Wednesday April 1, 2020

The gym is all corona virus clean and disinfected, we’re open, oh and it’s summer!…APRIL FOOLS!! We wish this was true, but we can dream right?


We are excited to be starting online Zoom WOD’s at 7:00am, 12:00pm, and 4:30pm, Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays! Just click on the links that are provided on the website. Be patient with us as this is all new and we are still learning. If you would like to see a WOD time added, please let us know on the CrossFit Draper community facebook page. We can’t wait to see all of you on Zoom!

Click here for the 7:00am WOD.
Click here for the 12:00pm WOD.
Click here for the 4:30pm WOD.



For Time:
50-40-30-20-10: Sit-Ups
50-40-30-20-10: Push-Ups
25-20-15-10-5: Strict Pull-Ups

“Pipes” (No Equipment Version)

For Time:
50-40-30-20-10: Sit-Ups
50-40-30-20-10: Push-Ups
50-40-30-20-10: “Odd-Object” Rows


*Work flow for this workout is Sit-Ups – Push-ups – Strict Pull-ups
For example
You’ll perform 50 sit-ups then, 50 push-ups then, 25 Strict Pull-ups
Round two will be 40 Sit-ups, 40 push-ups, 20 strict Pull-ups etc.

*Score for this workout will be total time of completion

*Expect upper body push/pull movements to be taxed, consider breaking up reps from the beginning

*Always prefer planned breaks over forced breaks

*Consider breaking the larger sets of push-ups and pull-ups into 3 or 4 sets to allow for bigger sets when we get into the smaller rep counts

*Set up your add-object weight that would allow for 10+ unbroken reps


How to create an Odd-ObjectVideo
Odd-Object RowsVideo


8 Minutes For Quality:

30 Second Hollow Hold
200 Meter Jog or 10x10m Shuttle Runs
10 PVC Pass Throughs * Video
5 Inchworm to Push-ups Video

*Use broomstick, or towel/band



“Everyone makes mistakes. Not everyone owns them.”

It can be ever-tempting to blame a failure on an external factor. Yet when we do, we gain nothing. We shirk responsibility, and with that, a learning opportunity.

Learning starts with ownership. Recognizing that we can do this better. No one is infallible – we will all make mistakes, and be part of larger mistakes that involve a host of other people. But, even when it’s easy to allow ourselves to blame the situation, look inward.

Ask ourselves the simple question – “What could I have done better?”

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