Thursday May 20, 2021

The 8am crew enjoying the beautiful sunshine! Ok they’re actually not thinking about that, they’re just suffering through dumbbell carries!




For Time:
Buy-In: Run 1 Mile
200m Walking Lunge Holding Medball
150 MB Front Squats (20/14)
100 Overhead Medball Sit-Ups Demo
Cash-Out: 800m Run

*Break the Run into 200m intervals *
*Share the Lunges however you like // when not lunging just walk next to your partner with your ball*
*P1 hangs from the bar while P2 does MB Front Squats*
*P1 holds the plank while P2 does OH MB Sit-Ups*
*P1 runs 400m then P2 runs 400m*



“A fall into a ditch can make you wiser.”

~Chinese Proverb

A fall into a ditch is a little embarrassing. On a physical level however, pretty easy to recover from. Dust off, and carry on. A fall off a cliff however is… not so nice. Both are mistakes. But one is far more damaging than the other.

Rarely do we step off the cliff first. Before we approach that edge, chances are highly likely that we are going to fall into “ditches” several times along the way, acting as quiet, but real, warning signs. It becomes dangerous when these are ignored.

A cardinal rule of ours is to never waste our failures. These seemingly small mishaps are nature’s way of letting us know where to place our efforts. Where to learn from. But there’s a reason the quote above reads “can” make you wiser. It’s a choice to learn

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