Wednesday April 14, 2021

Baylie absolutely crushed the Snatch workout during the Quarterfinals last weekend!



“I Will Survive”

Buy-In: 500/400 Meter Row
30 Double Unders
5 Power Snatches (135/95#)

Rest 5:00

Buy-In: 500/400 Meter Row
30 Double Unders
10 Power Snatches (95/65#)

Rest 5:00

Buy-In: 500/400 Meter Row
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches (75/55#)



“The goal is not to be perfect by the end. The goal is to be better today.”

We are “completionists” by nature. We aren’t a group to half-complete tasks. We finish things. But in that desire to achieve the endstate, we must be mindful of the other edge of the sword.

If we have one eye on the finish line, we’ll only have one eye on the path directly ahead. The only task that matters, right here and now.

Keeping an eye on the prize can be misleading. We set clear, actionable objectives, but we don’t become obsessed with them. We become obsessed with the now. Keeping our eyes focused on making today a masterpiece is all that matters.

Brick by brick.

Tuesday April 13, 2021

Thanks to everyone that came on Saturday to cheer on Heather, Julie, and Baylie! 



“Single Tasking…Kinda”

8 Lateral Burpee Over Dumbbell
10 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (50/35#) (24/20″)
12 Single-Arm Dumbbell Clean & Jerk (50/35#)



“The grass isn’t greener on the other side. The grass is greener where you water it.”

What if someone told you that everything you need to succeed in your goals is right in front of you?

It might be hard for us to believe them. But why?

Comparison is often the reason. We look to someone who has already reached their success, and we convince ourselves that what we have just isn’t enough. It can cut us at the knees, as we now run the risk of never even trying with what we are, and where we are, today.. Roadblocked, by our own comparisons.

But what if someone tells you the same thing, and, you don’t have the opportunity to compare? That it’s a new endeavor the world has never seen?

The illusion of the “greener grass” is nothing but a trap. There’s only delay and cancellation as results. It’s a distraction from the single resource that truly matters: hard work.

The world-class set of golf clubs doesn’t teach a proper swing. Practice does.


Monday April 12, 2021

Great Job to Heather, Baylie, and Julie on the Quarterfinals this weekend, you girls seriously crushed it!


Happy Birthday Emily!



“Acid Reflux”

5 Rounds For Time:
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups
12/9 Calorie Assault Bike
9 Thrusters (115/85#)



“When doing your risk analysis, how do you measure the risk of doing nothing?”

There will always be a reason to wait. Always a reason to push to tomorrow. To await that “right moment”. This is a pitfall we’ve all found ourselves in… we wait for perfect.

Every single one of us has experienced this… we held off on something, and maybe never started, ultimately because we genuinely believed we were going to fail. Or at least, not get it right, to the extent we wanted.

A lens to view these decisions through, is to put us 10 years from now.
What is is the bigger risk – to look back and realize that the attempt didn’t come exactly the way we had envisioned, or… to look back and realize that we never tried?

Sometimes the biggest risk is never taking one.
Sometimes we just need to jump, and build our wings on the way down.

Sunday April 11, 2021

Have you worked on your mobility this weekend?!


Reminder: There will be Open Gym today from 8:00am to 10:00am. Come get your weekend WOD on!


Happy Birthday Nathan and Gabe!




For Time:
Abmat Sit-Ups
*After every round, complete a 200m run carrying a medicine ball (20/14)



“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s that I stay with problems longer.” 

~Albert Einstein

Adaptation is our most powerful weapon.
And it’s not limited to what we do inside the gym.

When we think back to a workout, where we spur adaptation, we can all agree that it’s quite the experience. And it’s freaking hard (which is why we love it). When we are working through something on the cerebral level, shouldn’t we expect a similar struggle?

Both for mind and body… this is where the magic happens.
Inside the gym and out, embrace challenges one and the same.
A chance to learn, grow, and come back even stronger than before.

Saturday April 10, 2021

Ary is working hard to finish her Jerk during the lifting complex that was 21.4!


Don’t forget to jump in on Heathers Zoom Yoga today at 9:15am!  Click here to join.




For Time:
2,000 Meter Row or 1 Mile Run
Straight into…
10 Rounds of “The Chief” (155/105)

1 Round of “The Chief”:
3 Power Cleans
6 Push-Ups
9 Air Squats



“Success is not owned. It’s leased. And rent is due every day.”

~J.J. Watt”

Having a “chip on your shoulder” is an known as an edge. As if the athlete has more to prove given his or her circumstances than the next one. But as soon as success is reached, that edge… it disappears.

It’s perhaps because success isn’t a finish line. And that true success is a life-long journey. And rent is due, every day.

Friday April 9, 2021

Leonor isn’t letting anything get in the way of her fitness!


Happy Birthday Krystal!




2 Rounds for Time
10 Muscle-Ups
20 Bar-Facing Burpees 🙂
30 Deadlifts (225/155)
40 Wallballs (20/14)

*Scale Muscle-Ups with either less reps or MU transitions



“The purpose of pain is to move us in action, not to make us suffer.”

~Tony Robbins

If we can frame pain for what it is, we redefine what this feeling means to us. As Tony Robbins puts it, it’s purpose is to move us forward. It’s leverage. A massive edge when seen through the right lens. Few things in the world can get a human being to move faster than pain.

We recognize to do anything great, it’s going to be temporarily uncomfortable. It’s going to take the grit and grind that we all know. What this is far from however, is suffering. Suffering is a state of mind that takes hold when we don’t understand why we’re feeling pain.

Pain is mandatory, suffering is optional.

Thursday April 8, 2021

Liz is pushing her limits as she works through the Clean and Jerks in Tuesdays WOD!


Congratulations to Caleb, Hillari, Heather, Baylie, Lauren, and Julie who all qualified for the CrossFit Games Quarterfinals! We also want to congratulate Caleb, Hillari, Julie, Casey, Laura, and Traci for qualifying for the Age Group devisions! If you are planning on signing up and participating let Hillari know so that she can coordinate times with you to get the WOD’s in. This is going to be so much fun and a great opportunity to test your fitness! Bring on the challenge!



“Bench Pyramid”

Heavy Day (Upper Body)
For Load
Bench Press*
:30 Seated L-Sit between sets



“It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but rather the most adaptive to change.”

~Charles Darwin

There’s a reason why we are still here on Earth. We adapted.

Yet the very thing that pushed us to where we are today, we find ourselves avoiding. We avoid, as human beings, challenge. We would much rather be comfortable, cozy, and safe. Now we aren’t going to let loose predators to chase us around, but if we truly want to find that next best version of ourselves… we know we need to get uncomfortable.

When we find ourselves struggling today, take a step back. Realize for just a moment, in the uncomfortable mess that we are in, that this is us… getting better. If we can re-wire ourselves to embrace those sweaty, painful, often embarrassing moments… we can go wherever we want to go.

Wednesday April 7, 2021

Scott is working through his calories on the rower to start his day off right!



“Rugrats Gone Wild”

Every 3:00 x 5 Rounds
9 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
12 Double Dumbbell Front Squats (50/35#)
15/12 Calorie Row



“The only difference between feedback and criticism, is how you hear it.” 

~Tim Grover

We are defensive creatures. It’s in our nature for self-preservation.

We’ve all related to a time where we felt threatened by feedback. Where we felt like we were being attacked. Much like the primal man, self-preservation kicks in. But outside of that uncomfortable moment, we recognize that feedback is the best thing for us. It’s the secret sauce to improvement. So how can we train our minds to receive it as so?

Remind ourselves, whenever we have the luxury to receive feedback (because it is), there is no downside. There literally isn’t. Even if the feedback or advice is something we can’t use at all, or it doesn’t fit our goals, we still gained insight from another’s point of view or angle.

Whenever feedback comes our way, it’s a gift. If we can remind ourselves of this as the feedback comes, we’ll never hear “criticism” again.

Tuesday April 6, 2021

The 6amers are crushing the day with a little group Tabata Sit-Ups!



“This Little Gym Piggy”

3 Rounds For Time:
400 Meter Run
24  Overhead Medball Abmat Sit-Ups
12 Clean and Jerks (135/95)*



“People are not lazy. They simply have goals that do not inspire them.”

~Tony Robbins

Something we can all agree on: anything in life worth achieving, is going to be very, very hard. There’s no two ways about it. So we make goals.

But goals sometimes default to the “whats” in life. A “what” can be a certain amount of pounds on the barbell or an amount of pull-ups. Those are goals, but they are not “reasons”.

Reasons are what gets us out of bed in the morning. What we think about in the shower. What we see in the mirror when we look into it. Goals don’t move us forward – reasons do. Goals can be the waypoints or checkpoints along the way, but our reasons are the true North Star.

What are your goals? Can we refine them? Can we tie them to our reasons?”

Monday April 5, 2021

Heather and Carson are showing a little team spirit as they pass each other during their run!




For Time:
20 Power Snatches (95/65)
20 Lateral Barbell Burpees
20 Overhead Squats (95/65)
20 Lateral Barbell Burpees
20 Squat Snatches (95/65)



“Ductus Exemplo”

The above quote is Latin, translating to “Leadership by Example”. Below is a short story of Ghandi, the famed spiritual and political leader, on the power of authentic leadership.

One day, a woman traveled a great distance to take her son to Ghandi. When they finally met, she asks for him to tell her son to “stop eating sugar”. Ghandi, in response to the request, asks the woman to come back in 30 days.

Confused, the woman leaves with her son, and returns 30 days later. She asks the same, for Ghandi to tell her son to stop eating sugar. Ghandi tenderly looks at the boy, and tells him to stop. Immediately, the boy agrees, pledging that he will no longer eat sugar.

Grateful, but still confused, the mother asks why she had to travel back 30 days later to begin with. Ghandi replied, “Because 30 days ago, I was still eating sugar”.