Thursday December 14, 2023

Who’s your CFD bestie?!


We are excited to announce that this holiday season, as a special “thank you” to our loyal members, we are giving each of you a $100 gift card for you to give to a family member or friend! These gift cards are good for new members only. It’s a great way to get that special person to finally come join you in your passion for health and fitness!



Part 1: Push Jerk
On the 3:00 x 3 Rounds: 2 Push Jerks (Start First Working Set at 82% & Build To Heavy)

Part 2: “All Work, No Play”
4 Rounds For Time:
200 Meter Run
12 Dumbbell Push Jerks (50’s/35’s)
12 Pull-Ups

Time Cap: 10 Minutes



“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Fate puts opportunity in front of us.
Destiny is the result of what we choose to do with it.

In turn, destiny is a choice. Not some predetermined thing of fairy tales and lore. We can sit and allow destiny to happen to us, or we can choose to have destiny happen for us.

Don’t wait to be chosen. Choose.
Decisions = Destiny.

Wednesday December 13, 2023

Throwback to Casey the CrossFit Elf!


We are excited to announce that this holiday season, as a special “thank you” to our loyal members, we are giving each of you a $100 gift card for you to give to a family member or friend! These gift cards are good for new members only. It’s a great way to get that special person to finally come join you in your passion for health and fitness!



7 Rounds For Time:
15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
15 Power Cleans (95/65)
15 Box Jumps (24″/20″)

Time Cap: 30 Minutes



“All progress depends on the irrational person.”

The thought that a human could run a sub 4:00 mile was absurd. The attempts to put human beings in a giant metal tube and throw them into outer space was thought to be even more ridiculous.

When we think back to the largest accomplishments in life, it was done by those who defied the status quo. It was done by those who believed things could be done differently.

We know that change is uncomfortable. It has to be. But we welcome it, fully allowing ourselves to believe that something else is possible. In the words of Epictetus, “If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish, and stupid.”

Tuesday December 12, 2023

Jake and Erin are soaking up the December sun as they work through their Double-Unders!



Part 1: Front Squat
On the 3:00 x 3 Rounds: 2 Front Squats (Start First Working Set at 82% & Build To Heavy)

Part 2: “Swiftie”

Row Calories
Thrusters (95/65)

* Add 3 Reps Each Round


“I would rather die of passion than boredom.”

~Vincent Van Gogh

There are times in our lives, whether it be during training, at work, or at home, where we question the choices we’ve made. They arrive shortly after we make an important decision. A form of “buyers remorse”, where we wonder if we’re on the right path. As humans, that’s what is safe to us, and we seek it out… knowing with certainty, in uncertain times, that we’re on the best path forward.

But… do we really?
Think back to a moment of uncertainty. Think of the first day we first talked to our significant other. The first time we went on a roller coaster ride. The first time we walked into a CrossFit gym.

Uncertainty makes us feel alive. Those moments are etched into us forever, and are some of our fondest memories. If everything was known, expected, and pre-determined, life would be so horribly boring. It wouldn’t be a life at all. Where others may run from uncertainty, let’s embrace it for what it is, and create the life of memories we’ll look back on with pride.

Monday December 11, 2023

3.2.1 GO!



Sunday December 10, 2023

The girls say it’s a good day to work on your Squat mobility!



Saturday December 9, 2023

Carson is leading the group through their Bike Sprints!




15/12 Calorie Row
9 Toes to Bar
6 Burpee Box Jumps (24″/20″)

* Waterfall Style
* Next Partner Goes When Rower Opens Up
* Score Total Calories On Rower


“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity.”

~James Clear

If someone has 10 coins, are they rich? Let’s say no.
What if they have 100 coins? Probably not.
What about 1,000 coins?

There is a tipping point. A number where our answer changes to yes. It actually narrows down to a single coin where that takes place.

But… we know it wasn’t just the single coin. It was the culmination of the many before. We can apply this same logic to our identity. By itself, walking the shopping cart back to its home isn’t going to change who we are as an individual. By itself, picking up trash outside of the local school isn’t going to either. It’s the culmination, that will. These votes for who we are, seemingly small at the time, add up.

A pitfall in life is when we view instances throughout our day as insignificant. We tell ourselves, “this won’t make a difference”. Yet at the end of the day, just like the single coin, it’s all that matters.

Friday December 8, 2023

Happy Birthday Kristen!



Part 1: Deadlift
On the 3:00 x 3 Rounds: 3 Deadlifts (Start First Working Set at 80% & Build To Heavy)

Part 2: “DT”

Thursday December 7, 2023

Baylie is crushing her Wall Balls during Wednesdays leg burner!



“Mojo Dojo Casa House”

5 Rounds For Time:
20 Push-Ups
30 Sit-Ups
400 Meter Run
5-4-3-2-1 Rope Climbs (15′)

Time Cap: 30 Minutes


“You can’t build on top of success you don’t acknowledge.”

~Dallas Travers
There’s a dark side to being so driven.
We can be so focused on constantly improving that we can forget to look back. And acknowledge where we came from. I bet we can all relate to a time where we landed a PR lift, or a raise at work… where we were psyched, but only for mere seconds. Before we know it, we’re already thinking, “what’s next?” The finish line always moves.

It’s not wrong to be passionately driven.
That’s not where the harm comes from.
The harm comes when we don’t celebrate our victories.

We aim to live in a state of true “blissful dissatisfaction”. Grateful for every experience that comes our way, all the while in a fiery pursuit of the next best version of ourselves. Think of it less as a “pat on the back”, and more of a foundation that we build on. to build upon. As the quote above teaches us, we can’t build on top of success we don’t acknowledge.

Wednesday December 6, 2023

Becky is keeping up her strength as she works through her Push Jerks!



Part 1: Push Jerk
On the 3:00 x 3 Rounds: 3 Push Jerks (Start First Working Set at 80% & Build To Heavy)

Part 2: “Double Up”

Tuesday December 5, 2023

Thanks to everyone that came to the “Ugly Sweater Party” this weekend!



“Four Seasons”

400 Meter Run
21/15 Calorie Bike
Max Power Snatches (75/55)

Rest 4 Minutes

400 Meter Run
18/12 Calorie Bike
Max Power Snatches (95/65)

Rest 4 Minutes

400 Meter Run
12/9 Calorie Bike
Max Power Snatches (115/85)


“If you aren’t going all the way, why go at all?”

~Joe Namath

The most powerful force in the world is our full commitment. The “man-on-fire” mentality. Unyielding to any circumstance. A lack of commitment is the opposite. It’s one of the most dangerous things we can live with.

If we are going to fall flat on our face in something… then we are going to fall flat on our face. All too often we can’t control that outcome. If the ocean water is cold, whether we go in slow or fast, it’s not going to matter. It’s going to be really freaking cold. So we have two options.

Let’s burn it into our mind, that no matter what, we sprint into the water. That our standard is full commitment, in everything we do. We don’t just flirt with the idea of doing something. We go all in.

When we go to work, we show up to put in a championship performance.
When we have family over for dinner, we show up to put in a championship performance.
When we go to the gym to train ourselves, we show up to put in a championship performance.