Saturday March 20, 2021

Casey is taking advantage of the sunshine as she works through her Kettlebell Swings! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASEY!!


Don’t forget to jump in on Heathers Zoom Yoga today at 9:15am!  Click here to join.



For Time (in a Team of 3):
100 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)
100 Pull-Ups
100 Sit-Ups
200 Air Squats
100 Push-Ups
100 calorie Bike
100 Kettlebell Swings (53/35 lb)

*One partner works at a time. Partition the work among partners as needed.



“Life is a wonderful, wonderful opera… except that it hurts.”

~Joseph Campbell

Our life is a summation of what we think about. It’s what the human brain is programmed to do – to pay attention to what we’re thinking about.

If we are in the market to buy a silver Toyota, all we see are silver Toyotas on the road. It’s as if they suddenly appeared out of the sky, yet… they were there all along. It’s called the “Reticular Activation System”. We simple notice more of something if we’re focused on it.

Now replace the silver Toyota with a harmful emotion… such as feeling like the world is out to get us. Feeling like we aren’t important. Feeling frustrated. It becomes exaggerated, monopolizing our thoughts. If we look for the negative, it will be there in droves. But… if we look for the positive, it will be there just as powerfully.

Are we going to see the wonderful opera, or are we going to be distracted by the pain?

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