Saturday August 10, 2019


“31 Heroes”
Teams of 2, AMRAP 31:
8 Thrusters (155/105)
6 Rope Climbs
11 Box Jumps (30/24)
400 Meter Continuous Sand Bag Run (50/35)

*One partner is always out for a weighted run while the other works through the three inside movements
*Athletes switch stations when one partner is back from the run
*Teammates will pick up where the other athlete left off
For example: If one athlete finished 3 rope climbs, the returning partner will start on rope climb number 4


“The most common lies a man tells are to himself.”

~Frederich Nietzsche

Do you ever think, about the way you think?

Hands down, we are our own harshest critic. Most of us would never, ever talk to another human being the way we talk to ourselves. Think about the doubts we’ve had recently, whether it be about ourselves, or other people.

This is not an attempt to say we are bad people for having those thoughts. They come. But the step that must take place in the middle, is awareness. To recognize these “lies” as Nietzsche puts it, so that we can put them into their place.

As we move through our day today, let’s think about the way we think.

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