Thursday February 14, 2019

Attention: We have some exciting events coming up this February! Put your name on the board if you are interested in participating in any of them.

~CrossFit Draper Ski Event: Night skiing at Brighton Thursday February 28th.
~The CrossFit Open at CFD every Friday evening from February 22nd through March 22nd! Click here to get registered.
We are getting close to the end of the Nutrition Challenge and that means that Dexa Scan will be back on Monday February 25! Click here to schedule your post challenge body fat testing!


Option 1:
“Valentines Day Deck of Cards”
Spades = (Beginner: Med Ball Cleans)(Intermediate: Power Clean 75/55)(Advanced: Power Clean 115/85)
Clubs = (Beginner: Air Squats)(Intermediate:Jumping Squats)(Advanced: Jumping Squats with a 45/35 lb bar on back)
Hearts = (Beginner: Push-Ups)(Intermediate: Hand Release Push-Ups)(Advanced: Clapping Push-Ups)
Diamonds = (Beginner: Knees to chest on floor)(Intermediate: Knees to Elbows) (Advanced: Toes to Bar)
Jokers = (Beginner: 250 meter Run) (Intermediate: 400 meter Run)(Advanced: 600 meter Run)
Turn over a card and perform that # of repetitions of the exercise for that suit. Continue turning cards, with no rest between exercises, until you are through the deck. When a joker appears you must run!
Scaling the workout – Aces = 1 rep for beginners and 11 reps for experienced CrossFitters. Also, turn two or three cards face up and slide them in the middle and/or 3/4 down in the deck. When these cards show, take a 30-60 second rest before continuing on.

Option 2:
Make up a WOD that you missed, or a WOD that you have really been wanting to try, work on skills, etc!

*You must still come to one of the regularly scheduled WOD times.

“There is no instinct like that of the heart.”

~Lord Byron

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