Monday November 23, 2020

Estee is crushing the Power Cleans from last Wednesdays WOD!


The Holiday schedule for this week will be as follows: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will be the regular schedule. Thursday we will run the virtual “Utah Human Race 5K”, meet at CFD at 8:00am. Friday we will run an 8:00am and 10:00am WOD. Saturday we will run the regular 8:00am and 10:00am WOD’s. Thanks for understanding and we hope you have a great Holiday!

Reminder: The Thanksgiving Day 5K is this week! This year we will be running the “Utah Human Race” Thanksgiving 5K from the gym! They are doing it virtually so we will meet at CFD at 8:00am and run! There will be options for Rowing or Biking as well so no excuses. You can still sign up and support the Food Bank by clicking here.

As in years past we will stay after for a Mimosa and  Hot Chocolate bar. Please remember to wear your mask between sips! We are so thankful to be starting the Thanksgiving Holiday with you!



“Chasin’ Waterfalls”

4 Rounds For Time:
30/24 Calorie Row
30 Wallballs (20/14)
30 AbMat Sit-ups



“Give more. Give what you didn’t get. Love more. Drop the old story.”

We often hold onto the past. And we all have felt ourselves do it. Sometimes they are worn as scars, sometimes like trophies. It’s not uncommon to use past events as a chip on your shoulder. “They didn’t believe in me”. All of those are potent motivators. But they only last so long, as they are fleeting and weaker forms of ammunition.

When we “fight against” something, such as something in the past, we will only go so far. When we “fight for” something, it’s different. It’s purpose and meaning go beyond our singular life, transcending to something far bigger. This is where you can move mountains.

Do you hold onto something from the past? Can we reframe the mental dialogue?

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