Tuesday March 15, 2022

Casey and Ellen are all smiles as they work on their mobility!




Build to Heavy Set of 5
1×5 @ 90% of Heavy 5
1×5 @ 80% of Heavy 5

*Score = Heaviest Load


For Time:
5,000 Meter Bike

*Score = Time it takes to complete the workout


“If you have everything under control, you’re not moving fast enough.”

~Mario Andretti

When we are truly going for it, there is an unmistakable sense of being slightly out of control.

The author of this quote, Mario Andretti, is one of the most successful race car drivers of all time. To bank turns at speeds that could without question kill, and do it with this mindset, speaks to the feeling of chasing down something great.

We won’t be 100% sure what’s around that next corner.
But we’re going anyway.

Anything worth doing, will elicit really, really uncomfortable feelings. The separating factor is our ability to settle in the eye of the storm. To find our calm, and to dive into the next turn at 100mph… even when we don’t know for sure what’s around the bend. Do we get lost in the chaos, or does our focus and commitment to our true north continue our path forward?

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