Monday July 22, 2019

Casey used her fitness and got “Outside the Box” on Saturday to run the Spartan Race! Great work to all of the CFD athletes that took on that beast!

Happy Birthday Mel!

Attention: We will be running a limited schedule on Wednesday July 24th to celebrate Pioneer Day. there will be an 8:00am and a 9:30am WOD. We will not have childcare that day. The rest of the week will be the regular schedule. We hope you can get your morning WOD in and go do something fun with your family! Thanks for understanding!


“Hot Sauce”
21/15 Calorie Row
21 Lateral Erg Burpees 🙂
Max Overhead Squats (75/55)

Rest 3 Minutes

18/13 Calorie Row
18 Lateral Erg Burpees 🙂
Max Overhead Squats (95/65)

Rest 3 Minutes

15/11 Calorie Row
15 Lateral Erg Burpees 🙂
Max Overhead Squats (115/85)

Rest 3 Minutes

12/9 Calorie Row
12 Lateral Erg Burpees 🙂
Max Overhead Squats (135/95)


“Reasons > Goals”

Let’s imagine Jane is overweight, and is set on a new goal. To lose 30 pounds this year. Despite being a good, measurable, does it really mean anything to her? Does it get her out of bed in the morning? We can all agree, there’s something missing. As good as a goal is, in order for it to truly do anything for us, there must be a specific, defined, and real reason behind it.

Let’s now imagine Jane wants to lose 30 pounds, but, not for herself. It’s for her two teenage daughters. Jane’s entire family has historically battled with obesity. One might say “it’s hereditary”… and that Jane and her kids are destined to be that way.

Except, Jane has decided to have none of that bullshit. By losing the weight, she’s going to prove to her daughters that they can be whoever they want to be as long as they put in the work. Given her family’s poor track record with health, no relative of hers has lived past 85. Jane plans to lead the way in changing that, and wants to see her daughters, and her daughters’ daughters, grow to be fit and healthy.

Goals don’t get us out of bed in the morning. Reasons do. What’s yours?

Sunday July 21, 2019

Wednesdays Wall Balls!
Reminder: There will be Open Gym today from 8:00am to 10:00am. Come get your weekend WOD on!


“Broken Road”
5 Rounds:
15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike

Directly Into…

5 Rounds:
20 AbMat Sit-ups
200 Meter Run


“Pressure can bust pipes, but it can also make diamonds.”

~Robert Horey

There’s no such thing as bad events.
And there’s no such thing as bad pressure.
Only how we perceive it.

Pressure is nothing but a catalyst. It’s a force that demands our undivided attention – our full focus, as an ever present reminder that our time here is limited. And that we must keep moving forward. Not tomorrow, but today.
We can all relate back to a time where pressure moved us in a major way. Maybe it was at work, burning the candle on both ends to finish a project. Maybe it was back in school, studying for an exam the next day. Maybe it was the sudden turn of a loved one’s health, opening our eyes to how important it is to spend time with them before it’s too late.

Pressure isn’t bad. It’s only a reminder that we won’t be here forever. Something we often forget.

Saturday July 20, 2019

Julie is crushing the Rope Climbs during Thursdays WOD!
Reminder: There will be Open Gym this Sunday from 8:00am to 10:00am. Come get your weekend WOD on!


Teams of 3:
4 Rounds For Time (30 Minute Time Cap):
800 Meter Sand Bag Run (Lg/Sm)
Front Squats
Push Jerks

Barbell Weights:
Males: 115-135 -155-175
Females: 85-95-105-115


“When you have one foot in the past, and one in the future, you piss on the present.”

~Dan Harris

It’s fun to think about the future, and it’s easy to dwell on the past.
What is more challenging is to put the thought power into the present – what is directly in front of us. Right now.

Nothing is insignificant. From the most subtle acts at home between family members, to the minor conversation at work. We never know when it’s our last moment.

It’s less of a morbid thought, and more of a recognition of how fast our lives can be. When everything becomes significant, nothing is more important than right now.

Friday July 19, 2019

James and Dan are keeping it cool with a little early morning outdoor exercise!

It’s Benchmark Friday!


Benchmark WOD

“The Ghost”
Compare to 8/31/18
6 rounds for reps of:
1 minute of rowing (Calories)
1 minute of Burpees 🙂
1 minute of Double-Unders
1 minute rest

*Try for as many reps as possible of EACH exercise, don’t “game” it and get all your reps on Double-Unders. With that being said, your score is total reps.


“Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody expects of you. Never excuse yourself.”

~Henry Ward Beecher

Thursday July 18, 2019

Jazmine is working on her core strength with L-Sits!

Happy Birthday Alia!



Option 1:
2 Rope Climbs
6 Hang Power Cleans (165/115)
12/9 Calorie Assault Bike

Rest 6 Minutes

2 Rope Climbs
6 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
12/9 Calorie Assault Bike

Option 2:
Make up a WOD that you missed, or a WOD that you have really been wanting to try, work on skills, etc!

*You must still come to one of the regularly scheduled WOD times.


“You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.”

~Michael Jordan

There is an invisible, impenetrable ceiling that we can place on ourselves.
It’s our own expectations.

The level of effort we will put in today will be relative to what we believe we can accomplish. If we don’t believe we can lose the weight, we won’t put in the work to lose the weight. If we don’t believe we can get the job, we won’t put in the research and studying to get the job. We can’t summon the effort for something we don’t believe is possible.

Yet, starting with the right mindset is only the first part of the puzzle, and often the easiest part. It’s maintaining the belief, during the guaranteed adversity. This is where most fall – we succumb to the failures and missteps… and we change our expectations. We change our goals, to something more “attainable”. We settle.

That’s when we can remind ourselves that this quote came from a man who was cut from his High School basketball team. He had every reason to change his expectations. Every reason to aim lower, or in a different direction. And that would have been that. Yet – we know the rest of story.

What will be ours?

Wednesday July 17, 2019

Chayden is working through the Muscle-Ups during the hero WOD “Nate”!


“Meter Maid”
For Time:
200 Meter Run
27 Wallballs (20/14)
27 Box Jumps (24/20)
200 Meter Run
21 Wallballs (20/14)
21 Box Jumps (24/20)
200 Meter Run
15 Wallballs (20/14)
15 Box Jumps (24/20)
200 Meter Run
9 Wallballs (20/14)
9 Box Jumps (24/20)
200 Meter Run


“The only thing that is different about me, is that I’m not afraid to die on a treadmill.”

~Will Smith

It’s not about the treadmill.
It’s what the treadmill stands for.

Will Smith is not a competitive athlete. If he runs 2, 3, 10 miles… he’s still probably going to be highly successful in his career.


But that’s not why he is, who he is. Not defined by what he’s doing, but instead by how he is doing it.

Full heart, full commitment, full effort. In wherever we go.

Tuesday July 16, 2019

James and Traci are taking advantage of Summer and getting more workouts in together!


Power Snatch
Build to Heavy Set of 5

6 Rounds:
8 Power Snatches (115/85)
8 Bar-Facing Burpees


“Everyone makes mistakes. Not everyone owns them.”

It can be ever-tempting to blame a failure on an external factor. Yet when we do, we gain nothing. We shirk responsibility, and with that, a learning opportunity.

Learning starts with ownership. Recognizing that we can do this better. No one is infallible – we will all make mistakes, and be part of larger mistakes that involve a host of other people. But, even when it’s easy to allow ourselves to blame the situation, look inward.

Ask ourselves the simple question – “What could I have done better?”

Monday July 15, 2019

Ellen has been working hard to perfect her Ring Muscle-Ups!


Build to a Heavy Set of 3

15 Thrusters (95/65)
30 Double Under
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
30 Double-Unders


“Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge.”

~Simon Sinek

What defines a leader? Is it promotion, titles, or status? We realize that is not the case.

We’ve all met others at some point in our lives that were, title wise, on an identical level. Both been students in school, teammates on a sports team, or co-workers in a job. Yet something set them apart. We don’t remember them for what they said or did, but instead, for how they made us feel.

There’s a line that’s been said a million times over.
“Why did you do it?”
“Because he (or she) would have done it for me”.

True leadership is not a title.

Sunday July 14, 2019

The “Fit Kids” are managing the heat with some active water games!

Reminder: There WILL be Open Gym today from 8:00am to 10:00am, come get your weekend WOD on!



Bench Press
Build to a Heavy Set of 7

“Mass Destruction”
4 Strict Pull-ups
8 Dumbbell Strict Presses (35’s/20’s)
12 Medicine Ball Squat Jumps (20/14)


“Failure is the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”

~Henry Ford

Failure has a negative connotation.
That it’s a mark against us – a scarlet letter.
That we actively want to avoid failure at all costs.

Individuals such as Henry Ford offer to look at failure in an entirely different way.

“What can this failure teach me?”
Because failure hurts, we can get defensive. When it happens, we may not want to think about it, no less talk about it. But when we dive into that a bit further, we realize that the only reason we’re doing that, is because our ego is getting in the way.

If we can take that out of it, the opportunity we’ll have, is nothing short of incredible. We’re shifting from a negative connotation to a positive. What can we do with this now, that we couldn’t do before? Failure is without question the best teacher, and if we put in the effort to dive deeper into that uncomfortable instance, dissecting it from every angle with every ounce of humility we have… we’ll have the chance to try again, with the full steam of what we’ve learned.

“You win, or you learn”.

Saturday July 13, 2019

Lauri is crushing the Ring push-Ups during last weeks Hero WOD “Coe”!

Attention: Gina WILL be running Open Gym tomorrow from 8:00am to 10:00am, come get your weekend WOD on!



Teams of 2, AMRAP 25:
Calorie Row
Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
Wallballs (20/14)

Partners Switch After Full Rounds


“Let character be your loudest statement.”

The football player wears shoulder pads and a helmet.
The chef puts on an apron.
The accountant brings a suitcase.
These are all identifiables that may come to mind when thinking of those individuals.

What are yours?

Be hard on yourself here. How would others define you?
Let character be what defines you.