Saturday March 30, 2024

Carson is working hard through his Devils Press!



Friday March 29, 2024

Kristen and Eleanor are crushing their Rope Climbs!



Part 1: Back Squat
1 x AMRAP to technical failure. Take 10 minutes to build and then complete max set

Part 2: “Rebar”
Front Squats
Bike Calories
Power Cleans
Bike Calories

Barbell: (135/95)
Female Bike Calories (15- 12-7)

Time Cap: 15 Minutes



“It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.”  ~Mother Theresa

Imagine we’re moving. And we have two friends, who both extend an offer to help.

The first friend writes us a check for 1,000 dollars to help with the moving expenses. Incredibly generous. The second friend doesn’t offer a dime, but instead comes to our old place, helps us pack up every box, drives with us to the new house, and unpacks everything with us into the early hours in the morning.

Fast forward two weeks later. Both friends call you to ask for a favor. Which friend are we more likely to help?

We would choose the second friend. But why? If we were to try to explain, we collectively would flow to the same, natural response… “Because they would have done it for me.”

Money has relative value. But time is an absolute.
If we want to make a “perishable donation”, give money.
If we want to make an everlasting impact, give time.

Thursday March 28, 2024

Wall ballin!



“Sitting Room”
8 Rounds For Time:
400 Meter Run
25 AbMat Sit-Ups
2 Rope Climbs (15′)

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds

Time Cap: 40 Minutes



“Intention drives behavior.”

If we were to walk into the grocery store with a list of eight items to purchase, we’d be there for 10 minutes.

If we were to walk into the grocery store without a list, we end up walking the aisles for 30 minutes, and find ourselves staring at a box of Twinkies in the dessert aisle.

Our behavior is what is going to define our success. And it is no different than the grocery list in our pocket. Line items of decisions and principles that we choose.

Intention is everything.


Wednesday March 27, 2024

Saturdays are for the boys!



Part 1: Deadlift
1 x AMRAP to technical failure. Take 10 minutes to build and then complete max set

Part 2: “Sugar Shack”
For Time:
500/450 Meter Row

Directly Into…

Box Jumps (30/24″)
Deadlifts (225/155)

Directly Into…

500/450 Meter Row

Time Cap: 15 Minutes


“Bread today is better than cake tomorrow”

~Chinese Proverb

There is a common misconception about drive. That if we pause to celebrate today, that we will lose our fire for tomorrow. We’ll lose our competitive edge. And we’ll be satisfied with where we are.

Something we want to recognize: Gratitude is not linked to a lack of drive. Or a lack of performance. It’s actually quite the opposite.

There’s a hormone in our brain called dopamine. It’s the “feel good” hormone. And it’s released whenever we hit that big lift, PR that workout, or just do something well. Call it the celebration hormone.

When athletes go wrong here, it’s because they fail to see something:
That dopamine is incredibly, incredibly addicting.

Think back to when you were first starting CrossFit, and let’s say you were in class. You’re thinking and working hard on your technique, and coach walks by and catches you with marked improvement to your form. He/She says – “Hey.. freakin’ nice job there. That’s an incredible improvement!”.

How would you feel? Think about it for a moment. I think we would have felt proud, accomplished, and… eager for the next one. The next praise. Because that felt good. And I want that next one. So I’m going to bust my ass even harder now to get my technique even better.

Now purely for thought – take the opposite. Pretend you never got that praise, ever. It’s only “not good enough” at all times. Fast forward 2 years. Which athlete is thriving?

Dopamine is a weapon. An absolute weapon. We just need to use it properly. Celebrate today, if for no other reason, than because it will make us even hungrier for tomorrow.

Tuesday March 26, 2024

Congratulations Casey P. on setting The National record in her age group and weight class on Bench Press, 192.75lbs!



“Down With the Sickness”
5 Rounds for time:
400m Run
12 Thrusters (75/55)
12 Burpees 🙂
12 Pull-Ups

Time Cap: 30:00



“Your obsessions become your possessions.”

~Ed Mylett

The word “obsessed” gets a bad rap.
And there’s indeed some merit to that.

But let’s try to define “to be obsessed” a little further. What it’s not defined by is “hours put in”. That may be correlation, but not causality. One is truly obsessed with something when their passion and fire for “that thing” is so great, that their willpower will see them through even the harshest of storms. Where every other person quits… they push on. To one who is obsessed, failure is simply not an option.

Be obsessed with reaching our dreams.
Be obsessed with becoming a better husband. A better wife.
A better son, a better daughter. A better friend, a better neighbor.

Be obsessed with what we care about the most. Our fiercest willpower, pointed in the right direction, is the most powerful thing in the world.

Monday March 25, 2024

Happy Birthday Dan and Scott!



Part 1: Strict Press
1 x AMRAP to technical failure. Take 10 minutes to build and then complete max set

Part 2: “Medulla Oblongata”
On the 1:30 x 10 Rounds:
30 Double-Unders
10 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
Max Calorie Bike

Score: Total Bike Calories


“I want to see it, before I believe it.”

We are visually oriented people.
We seem to trust our eyes more than our other senses.

It’s why we call our ultimate direction our “vision”. It’s why in the middle of the night, if we think we hear something, we want to take a look before we feel safe enough to fall back asleep. We can hear news through the grapevine, but we doubt it until we see it.

Recognizing this, we can leverage it to our advantage. Many of us will agree that there is power in writing down our goals, and this is why. We begin to believe it that much more. It feels that much more real.

Write down our vision. Write down our goals. Write down anything that is important, not because it’s a mundane task… but because we need to see it, before we believe it.

Sunday March 24, 2024

Don’t forget to do your weekend mobility!



Min 1 | Max Burpees to target
Min 2 | Max Calorie Row

Rest 4:00

Min 1 | Max Alternating Single DB devils press
Min 2 | Max Calorie Bike

Rest 4:00

Min 1 | Max 25’ Shuttle runs
Min 2 | Max Push Ups

Score | Lowest round of each added (6 stations added together)



“You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.”

~George Lorimer

“Win the morning, win the day” is something we’ve all heard a couple times.

It’s less, however, about winning the morning, and more about establishing the right habits. The most successful in life routinely draw back to a core staple of set daily habits.

Write a short list of healthy habits you believe push you forward. It could be reading, journaling, “no phone hours”, or anything in between. Where consistency is king, discipline is freedom.

Saturday March 23, 2024

Ellen still manages to smile as she modifies her workout! 



For Time:
1 Mile Run
50 Devil Press
50 Double Dumbbell Clean & Jerks
800 Meter Run
35 Devil Press
35 Double Dumbbell Clean & Jerks
400 Meter Run
20 Devil Press
20 Double Dumbbell Clean & Jerks

Dumbbells (50/35)

Run Together As a Team
Split Dumbbell Work As You’d Like

Time Cap: 35:00



“Well done is better than well said.”

~Benjamin Franklin

Talk is cheap.
Anyone can talk.
Only the few choose to DO.

There will be a point today where we will feel compelled to express our thoughts to someone. Maybe it’s how something could be done better.

Press pause at that moment. “Ductus Exemplo” is a Latin phrase that translates to: “Lead by Example”. Actions will always speak louder than any words.

WD > WS.

Friday March 22, 2024

Rachel is getting a big kip as she works through her Toes to Bar!



Part 1: Back Squat

Take 10 minutes to build to a max set at 80% of your 1RM
*max set to technical failure

Part 2: “Talladega Nights”
5 x AMRAP 3
21 Wall Balls (20/14)
21/15 Cal Row
Max Strict Pull-Ups

*No Rest Between AMRAPS
*Score is total Strict Pull-Ups



“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.”

~Scott Adams

How does an echo start?

With a tiny sound. One that in and of itself, might not even be noticeable. But shortly thereafter that soft sound, comes its echo. Still maybe nothing to turn heads. Yet, this echo builds upon its previous. And again. And then again. Before we know it, it’s impossible to ignore.

It’s called the “changing of the echos”, and it starts with a single tiny noise. Will we start one today?

Thursday March 21, 2024

Josh is looking strong as he works through the Thrusters during 24.3!



5 Rounds For Time:
25/20 Calorie Bike
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
10-20-30-40-50 Box Jumps (24″/20″)

Time Cap: 30:00


“You’ll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut”

~Dr. Suess

This quote is worth reading twice.
We are creatures of habit. We enjoy our routines. From the morning rituals, to the way we warm up for a workout, to our regimented diets and food plans.

Although dialing in the routine is a great thing, it’s important that we remind ourselves to “keep our eyes open.” What Dr. Suess’s quote alludes to is an open mind. Even when we feel we’ve found exactly what works for us, we must resist the urge to close our eyes and ears to new ideas.

There is so much to learn, experience, and challenge ourselves with. That is, if we only keep our eyes open to do so.

Always a student.