Tuesday December 28, 2021

Justin and Estee are in the Holiday spirit as they work through “The Twelve Days of CrossFit”!


Attention: The Holiday schedule for this week will be as follows: Monday through Thursday will be the normal schedule. Friday December 31st there will be NO evening WODs. Saturday, January 1st The WODs will be at 9:00am and 10:00am. We will still have normal Sunday Open Gym. We hope you all have a Happy New Year! 


Attention: The New Year Nutrition challenge Starts on Monday January 10th! We will be having a Q and A meeting on Tuesday January 4th at 7:00pm to go over all the details and answer  any questions you might have! Make sure to put your name on the board if you are interested in participating!



On the 2:00 for 5 sets. . .

Barbell Thrusters

*Score = Heaviest Load


For Time:
30 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35)’s
50/35 Calorie Bike
150 Double Unders

*Score = Time it takes to complete the workout




Deep Sleep:
“Deep sleep is one of the 4 stages of sleep (along with light, REM and wake) that your body spends time in each night. Known as the “physically restorative” stage of sleep, it is of great importance for athletes. Below we discuss exactly what deep sleep is, what happens during it, how it benefits you, how much you need and the consequences of not getting enough, as well as what you can do to get more of it.”

What Happens When You Don’t Get Enough Deep Sleep:
“When you’re sleep deprived, deep sleep becomes your body’s priority. If you fail to get the proper amount of deep sleep one night, it will do everything it can to make up for it the next night. For example, even if you have back-to-back nights with below average hours of sleep, on the second night you’ll get a disproportionately high amount of deep sleep to make up for what was lost the night before.
A consistent, long-term loss of deep sleep is likely an indicator of chronic sleep deprivation (or other sleep disorder), which has been linked to greater risk of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, cancer, dementia and depression.”

Full Article: https://www.whoop.com/thelocker/what-is-deep-sleep/

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