Saturday October 7, 2023

Becky is leading her group as they work through their Front Squats!



“Team Chuck Heavy” [HERO]

For Time:
1 Mile Row
100 Push-Ups
1 Mile Run
100 Syncro Thrusters (45/35)
1 Mile Row

Time Cap: 30 Minutes

* Split: Rows & Push-Ups
* Together: Thrusters & Run

Daily Mindset

“Water the flowers, not the weeds.”

Imagine your vision being a water hose.
And wherever your attention goes, you water.
Because whatever we end up watering… grows.

Every day, we are going to spend our water (our thoughts)on something. And there is a finite amount that we get to spend. If we choose to spend it on the weeds, those thoughts will grow stronger. Purely for the visualization, imagine gossip, and where that takes us.

Check in with ourselves today.
Are we watering the flowers, or the weeds?

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