00am Zoom WOD!




60 Double-Unders
30 Dumbbell Reverse Lunges
15 Reverse Burpees šŸ™‚

“Dizzybat” (No Equipment Version)

60 Line Hops
30 “Odd-Object” Reverse Lunges
15 Reverse Burpees šŸ™‚


*Using a single dumbbell in this longer AMRAP workout

*Dumbbell will be held with both hands across the chest for these reverse lunges

*Pick a weight that you can complete the 30 alternating lunges in one unbroken set

*Choose a double under variation that you can complete the 60 reps in 1-3 sets within the workout

*1-3 sets will likely be the sweet spot

1 Set: 60

2 Sets: 30-30 OR 40-20

3 Sets: 20-20-20 OR 30-20-10

*Using an Odd Object in this longer AMRAP workout

*For line hops, let’s choose a line or set down a piece of tape to jump from side to side

*Odd-Object will be held with both hands across the chest for these reverse lunges

*Pick a weight that you can complete the 30 alternating lunges in one unbroken set


Reverse BurpeesVideo

Odd-Object Reverse LungesVideo


Warmup Set 1

20 Double Unders or 20Ā Line Hops
10 Alt. Reverse Lunges
5 Reverse Burpees

Performed With Lighter Weight

Warmup Set 2

10 Double Unders or 10 Line Hops
10 Alt. Reverse Lunges
3 Reverse Burpees

Performed With Workout Weight



ā€œExcitement comes from the achievement. Fulfillment comes from the journey.ā€

Winning the award is exciting.
Fulfillment is looking back at the hard work put in.

Thereā€™s irony when think we think about defining moments. We build up in our minds that accomplishing that ā€œthingā€ will be the ultimate. And when we get there, hell yeah will it be exciting. But the podium does not change who we are.

The real defining moments are the experiences that led up to those big achievements. The trials, the tribulations, the lessons learnedā€¦ the early mornings and late nights. The deep and unforgettable relationships we build through the blood, sweat, and tears.

The dopamine hit comes when we win, hit the goal, or get the promotion.
The ever-lasting fulfillment comes from the journey.

Wednesday April 1, 2020

The gym is all corona virus clean and disinfected, we’re open, oh and it’s summer!…APRIL FOOLS!! We wish this was true, but we can dream right?


We are excited to be starting online Zoom WODā€™s at 7:00am, 12:00pm, and 4:30pm, Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays! Just click on the links that are provided on the website. Be patient with us as this is all new and we are still learning. If you would like to see a WOD time added, please let us know on the CrossFit Draper community facebook page. We canā€™t wait to see all of you on Zoom!

Click here for the 7:00am WOD.
Click here for the 12:00pm WOD.
Click here for the 4:30pm WOD.



For Time:
50-40-30-20-10: Sit-Ups
50-40-30-20-10: Push-Ups
25-20-15-10-5: Strict Pull-Ups

“Pipes” (No Equipment Version)

For Time:
50-40-30-20-10: Sit-Ups
50-40-30-20-10: Push-Ups
50-40-30-20-10: “Odd-Object” Rows


*Work flow for this workout is Sit-Ups – Push-ups – Strict Pull-ups
For example
You’ll perform 50 sit-ups then, 50 push-ups then, 25 Strict Pull-ups
Round two will be 40 Sit-ups, 40 push-ups, 20 strict Pull-ups etc.

*Score for this workout will be total time of completion

*Expect upper body push/pull movements to be taxed, consider breaking up reps from the beginning

*Always prefer planned breaks over forced breaks

*Consider breaking the larger sets of push-ups and pull-ups into 3 or 4 sets to allow for bigger sets when we get into the smaller rep counts

*Set up your add-object weight that would allow for 10+ unbroken reps


How to create an Odd-ObjectVideo
Odd-Object RowsVideo


8 Minutes For Quality:

30 Second Hollow Hold
200 Meter JogĀ or 10x10m Shuttle Runs
10 PVC Pass Throughs * Video
5 Inchworm to Push-ups Video

*Use broomstick, or towel/band



ā€œEveryone makes mistakes. Not everyone owns them.ā€

It can be ever-tempting to blame a failure on an external factor. Yet when we do, we gain nothing. We shirk responsibility, and with that, a learning opportunity.

Learning starts with ownership. Recognizing that we can do this better. No one is infallible – we will all make mistakes, and be part of larger mistakes that involve a host of other people. But, even when itā€™s easy to allow ourselves to blame the situation, look inward.

Ask ourselves the simple question – ā€œWhat could I have done better?ā€

Tuesday March 31, 2020

Jake was one of the first athletes to take advantage of the 6:00am WOD on Zoom!
We are excited to be starting online Zoom WOD’s at 6:00am and 4:30pm, Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays! Just click on the links that are provided on the website. Be patient with us as this is all new and we are still learning. We can’t wait to see all of you on Zoom!


“Kelly’s House”

5 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
30 DB Goblet Thrusters
30 Lateral Hops over DB

“Kelly’s House” (No equipment version)

5 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
30 “Odd-Object” Thrusters
30 Lateral Hops over “Odd-Object”


*In this 5 round triplet workout, the focus is maintaining consistency over the 5 rounds

*Run at a moderate pace that you could sustain for all 5 rounds and that allows you to thrive on the goblet thrusters

*Goblet Thrusters will be completed with a single dumbbell held with a hand on either end of the dumbbell * See movement video*

*Choose a weight that will allow for thrusters to be completed in 1-2 sets

*For the lateral hops, let’s make sure we’re choosing something to hop over that will keep us moving


400m Run – 500m Row orĀ 20 x 10m Shuttle Runs


DB Goblet Thrusters Video

How to Create an Odd-ObjectVideo
Odd-Object Thrusters Video


For Quality
60 Second of Tuck Jumps
6 Inchworms Video
6 DB Strict Press
6 Broad Jumps Video

40 Second of Tuck Jumps
4 Inchworms
4 DB Strict Press
4 Broad Jumps

20 Second of Tuck Jumps
2 Inchworms
2 DB Strict Press
2 Broad Jumps

*Performed with light DB



ā€œThe only thing that is different about me, is that I’m not afraid to die on a treadmill.ā€

~Will Smith

Itā€™s not about the treadmill.
Itā€™s what the treadmill stands for.

Will Smith is not a competitive athlete. If he runs 2, 3, 10 milesā€¦ heā€™s still probably going to be highly successful in his career.


But thatā€™s not why he is, who he is. Not defined by what heā€™s doing, but instead by how he is doing it.

Full heart, full commitment, full effort. In wherever we go.

Monday March 30, 2020

Congratulations Dave 08 on your new perfect addition to your family! Now all you need is a name!

We are excited to be starting online Zoom WOD’s at 6:00am and 4:30pm, Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays! Just click on the links that are provided on the website. Be patient with us as this is all new and we are still learning. We can’t wait to see all of you on Zoom!

Click here for the 6am WOD.
Click here for the 4:30pm WOD.


“Cookie Monster”

20 Single Arm Dumbbell Snatches
40 Double-Unders
20 Burpees šŸ™‚
40 Double-Unders

“Cookie Monster”(No Equipment Version)

20 “Odd-Object” Ground-to-Overhead
20 Lateral Hops over “Odd-Object”
20 Burpees
20 Lateral Hops over “Odd-Object”


*Looking to complete 5+ rounds in this 15 minute AMRAP

*Find a moderate- heavy weight on the DB that will allow you to complete the set unbroken

*The main thing to consider today is how to attack the burpees, this is likely where people will get held up

*Aim to complete the double unders unbroken


How to create an Odd-Object Video

Odd-Object Ground to Overhead Video


5 Rounds:
5 Russian Baby Makers Video
1 Minute Jump Rope
15 Scapular Push-Ups




ā€œLeadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge.ā€

~Simon Sinek

What defines a leader? Is it promotion, titles, or status? We realize that is not the case.

Weā€™ve all met others at some point in our lives that were, title wise, on an identical level. Both been students in school, teammates on a sports team, or co-workers in a job. Yet something set them apart. We donā€™t remember them for what they said or did, but instead, for how they made us feel.

Thereā€™s a line thatā€™s been said a million times over.
ā€œWhy did you do it?ā€
ā€œBecause he (or she) would have done it for meā€.

True leadership is not a title.

Sunday March 29, 2020

Now is the BEST time to focus on mobility! Just not with friends šŸ™

Dear valued CFD members,

We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the amazing support during this difficult time. Hillari and I cannot ask for a better community! We are truly grateful. With your continued support, we are confident CrossFit Draper will weather this storm.
As our initial closure date nears, we have had to reconsider what is best for our community. Following the CDC and state guidelines, we are saddened to say CFD will remain closed most likely through April. Fingers crossed we will reopen sooner than later.
What We Ask Of You
To ensure the success of CrossFit Draper, we would appreciate those who are able to continue their memberships to do so. Hillari and I understand everyone’s situation is different, so please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
What CFD Is Doing For You
Our number one goal is to keep you working out!!!! Well, and keep you healthy too. We are happy that so many of you have taken us up on equipment loans. On top of our current home wods, we will be starting virtual wods…and virtual recovery/mobility!!!! Yea Heather!!!! We are super excited for this. Stay tuned for details.
We will also be offering trainer check ins to keep you on point.
Make sure to join our CrossFitĀ Draper Community on Facebook for more regular updates and to continue socializing from a distance, ha. We cannot express how much this sucks, but having loyal members like you, we will make the best of it. AND WE WILL SURVIVE! Remember the old CFD shirt motto, “Stronger people are harder to kill”
Hillari and Mauree


“Steady Betty”

4 Rounds (20:00 Total)
:40s Weighted Hollow Hold, :20s Rest
:40s Romanian Deadlifts, :20s Rest
:40s Single Arm OHS Hold (L), :20s Rest
:40s Single Arm OHS Hold (R), 1:20 Rest

Completed with a dumbbell or pack.

Movement Videos

Weighted Hollow Hold Video
Romanian Deadlift Video

Supple Sunday

Have fun!


Couch Stretch: 2 Minutes Each Side


Pike Stretch: 2 Minutes


Child’s Pose: 1 Minute


Handstand Hold Stretch: Accumulate 1 Minute


Pigeon Pose: 2 Minutes Each Side





ā€œTrue happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence of the futureā€


How often do we rush to finish line?
Immediately turning to the next, only to rush once again?

The aim is not to ignore the future. Yet when we spend so much time working for the future, we by default ignore the present. Untilā€¦ it has become the past. All of this can sound mindlessly simple ā€“ and it is. Yet we often become so frantically busy planning for the future, that we actually miss living in this moment.

Happiness is delivered in many forms, with the most important beingā€¦ present enjoyment of the moment. Happiness has all that it wants. Wherever we go today, go with everything we got.

Saturday March 28, 2020

Happy Birthday Landan!

Dear valued CFD members,

We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the amazing support during this difficult time. Hillari and I cannot ask for a better community! We are truly grateful. With your continued support, we are confident CrossFit Draper will weather this storm.
As our initial closure date nears, we have had to reconsider what is best for our community. Following the CDC and state guidelines, we are saddened to say CFD will remain closed most likely through April. Fingers crossed we will reopen sooner than later.
What We Ask Of You
To ensure the success of CrossFit Draper, we would appreciate those who are able to continue their memberships to do so. Hillari and I understand everyone’s situation is different, so please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
What CFD Is Doing For You
Our number one goal is to keep you working out!!!! Well, and keep you healthy too. We are happy that so many of you have taken us up on equipment loans. On top of our current home wods, we will be starting virtual wods…and virtual recovery/mobility!!!! Yea Heather!!!! We are super excited for this. Stay tuned for details.
We will also be offering trainer check ins to keep you on point.
Make sure to join our CrossFitĀ Draper Community on Facebook for more regular updates and to continue socializing from a distance, ha. We cannot express how much this sucks, but having loyal members like you, we will make the best of it. AND WE WILL SURVIVE! Remember the old CFD shirt motto, “Stronger people are harder to kill”
Hillari and Mauree



On the 5:00 x 6 Rounds:
10 Alternating Single DB Power CJ
400m Run
100m Single DB Farmer Carry

“SeaWorld” (No Equipment Version):

On the 5:00 x 6 Rounds:
Wearing Back Pack:
15 Push-Ups
15m Walking Lunge
400m Run


*6 intervals total, starting every 5:00
*Starting times are 0:00, 5:00, 10:00, 15:00, 20:00, and 25:00
*Aim is to push our paces here, given work rest, but to be consistent across all
*The alternating single dumbbell power clean and jerk will begin on the ground in between the legs
*The movement will move to the shoulder and then finish over head
*Record all five times to gauge pacing

*For the no equipment version: If we can’t get outside to run lets do 15 Tuck Jumps, and modify the workout to:
* OT3:00 x 7 Rounds:
15 Pushups
15m Walking Lunge (or 15 Reverse Lunges)
15 Tuck Jumps
Tuck Jumps Video

Movement Videos

Alternating Single Dumbbell Power Clean and Jerk Video


3 Sets

1 Minute Jog In Place
10 DB Swings (eye level)
15 AbMat Sit-ups
20 Air Squats



ā€œLet character be your loudest statement.ā€

The football player wears shoulder pads and a helmet.
The chef puts on an apron.
The accountant brings a suitcase.
These are all identifiables that may come to mind when thinking of those individuals.

What are yours?

Be hard on yourself here. How would others define you?
Let character be what defines you.

Friday March 27, 2020

Throwback to July 2018, suffering through “Sally Up” with great friends!



“Deck of Cards”

Spades – Goblet Squats
Clubs – Burpees šŸ™‚
Diamonds – Sit-Ups
Hearts – Single Arm DB Snatches

“Deck of Cards” (No Equipment Version)

Spades – Odd-Object Zercher Squats
Clubs – Odd-Object to Shoulder
Hearts – Sit-Ups
Diamonds – Burpees šŸ™‚


Deck of Cards Video

Movement Videos

Odd Object Zercher Squats Video
Odd-Object to Shoulder Video


3 Rounds:

30 Seconds Samson Stretch Video
15 Glute Bridges
30 Seconds Cossack Squats Video
15 Air Squats


ā€œNothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.ā€

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

There is a difference between one who is ā€œthereā€, and one who is ā€œbeing thereā€.

Many of us here are parents. You would understand more than most how being present is everything. A parent can go to their kidsā€™ soccer game, and sit in the stands on their phone, awaiting the end. Or they can go to the game, and passionately be there. Not by yelling or cheering, but by intently wanting to be there. One is ā€œjust thereā€. The other is ā€œbeing thereā€.

We can go on a family vacation because, ā€œitā€™s what families do once a yearā€, or we can go on a family vacation because we want to spend more time with each other without the distractions of our daily lives. From the outside looking in, it may or may not be as visibly obvious of the effects it leaves.

The obvious application here is in our training. If we were to go through the motions in ā€œFranā€ (21-15-9 Thruster/Pull-Up), with a relaxed, 15:00 completion timeā€¦ there is very little benefit.

The less obvious is our daily encounters outside the gym. Where we may be going through the motions. Is it a lack-luster goodbye to our significant other before leaving for work? Is it greeting an employee with a ā€œHow are you?ā€ even though we donā€™t mean it?

Itā€™s okay to discover these in our daily lives. They happen, as we become comfortable in a routine. Doesnā€™t mean they should stay that way.

Thursday March 26, 2020

Who do you miss seeing more, Caleb or Buddy?! We miss them both!!



5 Strict Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
30 Double-Unders

“Cindu” (No Equipment Version)

AMRAP 20 Minutes:
15 Odd-Object Rows
15 Push-Ups
15 Air Squat Hops (lateral over odd-object)


*”Cindu” alternates between upper body pull, and upper body push, lower body push, and conditioning
*Let’s break these up in a way that you would if you were completing 15 rounds for time
*The big things to consider are the upper body movements
*The reps on the pull-ups are on the lower side, but there are 75+ strict pull-ups total in this workout
*If you need a quick break here, think about going 3-2
*The push-ups can add up over these rounds
*Breaking these up into quick sets of 5-5 or 4-3-3 can help you stay consistent
*The air squats help you pace the workout and provide a break for the upper half
*Move at a pace through those that allows you to thrive on the upper body movements
*Choose rep number or variation that allows double unders to be completed in 1 set

Movement Videos

Odd-Object RowsVideo


2-3 Sets

5 Inchworms Video
30 Second Hollow Hold Video
10 Scapular Pull-UpsVideo
30 Second Arch Hold Video
5 Air Squats (with 3 second pause at the bottom)



ā€œEvery strike brings you closer to your next home run.ā€

~Babe Ruth

When you hear the name ā€œBabe Ruthā€, whatā€™s the first thing that comes to mind?
Hall of Fame home run hitter.

What is not the immediate reaction, is ā€œall-time strikeout leaderā€. 1,300 strikeouts. A record for three decades he held. It was eventually broken, by another who struck out quite a bit too. Mickey Mantle. A name that would be hard to guess, as heā€™s right next to Babe Ruth in the hall of fame for his home run hits.

These two didnā€™t reach their success through the home runs. They reached it through the strike outs. Remove those embarrassing missesā€¦ and we would never know their names.

Every missed lift. Every poor competition. Every embarrassing stumble.
Itā€™s bringing us closer.
This is where we get better.

Wednesday March 25, 2020

Happy Birthday Dan!

We are all going to pretend that we’re on an island vacation to celebrate!



3 Rounds For Time :
200m Run
20 Single Arm Hang Dumbbell Snatches
200m Run
20 Single Arm Dumbbell Power Cleans
200m Run
20 Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters

*On all DB movements, alternate hands every 5 repetitions.

“Three-Peat” (No Equipment Version)

3 Rounds For Time:
200m Run
20 Odd-Object to Overhead
200m Run
20 Odd-Object Step-Ups
200m Run
20 Odd-Object Thrusters


*Coupling running with a few of our dumbbell weightlifting movements
*We expect this workout to take 15-20 minutes
*On each of the 3 dumbbell movements we’ll alternate hands every 5 reps
*Single Arm Hang Dumbbell snatches will come from in between the legs, starting just above the knee
*Single Arm Dumbbell Power cleans will start in between the feet with both ends of the dumbbell on the ground
*Score is total time of completion

Movement Videos

Single Arm Hang Dumbbell SnatchesVideo
Single Arm Dumbbell Power Cleans Video
Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters Video

Odd-Object Ground to OverheadVideo
Odd-Object Step-UpsVideo
Odd-Object ThrustersVideo


2-3 Sets

15 Knuckle DragsVideo
15 Glute Bridges Video
15 Air Squats




“All you need are these: certainty of judgement in the present moment, action for the common good in the present moment, and an attitude of gratitude in the present moment for anything that comes your way.”

~Marcus Aurelius

Perception, Good Action, and Gratitude.
Written nearly two thousand years ago, these three disciplines apply to our lives just as much today as back then.

Perception – In 20/20 hindsight, everyone has the right answer. But in the present moment, things can go south. What creates the difference – our emotional state. Control our emotions, and weā€™ll find clarity of judgement in the present.

Good Action – Perception is one thing, but itā€™s another to take the leap of action. Square ourselves off to the opportunity in front, and make it count.

Tuesday March 24, 2020

We love seeing what all of you are doing to stay fit “Outside The Box”!


5 Rounds For Time:
80 Double-Unders
40 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Reverse Burpees šŸ™‚

“Gravity” (No Equipment Version)
5 Rounds For Time:
60 “Dot Hops”
40 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Reverse Burpees šŸ™‚

*5 rounds for time for this longer conditioning piece
*Choose a double under number or variation that you can complete in no more then 2 sets each round
*Let’s think about breaking up the push-ups up from the beginning knowing they’re going to catch up *to us in rounds 4 and 5
*Score will be time of completion

Movement Videos
Dot Hops Video
Reverse Burpees Video

EMOM 12:
Minute 1: 30 Seconds Jump Rope
Minute 2: 10 Cossack Squats (Alternating) Video
Minute 3: 20 Step Back Lunges
Minute 4: :30 Active Divebombers Video


“Pain versus Discomfort”

There is a common misconception about pain.
Pain is not what we feel inside of a conditioning workout, or the tail end of a heavy squat set.

Real pain is different.
Pain is when we are walking through the garage and step on a nail.
Pain is when we lose a limb.
Real pain, is when we lose a loved one.

What we feel inside conditioning sets is not painā€¦ it’s discomfort.
Training isnā€™t painful. Itā€™s uncomfortable at times, but ā€“ itā€™s not pain.
Let’s use this as a perspective change as we enter today’s training.
Today, letā€™s get uncomfortable.