Saturday January 14, 2023

Jake is coming in hot!



“Double or Nothing”
In Teams Of Two, Alternating Movements
5 Power Snatches (135/95)
30 Double-Unders
100 meter Sprint

Daily Mindset

“Don’t look for the third thing.”

~Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius breaks down a good deed into two positive results:

One, You did good, and,

Two, You helped another.

The first positive result is that you did good. Every good deed is a vote towards ourselves becoming better human beings. The second is that your actions helped another. Whether big or small, you’ve benefited another human being today.

There is a “third thing” that one can seek, and it was Marcus strongly speaks against: credit.

When one contributes with a good deed, doing right by oneself, and doing right by another, is enough. The desire to receive praise for such an action is the pitfall he warns against. To go around expecting thanks is what he deems as greedy, which can trickle into other areas of life.

Friday January 13, 2023

Coop is working through his Barbell Thrusters!



33-27-21-15-9 Reps For time Of:
95/65-lb. Thrusters
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

Time cap: 20 minutes


Daily Mindset

“You make a living with what you get. You make a life with what you give.”

~Winston Churchill

Think back to a time in your life when you came in clutch for someone. One where your actions made a significant impact on someone’s life. Maybe it was a time where you showed up for a friend in a time of need. But you didn’t just show up… you went above and beyond. Not because of some expected return, but because you believed it was the right thing to do. You genuinely cared.

Think back to that day, and how that made you feel when you saw your impact. Think back to how it felt to know you made a difference. It felt good, didn’t it. Really, damn, good.

Science has shown us that one of the most powerful emotions we can feel, via serotonin, is released in mass at these moments. But what is even more interesting, is that it’s literally contagious. Think back to the last time you saw someone else doing something generous. Maybe it was as simple as holding the door open at the store for an elderly customer. Think back to that… How did you feel, witnessing that? Did it make you feel more generous?

If generosity is contagious, it just needs to be started.
Let it be us.
Be the change we want to see in this world.

Thursday January 12, 2023

It’s a sister thing! Janae and Jannalyn getting after their Pistols!



“Best Out Of Three”

3 Rounds x AMRAP 5:
3 Box Jumps (30″/24″)
6 Dumbbell Snatches (70/50)
9 Hand Release Push-Ups

Rest 2 Minutes Between Rounds

Daily Mindset

“If you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them.”

~Jim Kwik

Our harshest critic is in between our ears.

We’ve all been there… telling ourselves we suck. That we’re simply not good enough. Too old, too young, not good looking enough, not smart enough.

Each time we tell ourselves these things, we add one more vote to become them. The mind has this incredible power to bring into this world whatever we fixate on.

Yet what can be the harshest critic, can be the most powerful ally. Let’s leverage those thoughts to our best advantage.

Wednesday January 11, 2023

Monika is working hard to crush her handstand Push-Ups!



“Lost In The Sauce”

400 Meter Row
21 Overhead Squats
Max Handstand Push-Ups

Rest 3 Minutes

400 Meter Row
18 Overhead Squats
Max Handstand Push-Ups

Rest 3 Minutes

400 Meter Row
15 Overhead Squats
Max Handstand Push-Ups

Rest 3 Minutes

400 Meter Row
12 Overhead Squats
Max Handstand Push-Ups

Barbell: (115/85)

Daily Mindset

“Give more. Give what you didn’t get. Love more. Drop the old story.”

We often hold onto the past. And we all have felt ourselves do it. Sometimes they are worn as scars, sometimes like trophies. It’s not uncommon to use past events as a chip on your shoulder. “They didn’t believe in me”. All of those are potent motivators. But they only last so long, as they are fleeting and weaker forms of ammunition.

When we “fight against” something, such as something in the past, we will only go so far. When we “fight for” something, it’s different. Its purpose and meaning go beyond our singular life, transcending to something far bigger. This is where you can move mountains.

Do you hold onto something from the past? Can we reframe the mental dialogue?

Tuesday January 10, 2023

Cam is making sure to keep her form as she works through her Deadlifts!



Part 1: Deadlift

Build to a heavy set of 5

Part 2: “Marston”

1 Deadlift (405/285)
10 Toes to Bar
15 Bar-Facing Burpees 🙂

Daily Mindset

“If failure is not an option, neither is success.”

We fear the one who is willing to lose it all. The one who is willing to play full out with no reserves. The one who swings for the fences.

That’s a dangerous person. Dangerous enough… to accomplish something great.

We all have a comfort zone. A status quo. It’s warm, cozy, and familiar. But it’s a box, with a ceiling and walls that we can see and touch. It’s a world that cannot grow further than what it’s already grown to.

If we want to grow, we have to climb out of that world into the unknown. To face that chance that we may fall flat on our face, because we’re walking in new ground. Yet, as much as a “swing and a miss” may sting a bit, there’s something far worse. Worse than any of that is the pain of knowing that we didn’t try.

Life is so short.
There’s no time to bunt.
Let’s swing for the fences.

Monday January 9, 2023

Baylie is flying through her Bar Muscle-Ups!



Part 1: Hang Power Clean

Build to a heavy single

Part 2: “Nasty Girls V2”

3 Rounds For Time:
50 Single Leg Squats
7 Ring Muscle-Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans (175/115)

Daily Mindset

“75% Emotional, 25% Physical”

It’s said that the hardest part about anything is starting. And that once we just take that first step, the successive action seems to just fall into place. And there’s absolutely merit to that… an object in motion tends to stay in motion (Newton).

But beyond the surface we want to recognize the truth about us as human beings… that we are emotional creatures. And that our ultimate success is less dependent on the physical actions we take, and more on the emotional backings behind them.

We can conceptualize “successful action” in this way: 25% of it is the physical side. The actual hands in the dirt, grunt work. This stuff matters, of course. But these specific and granular “whats” only account to a quarter of the recipe.

75% of it is the emotional side. The story that plays between our ears as we’re underway. We’re going to hit bumps in the road, and how we internalize obstacles determines our path forward more than anything else. How do we respond when it’s a “bad day?”, and we’re missing every single snatch attempt?

When we think about it that way, successful action isn’t just about what we’re doing, and far more about how we’re doing it. Despite the battle being in our hands, it’s won in our mind.

Sunday January 8, 2023

Sometimes mobility can hurt, but it’s worth it!


Reminder: There will be Open Gym today from 8:00am to 10:00am. Come get your weekend WOD on!



“Sweaty Sunday”

4 Rounds For Time:
800 Meter Run

Rest 2 Minutes

4 Rounds For Time:
1,000 Meter Row

Rest 2 Minutes

4 Rounds For Time:
2,000 Meter Bike

Rest 2 Minutes

* Score Is Slowest Round

Daily Mindset

“Bread today is better than cake tomorrow”

~Chinese Proverb

There is a common misconception about drive. That if we pause to celebrate today, that we will lose our fire for tomorrow. We’ll lose our competitive edge. And we’ll be satisfied with where we are.

Something we want to recognize: Gratitude is not linked to a lack of drive. Or a lack of performance. It’s actually quite the opposite.

There’s a hormone in our brain called dopamine. It’s the “feel good” hormone. And it’s released whenever we hit that big lift, PR that workout, or just do something well. Call it the celebration hormone.

When athletes go wrong here, it’s because they fail to see something:
That dopamine is incredibly, incredibly addicting.

Think back to when you were first starting CrossFit, and let’s say you were in class. You’re thinking and working hard on your technique, and coach walks by and catches you with marked improvement to your form. He/She says – “Hey.. freakin’ nice job there. That’s an incredible improvement!”.

How would you feel? Think about it for a moment. I think we would have felt proud, accomplished, and… eager for the next one. The next praise. Because that felt good. And I want that next one. So I’m going to bust my ass even harder now to get my technique even better.

Now purely for thought – take the opposite. Pretend you never got that praise, ever. It’s only “not good enough” at all times. Fast forward 2 years. Which athlete is thriving?

Dopamine is a weapon. An absolute weapon. We just need to use it properly. Celebrate today, if for no other reason, then because it will make us even hungrier for tomorrow.

Saturday January 7, 2023

Heather is the perfect example of “no excuses”!



Part 1: Push Jerk

Build to a heavy single

Part 2: “The First Cut Is The Deepest”

Teams of 3

4 Rounds For Time:
750 Meter Row
9 Rope Climbs (15′)
21 Push Jerks (185/135)


Daily Mindset

“Your obsessions become your possessions.”

~Ed Mylett

The word “obsessed” gets a bad rap.
And there’s indeed some merit to that.

But let’s try to define “to be obsessed” a little further. What it’s not defined by is “hours put in”. That may be correlation, but not causality. One is truly obsessed with something when their passion and fire for “that thing” is so great, that their willpower will see them through even the harshest of storms. Where every other person quits… they push on. To one who is obsessed, failure is simply not an option.

Be obsessed with reaching our dreams.
Be obsessed with becoming a better husband. A better wife.
A better son, a better daughter. A better friend, a better neighbor.

Be obsessed with what we care about the most. Our fiercest willpower, pointed in the right direction, is the most powerful thing in the world.


Friday January 6, 2023

Here’s a little flashback to Tyler working through Open WOD 18.2!


OPEN WORKOUT 18.2 and 2a

Workout 18.2:  1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of:
Dumbbell Squats
Bar-Facing Burpees 🙂

Men use 50-lb. dumbbells, Women use 35-lb. dumbbells

Workout 18.2a

1-rep-max clean

Time cap: 12 minutes to complete 18.2 AND 18.2a


Daily Mindset

“I want to see it, before I believe it.”

We are visually oriented people.
We seem to trust our eyes more than our other senses.

It’s why we call our ultimate direction our “vision”. It’s why in the middle of the night, if we think we hear something, we want to take a look before we feel safe enough to fall back asleep. We can hear news through the grapevine, but we doubt it until we see it.

Recognizing this, we can leverage it to our advantage. Many of us will agree that there is power in writing down our goals, and this is why. We begin to believe it that much more. It feels that much more real.

Write down our vision. Write down our goals. Write down anything that is important, not because it’s a mundane task… but because we need to see it, before we believe it.

Thursday January 5, 2023

The Crowley’s are ready for Bench Press, are you?!



“Prime The Pump”

5 Rounds For Time:
30 Sit-Ups
10 Bench Press (Bodyweight)
300′ Shuttle Run
10 Strict Pull-Ups

Time Cap: 25 Minutes

Daily Mindset

“There will never be a better you, than you.”

There is a lot to be said about authenticity.
The first definition inside Merriam-Webster reads, “worthy of acceptance or belief.”
If there’s one sure way to find failure in something, it’s through not being ourselves. It just doesn’t pan out in the long run. While we always remain a student, the harm lies when we blur the lines between emulating the traits of our mentors… with trying to actually be them.

Our mentors do not wish for us to follow in their footsteps.
Our mentors wish for us to go further. To blaze the path further than before.

We have incredible leaders to guide us. But it is now on us to push even further. And there’s no one suited better for that, than you.