Tuesday May 24, 2022

Heather wins for the safest eye protection during an outside WOD!



“Ice Box”

7 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
7 Pull-Ups
7 Power Snatches 75/55

Every 5 Minutes [Starting at 0:00]:
Run 400 Meters

*Score = Rounds + Reps


“Never confuse movement with action.”

~Ernest Hemingway

We’ve all had that friend who is constantly busy. Always flying a million miles an hour, but… in all directions at once. And in turn, they find themselves in the same place a year later.

We don’t want to just “move” through life, just like how we don’t want to “exercise”. We train. And we train, because our reps have a purpose behind them. There’s something we’re building towards that specific, defined, and real. We know which direction we are going.

Let’s take that same discipline we have with our training outside the gym walls. Are there areas of life where we feel like we may be going through the motions? How can we refine them?

Monday May 23, 2022

Everybody jump!



Part 1: Back Squat

For Total Load:
5 Sets of 5 Back Squats

*Score = Sum Total Load of All 5 Sets

Part 2: “Body Language”

20 Calorie Row
30 Push-Ups
40 Sit-Ups
50 Air Squats

*Score = Rounds + Reps


“As for me, all I know is that I know nothing.”


A core belief of ours is to “always be a student”. Regardless of age, experience, accomplishments… There is always so much to learn. And if we retain this mindset, it allows us to keep our eyes open for the next improvement.

Let’s draw two themes from this: One is that everyone is a teacher. We can learn from every interaction, if only we look for it. Two, that we should challenge our assumptions. When we believe we have things figured out, have we truly seen it from all angles? It’s ever easy to become a “victim of the landscape”, falling complacent simply because we’ve done something so many times before. It’s working perhaps, but, could it be better?

Always open-minded, eager to learn. Always a student.

Sunday May 22, 2022

Liz has been working so hard, and has been so consistent with her PT since surgery. Better watch out, she’s making her come back!


Reminder: There will be Open Gym today from 8:00am to 10:00am. Come get your weekend WOD on!



“Sweaty Sunday” [CHOOSE ONE]

2 Sets:
1,200 Meters at Easy Pace
400 Meters Recovery Jog

Rest 2 Minutes

800 Meters at Moderate Pace
500 Meters Recovery Jog

Rest 2 Minutes

600 Meters at Fast Pace
600 Meters Recovery Jog

Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets

2 Sets:
1,500 Meters at Easy Pace
500 Meters Recovery Row

Rest 2 Minutes

1,000 Meters at Moderate Pace
625 Meters Recovery Row

Rest 2 Minutes

750 Meters at Fast Pace
750 Meters Recovery Jog

Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets

2 Sets:
3,000 Meters at Easy Pace
1,000 Meters Recovery Jog

Rest 2 Minutes

2,000 Meters at Moderate Pace
1,250 Meters Recovery Jog

Rest 2 Minutes

1,500 Meters at Fast Pace
1,500 Meters Recovery Jog

Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets



“An object at rest tends to stay at rest. An object in motion tends to stay in motion.” 


Picture a giant flywheel. It’s at rest, and we are going to manually start it.

To get it to just budge and inch, it’s freaking hard. We need to grit, grind, and drive with everything we have just to get the slightest movement. But as soon as we do, that second inch… it’s a little bit easier. And the third inch, a little more.

By the time the flywheel does a single pass, it’s significantly easier. We’re no longer in a max effort prowler push… and it’s almost spinning itself. Two turns, three turns, 100 turns later, it’s spinning with no intention of stopping. Faster than ever.

We’ve all felt this before. What was an incredible struggle at first, became so natural and easy to continue. We just needed to start.

There will be a voice in our head that says – there’s time to do this tomorrow. Things are just too tight right now. The time “will be right” eventually. For “an object in motion, tends to stay in motion”.

Saturday May 21, 2022

Sean is back at it after a nice Mexican siesta! 



“Little Lamb”

5 Handstand Push-Ups
10 Alternating Pistols
15 Pull-Ups

[On the 0:00]: 200 Meter Run
[On the 5:00]: 400 Meter Run
[On the 10:00]: 600 Meter Run
[On the 15:00]: 800 Meter Run
[On the 20:00]: 1,000 Meter Run

*Score = Rounds + Reps


“Work your land” 

~Tim Storey

If the farmer focuses on the fruit, and ignores the root, the tree will never grow.

To “work our land” is the fundamental understanding that our actions today are the seeds we are planting for tomorrow. Every seed we plant, whether positive or negative, is a vote for who we become.

And much like the farmer’s field, this is a continuous process. A successful harvest last year doesn’t mean the farmer can ease off the basics next year. Regardless of the accomplishments, accolades, successes… every day we must work our land.

Friday May 20, 2022

Bryan is all smiles as he works through his Double Kettlebell Swings!



Part 1: Snatch Complex

5 Sets on the 3:00:
3-Position Power Snatch
3 Overhead Squats

*Score = Heaviest Load

Part 2: “Overwhelmed”

For Time:
1 Burpee Box Jump Over (24″/20″)
10 Overhead Squats (115/85)
2 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
9 Overhead Squats (115/85)
3 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
8 Overhead Squats (115/85)
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
7 Overhead Squats (115/85)
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
6 Overhead Squats (115/85)
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
5 Overhead Squats (115/85)
7 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
4 Overhead Squats (115/85)
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
3 Overhead Squats (115/85)
9 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
2 Overhead Squats (115/85)
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
1 Overhead Squat (115/85)

*Score = Time it takes to complete the workout



“A fall into a ditch can make you wiser.”

~Chinese Proverb

A fall into a ditch is a little embarrassing. On a physical level however, it’s pretty easy to recover from. Dust off, and carry on. A fall off a cliff however is… not so nice. Both are mistakes. But one is far more damaging than the other.

Rarely do we step off the cliff first. Before we approach that edge, chances are highly likely that we are going to fall into “ditches” several times along the way, acting as quiet, but real, warning signs. It becomes dangerous when these are ignored.

A cardinal rule of ours is to never waste our failures. These seemingly small mishaps are nature’s way of letting us know where to place our efforts. Where to learn from. But there’s a reason the quote above reads “can” make you wiser. It’s a choice to learn.

Thursday May 19, 2022

Cam is working through her Dumbbell Front squats!



“Freeze Tag”

[Team of 2]

Partner 1: 400 Meter Run

Partner 2:
Max Rounds of. . .
20 Double Kettlebell Russian Swings
100 Meter Double Kettlebell Front Rack Carry

Kettlebells: (53’s/35’s)

*Score = Teams Total Rounds + Reps of Double Kettlebell Russian Swings
and Meter Double Kettlebell Front Rack Carry
*Partners switch upon their partners completion of 400 Meter Run
*Partner picks up where their partner stops


“If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.”

~Thomas Edison

Sometimes we simply need to get out of our way. We are capable of so much more than we’ll ever know. What stops us – fear and doubt.

We have voices inside our head, trying to keep us safe. But waiting on the other side of that, is the absolute astonishment that Thomas Edison speaks about.

Many have the incorrect pre-disposition that this quote doesn’t apply to them. That they don’t have the natural talent, or the born ability, to reach greatness. But that thought, in and of itself, is the reason why they aren’t yet great. That thought alone will stop what truly creates greatness – passionate, unrelenting, hard work.

This quote applies not to somebody else, but you. Silence the voice that doubts, and put on the championship performance. As simple as that sounds, if we can do it, we’ll find what Edison writes about. We’ll stand in awe of what we are capable of.

Wednesday May 18, 2022

The nooners working through “DoiT”!



“Five Minute Major”

Buy-In: 100 Double Unders

Max Rounds With Time Remaining:
12 Toes to Bar
12 Dumbbell Front Squats

[Rest 5 Minutes]

Buy-In: 100 Double Unders

Max Rounds With Time Remaining:
9 Toes to Bar
9 Dumbbell Thrusters

[Rest 5 Minutes]

Buy-In: 100 Double Unders

Max Rounds With Time Remaining:
6 Toes to Bar
6 Dumbbell Clusters

Dumbbells: (50’s/35’s)

*Score = Sum Total Of Full Rounds + All Extra Reps



“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” ~Joshua J. Marine

Everyone faces adversity. Not everyone responds the same way.

In Carol Dweck’s “Mindset”, there are two types: A fixed mindset, and a growth mindset.

In a fixed mindset, an individual is trapped within their own perceived limitations. When someone else gets the promotion or the job, it just “wasn’t meant to be”. They blame the world, they blame the organization for having a bias, they blame the weather. It is a mentality that clings to excuses, versus solutions.

A growth mindset is one of extreme ownership. A world of continual self reflection. If something didn’t go as planned, what can I learn from this? What can I do better next time? The growth mindset welcomes the short-term pain, knowing that this will only make them better tomorrow. Instead of jumping to excuses, the growth mindset creates the solutions.

Change our mindset, and the world around us changes with it.

We will find adversity. It will be today, tomorrow, or sometime this week. How will we respond? Will we blame the world, our conditions, the weather? Or will we take the harder path, and find what we can do differently next time?

Tuesday May 17, 2022

Monika is working her way through her Deadlifts during Mondays take on “DT”!




10 Rounds For Time:
250/200 Meter Row
500/400 Meter Bike

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds

*Time Cap = 35 Minutes
*Score = Time it takes to complete the workout including rest



“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”

~Albert Einstein

We don’t get what we want.
We get what we expect.

The world will treat us the way we expect to be treated. If we believe it’s “dog eat dog”, and “every man for himself”, then we are doomed to believe so. The lens we’ll see through will be of defensiveness, comparison, and general hostility… even when it’s not even there to begin with.

But the opposite can also be true.
Our expectations become our realities.
It’s not good enough to want it. We have to believe it.

Monday May 16, 2022

Jamal is working his way up to a heavy Clean and Push Jerk!



Part 1: “DT” Complex

5 Rounds on the 3:00:
3 Deadlifts
2 Hang Power Cleans
1 Push Jerk

*Score = Heaviest Load

Part 2: “Do iT”

For Time:
60 Deadlifts (155/105)
45 Hang Power Cleans (155/105)
30 Push Jerks (155/105)

*Score = Time it takes to complete the workout


“If life changes from the outside in, life ends. If life changes from the inside out, life begins.”

It’s been said before that external events don’t define us. We 100% believe in that. Going a bit further, we also believe that external events cannot create us.

Winning the CrossFit Games is something incredible. A monumental achievement. We won’t discredit that. But… does it change who they are? It can’t. It’s external. There’s no pixy dust on the podium, or some magic trick we wake up to the morning after.

What can change us however, is the character we choose to become. The beliefs we choose to hold. The standards we live up to.

A change on the inside reflects on the outside.
Never the other way around.

Sunday May 15, 2022

The 8amers spinning it out!


Reminder: There will be Open Gym today from 8:00am to 10:00am. Come get your weekend WOD on!



“Sweaty Sunday” [CHOOSE ONE]

1,600 Meters at Easy Pace
600 Meters at Fast Pace
1,200 Meters at Moderate Pace
400 Meters at Fast Pace
800 Meters at Fast Pace

Rest 3 Minutes Between All Reps

2,000 Meters at Easy Pace
750 Meters at Fast Pace
1,500 Meters at Moderate Pace
500 Meters at Fast Pace
1,000 Meters at Fast Pace

Rest 3 Minutes Between All Reps

4,000 Meters at Easy Pace
1,500 Meters at Fast Pace
3,000 Meters at Moderate Pace
1,000 Meters at Fast Pace
2,000 Meters at Fast Pace

Rest 3 Minutes Between All Reps



“The most common lies a man tells are to himself.”

~Frederich Nietzsche

Do you ever think about – the way you think?

Hands down, we are our own harshest critic. Most of us would never, ever talk to another human being the way we talk to ourselves.

This is not an attempt to say we are bad people for having those thoughts. Those thoughts just come. But the step that must take place in the middle, is awareness of those thoughts when they arrive. To recognize these as “lies”, like how Nietzsche puts it… so that we can put them into their place.

As we move through our day today, let’s think about the way we think.