Friday December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas! We are so thankful for all of our amazing athletes who trust us to keep you fit, and we hope you have the best time with friends and family today! Enjoy this workout that can be done at home or enjoy a nice rest day!



Tabata [8 Rounds of :20 On + :10 Off]:

Front Plank to Push-up Plank

Side Plank (Right)

Side Plank (Left)

Arch Hold

Hollow Hold



“I’ll either find a way, or I’ll make one.”


Said by a man who got elephants to climb a mountain.

Angela Duckworth, a leading expert on the study of “grit”, defines it as follows: “Passion and sustained persistence applied towards long-term achievement, with no particular concern for rewards or recognition along the way.”

If there is a single attribute that is the closest correlate to success, it may very well be grit.

Grit is very much in line with our definition of “mental toughness”. To give our unconditional best, regardless of the circumstances.

It’s doing the unsexy hard work… when no one’s watching.
It’s refusing to see a “failure” as “defeat”.
It’s refusing to believe that elephants can’t climb mountains… and then proving it.

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