Sunday May 15, 2022

The 8amers spinning it out!


Reminder: There will be Open Gym today from 8:00am to 10:00am. Come get your weekend WOD on!



“Sweaty Sunday” [CHOOSE ONE]

1,600 Meters at Easy Pace
600 Meters at Fast Pace
1,200 Meters at Moderate Pace
400 Meters at Fast Pace
800 Meters at Fast Pace

Rest 3 Minutes Between All Reps

2,000 Meters at Easy Pace
750 Meters at Fast Pace
1,500 Meters at Moderate Pace
500 Meters at Fast Pace
1,000 Meters at Fast Pace

Rest 3 Minutes Between All Reps

4,000 Meters at Easy Pace
1,500 Meters at Fast Pace
3,000 Meters at Moderate Pace
1,000 Meters at Fast Pace
2,000 Meters at Fast Pace

Rest 3 Minutes Between All Reps



“The most common lies a man tells are to himself.”

~Frederich Nietzsche

Do you ever think about – the way you think?

Hands down, we are our own harshest critic. Most of us would never, ever talk to another human being the way we talk to ourselves.

This is not an attempt to say we are bad people for having those thoughts. Those thoughts just come. But the step that must take place in the middle, is awareness of those thoughts when they arrive. To recognize these as “lies”, like how Nietzsche puts it… so that we can put them into their place.

As we move through our day today, let’s think about the way we think.

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