Sunday April 10, 2022

Reminder: There will be Open Gym today from 8:00am to 10:00am. Come get your weekend WOD on!




3 Sets:
500 Meters at Fast Pace
90 Seconds Rest
400 Meters at Fast Pace
90 Seconds Rest
300 Meters at Fast Pace

Rest 5 Minutes Between Sets

3 Sets:
625 Meters at Fast Pace
90 Seconds Rest
500 Meters at Fast Pace
90 Seconds Rest
375 Meters at Fast Pace

Rest 5 Minutes Between Sets

3 Sets:
1,250 Meters at Fast Pace
90 Seconds Rest
1,000 Meters at Fast Pace
90 Seconds Rest
750 Meters at Fast Pace

Rest 5 Minutes Between Sets



“Success is not owned. It’s leased. And rent is due every day.”

~J.J. Watt

Having a “chip on your shoulder” is known as an edge. As if the athlete has more to prove given his or her circumstances than the next one. But as soon as success is reached, that edge… it disappears.

It’s perhaps because success isn’t a finish line. And that true success is a life-long journey. And rent is due, every day.

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