Friday March 1, 2024

Becky is showing us that age is just a number as she works through the Wall Walks during the 2021 Open!


The CrossFit Open is here! For the next three weeks we will be programming the Open WOD’s on Friday. Come to your regular time, or come cheer on your fellow competitors at 5:00pm each week at “Friday Night Lights”! whether you enter the Open, cheer, or just get the WOD in, it’s going to be a fun three weeks!



For time:

21 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
21 lateral burpees over dumbbell
21 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
21 lateral burpees over dumbbell
15 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
15 lateral burpees over dumbbell
15 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
15 lateral burpees over dumbbell
9 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
9 lateral burpees over dumbbell
9 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
9 lateral burpees over dumbbell

*Time cap: 15 minutes

50/35-lb dumbbell 



“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”

~Albert Einstein

We choose the world we live in. And our decision will echo through our lives, perpetuating itself over and over without the conscious even being aware of it. The first step – awareness.

Let’s first recognize that we, by default, tend to gravitate towards “hostility”. This may sound strange at first, but when we think about it, we know that we are defensive creatures. And that a very active “fight or flight” mechanism lives within us. Our default interpretation can be to see things as “threats”. It can be very challenging to trust.

Not all of that is a bad thing. But magnify it, and imagine as if that is the universe we believe it to be – pure hostility. It’s a pair of red glasses we’ve placed over our eyes that we view the world. And despite holding the greenest of flowers in our hand… all we see is a red flower.

It starts with awareness of where we currently are. Brutally honest self-reflection.
It then turns into a choice… a choice of lens that we will view the world in.
Change our perception, and we change our world.

Do you feel like you live a more peaceful or hostile life? When was the last time something happened to you that was out of your control? How did you respond or react? Did you think “why me” or just simply think “it is what it is?”

Thursday February 29, 2024

The 8am is working through their barbell work!




EMOM 20:
Minute 1: Movement 1
Minute 2: Movement 2

*Score = Checkbox
*Move for Quality!

OPTION 2: “Minesweeper”
On the Mintue x 20 [5 Rounds]:
Minute 1: Row Calories
Minute 2: Double-Unders
Minute 3: AbMat Sit-Ups
Minute 4: Rest



“Excitement comes from achievement. Fulfillment comes from the journey.”

Winning the award is exciting. Fulfillment is looking back at the hard work put in.

There’s irony when we think about defining moments. We build up in our minds that accomplishing that “thing” will be the ultimate. And when we get there, hell yeah will it be exciting. But the podium does not change who we are.

The real defining moments were the experiences that led up to those big achievements. The trials, the tribulations, the lessons learned. The early mornings. The late nights. The deep and unforgettable relationships we build through the blood, sweat, and tears.

The dopamine hit comes when we win; when we reach the goal, when we get the promotion. The everlasting fulfillment comes from the journey. And it’s a hell of a drug.

Wednesday February 28, 2024

Brandon is getting in some post WOD accessory work with Turkish Get-Ups!



Part 1: Hang Power Clean
On the 3:00 x 3 Rounds: 8 Hang Power Cleans (Start First Working Set at 60% & Build To Heavy)

Part 2: “Plywood”
3 Rounds of:
5 Deadlifts
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Front Squats
…Rest 1 min
2 Rounds of
10 Deadlifts
10 Hang Power Cleans
10 Front Squats
…Rest 1 min
1 Round of:
15 Deadlifts
15 Hang Power Cleans
15 Front Squats

Barbell: (115/85)



“Trade your expectation for appreciation, and the world changes around you” –

~Tony Robbins

Routines and habits become part of the norm. Morning coffee, listening to the radio, the drive to the field taking the kids to practice. We appreciate healthy habits, and let’s continue to reinforce them. There is however much to be said about taking a pause to our routine, to appreciate the fortune in our lives. The absolute abundance we are so lucky to have.

In a world where comforts are the “norm”, we want to consciously remind ourselves how good our lives are.
The thought of losing those precious parts of our day is a sobering one. But despite it being a morbid thought, we will. There will be a final cup of morning coffee for us. There will be the last chance for us to listen to the radio. And if we are lucky enough to have kids, there will be a last time we get to wait in traffic as we drive them to soccer practice.

As Tony Robbins quotes, if we can remove expectations from the norm, and replace them with a sense of gratitude, our entire world changes.

Tuesday February 27, 2024

We had such a great time up at Solitude for the CFD ski and ride day! Thank you to everyone that came, and especially to Calleigh for putting it together!



“Bradley” [HERO]
10 Rounds For Time
Sprint 100 Meters
10 Pull-Ups
Sprint 100 Meters
10 Burpees 🙂

Rest :30 Between Rounds

Time Cap: 35 Minutes



“Intention drives behavior.”

If we were to walk into the grocery store with a list of eight items to purchase, we’d be there for 10 minutes.

If we were to walk into the grocery store without a list, we end up walking the aisles for 30 minutes, and find ourselves staring at a box of Twinkies in the dessert aisle.

Our behavior is what is going to define our success. And it is no different than the grocery list in our pocket. Line items of decisions and principles that we choose.

Intention is everything.

Monday February 26, 2024

Ryan is looking strong as he works through his Deadlifts!



Part 1: Back Squat
On the 3:00 x 3 Rounds: 8 Back Squats (Start First Working Set at 60% & Build To Heavy)




“It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.”

~Mother Theresa

Imagine we’re moving. And we have two friends, who both extend an offer to help.

The first friend writes us a check for 1,000 dollars to help with the moving expenses. Incredibly generous. The second friend doesn’t offer a dime, but instead comes to our old place, helps us pack up every box, drives with us to the new house, and unpacks everything with us into the early hours in the morning.

Fast forward two weeks later. Both friends call you to ask for a favor. Which friend are we more likely to help?

We would choose the second friend. But why? If we were to try to explain, we collectively would flow to the same, natural response… “Because they would have done it for me.”

Money has relative value. But time is an absolute.
If we want to make a “perishable donation”, give money.
If we want to make an everlasting impact, give time.

Sunday February 25, 2024

Don’t forget your mobility this weekend, your future self will thank you!



“Merry Go ‘Round”
5 Rounds
2:00 Row
2:00 Alternating Single DB Devils Press
2:00 50’ Shuttle runs (25’ down and back)
2:00 Rest



“Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible to your approach.”

~Tony Robbins

Is it a change of plan, or a change of vision?

We’re a committed, hungry group. We don’t shy away from discipline… we actually embrace it. And that dedication often shows itself when we set goals. We hard-charge them.

Yet along the way, we will have detours. Sometimes they will be by choice – and sometimes by chance. Regardless, we need the step back to assess what we are feeling. We can beat ourselves up for losing the “original plan”, or we can embrace the new path ahead, well knowing the detour signs are ultimately leading us to where we seek.

Committed to the destination, while flexible on the route.

Saturday February 24, 2024

Calleigh is smokin her Burpees Over The Rower!



For Time:
2,000/1800 Meter Row (split however)


7 Rounds Each, Alternating Full Rounds:
7 Toes to Bar
7 Front Squats (135/95)


2,000/1800 Meter Row (split however)

Time Cap: 35 Minutes



“Don’t bunt. Aim out of the ballpark.”

~David Oglivy

One of the most dangerous things we can do in life is to dream too small.
When we dig to the root of what causes this, we find that it’s fear.

We can convince ourselves that it’s too big of a goal. That it’s out of reach. That in and of itself, is the death of the dream. A self-fulfilling prophecy from that point forward, as we can’t accomplish what we can’t believe.

So it starts with that: belief. Belief that we can learn the skills, build the capacity, and hone the craft. Having the dream is only a part of the equation, and it will only come second to having the belief. The belief that you deserve to step up to the plate, and put the ball over the fences.

Friday February 23, 2024

Val is taking a little break as she works through her Sit-Ups!



Part 1: Deadlift
On the 3:00 x 3 Rounds: 8 Deadlifts (Start First Working Set at 60% & Build To Heavy)

Part 2: “Bounce Back”
5 Power Snatches
30 Double-Unders

Rest 2:00

10 Deadlifts
30 Double-Unders

Barbell: (115/85)



“There is a reason between listening, and waiting for your turn to speak.”

~Simon Sinek
Listening is a skill.
To not “hear” the words of another, but to truly be in the moment. To listen sincerely.

Most listen with the intent to reply. That is, as the other is speaking, they’re already formulating what to say next. In these moments, they are no longer listening. We’ve shifted towards “hearing”.

In conversations today, pay close attention to our thoughts as the other is speaking.

The intention is this:
Listen with the intent to understand.
Not to reply.

Thursday February 22, 2024

Everybody jump!



“Juggling Act”
For Time:
2000/1800 Meter Bike
60 AbMat Sit-Ups
800 Meter Run
60 AbMat Sit-Ups
800 Meter Run
60 AbMat Sit-Ups
2000/1800 Meter Bike

Time Cap: 28 Minutes



“Life is like sailing. You can use any wind to go in any direction.”

~Robert Brault

Are we sailing North on purpose, or is it because the wind is taking us that way?

Life will throw its curveballs. It’s unseen illnesses, injuries, and schedule conflicts. But it is a choice to allow those to change our cardinal direction. There is always a way to continue in the direction we want.

When the challenge strikes, we don’t adjust the goal. We adjust the sails.

Wednesday February 21, 2024

Erin is making huge gains with her Pull-Ups!



Part 1: Strict Press
On the 3:00 x 3 Rounds: 8 Strict Presses (Start First Working Set at 60% & Build To Heavy)

Part 2: “Lowes”
Kettlebell Goblet Lunges
Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
Box Jumps (24″/20″)

Kettlebell: (53/35)



“I want to see it, before I believe it.”

We are visually oriented people.
We seem to trust our eyes more than our other senses.

It’s why we call our ultimate direction our “vision”. It’s why in the middle of the night, if we think we hear something, we want to take a look before we feel safe enough to fall back asleep. We can hear news through the grapevine, but we doubt it until we see it.

Recognizing this, we can leverage it to our advantage. Many of us will agree that there is power in writing down our goals, and this is why. We begin to believe it that much more. It feels that much more real.

Write down our vision. Write down our goals. Write down anything that is important, not because it’s a mundane task… but because we need to see it, before we believe it.