Wednesday April 22, 2020

It won’t be too much longer until we are busting it out on a barbell together again!
We are excited to be getting into what is hopefully our last few weeks of online Zoom WOD’s, which means we’re one week closer to getting back in the gym! But for now the Zoom times are 7:00am, 12:00pm, and 4:30pm, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Heather will also be teaching a Recovery/Mobility Zoom class Saturdays at 9:00am. Just click on the links that are provided on the website. We can’t wait to see all of you on Zoom!

Click here for the 7:00am WOD.
Click here for the 12:00pm WOD.
Click here for the 4:30pm WOD.


“Grip and Rip”

[On the 0:00]
For Time:
21 Burpees 🙂
1 Round of “Dumbbell DT”
18 Burpees 🙂
1 Round of “Dumbbell DT”
15 Burpees 🙂
1 Round of “Dumbbell DT”
12 Burpees 🙂
1 Round of “Dumbbell DT”

[On the 10:00]
For Time:
21 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell
1 Round of “Dumbbell DT”
18 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell
1 Round of “Dumbbell DT”
15 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell
1 Round of “Dumbbell DT”
12 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell
1 Round of “Dumbbell DT”

“Grip and Rip” (No Equipment)

[On the 0:00]
For Time:
21 Burpees 🙂
1 Round of “Odd Object DT”
18 Burpees 🙂
1 Round of “Odd Object DT”
15 Burpees 🙂
1 Round of “Odd Object DT”
12 Burpees 🙂
1 Round of “Odd Object DT”

[On the 10:00]
For Time:
21 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell
1 Round of “Odd Object DT”
18 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell
1 Round of “Odd Object DT”
15 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell
1 Round of “Odd Object DT”
12 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell
1 Round of “Odd Object DT”


*We’ll complete rounds of a dumbbell version of a popular Hero Workout in today’s two part workout
*Part 1 of the workout is for time and begins on the 0:00
*In this section, you’ll alternate between burpees and 1 round of “Dumbbell DT”
*”Dumbbell DT” is to be completed with 2 Dumbbells and goes as follows:
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks
*We’ll time cap Part 1 at 9 minutes to allow for at least 1 minute of rest before beginning part 2
*Part 2 begins is also for time and begins on the 10:00
*In this section, you’ll alternate between air squat hops over the dumbbell and 1 round of “Dumbbell DT”
*There is no time cap for this part
*Your score is the sum total of Part 1 + Part 2
*There are multiple options we have based on the equipment you have available
*You are ideally able to complete the hang power cleans and push jerks unbroken for each round of “Dumbbell DT”
*If you only have heavier weights that do not allow for this, reducing the rep scheme to something like 9-6-3 can help you achieve the desired stimulus
*If you only have 1 dumbbell available, complete one of the following options:
Option 1:
12 Single Dumbbell Deadlifts (6 Each Side)
9 Russian Dumbbell Swings (Hold 1 Head of Dumbbell)
6 Single Dumbbell Push Jerks (Hold Both Heads of Barbell)
Option 2:
12 Single Dumbbell Deadlifts (6 Each Side)
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Cleans (5 Each Side)
8 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Jerks (4 Each Side)
*The burpees in Part 1 are regular burpees
*The chest and thighs touch the floor in the bottom of each rep
*The body reaches full extension with a small clap overhead and some air under the feet at the top of each rep
*For the Air Squat Hops, you’ll complete an air squat on one side of the dumbbell, then jump laterally over weight
*A rep is counted every time the feet hit on the other side of the bell
*Reduce Reps
*Single Dumbbell Modifications (Listed Further Up Page)
*27 Kettlebell Swings (Equal Reps to “DT”)
*27 Slamballs (Equal Reps to “DT”)
*Jumping Air Squats (In Place)
*The most challenging parts of the workout today will likely be the double dumbbell hang power cleans and push jerks
*Rather than relying on the smaller muscles of the arms to do the work, let’s lean on the big muscles of the lower body to get the weight to our shoulders and overhead
*Be mindful of jumping with straight arms and launching the bells off the shoulders with the lower half
*With 8 rounds of “Dumbbell DT” in total, pulling and pressing early can compound quickly
*Efficient movement pushes off excess fatigue and allows you to stay moving more consistently
*Move at a steady pace through the burpees and air squats hops that allows you to thrive on the rounds of “Dumbbell DT” that follow
*Break-up “Dumbbell DT” in a similar way to how you would break up the traditional workout with a barbell
*It can be helpful to take a short break at 11 deadlifts before completing the 12th rep to allow for an unbroken set of 8 hang power cleans
*It is also helpful to take a short break at 8 hang power cleans before completing the 9th rep to allow for an unbroken set of 6 push jerks
*Getting a break from the dumbbells after 1 round of “DT” is a nice incentive to move with a purpose through the 12-9-6


1 Minute Active Spidermans Video
40 Seconds Single Dumbbell Deadlifts (20 Seconds Each Side)
1 Minute Frog Hops Video
40 Seconds Single Dumbbell Russian Swings (20 Seconds Each Side)
1 Minute Mountain Climbers Video
40 Seconds Single Dumbbell Push Press (20 Seconds Each Side)

Body Armor

3 Giant Sets:
:30 Seconds Dumbbell Bent Over Row Hold (Right)
:30 Seconds Dumbbell Bent Over Row Hold (Left)
:30 Seconds Dumbbell Overhead Hold (Right)
:30 Seconds Dumbbell Overhead Hold (Left)

Rest 1 Minute Between Sets



*Today’s Body Armor is focused on isometric holds
*Let’s choose weights that are challenging, but allow for unbroken 30 second holds
*You can use one weight across or increase over the 3 sets
*If you only have lighter weights available, lengthen out these holds to 45-60 seconds
*If you only have heavier weights available, shorter these holds to 15-25 seconds
*There is no rest between each movement, but 1 minute of rest between rounds
*Dumbbell Bent Over Row Hold: Video
*Dumbbell Overhead Hold: Video




“The carpenter doesn’t show up to the job with a single hammer, and a single nail.”

To the carpenter, no two jobs are the same.

He may bring the exact same toolbox, yet each build has something different about it. So we realize, it’s not the tools that made it different… it’s something about the carpenter.

Think of every skill and craft we practice as a vote towards a larger goal. The goal of adaptability. To be able to flow into any situation, like water, able to approach from a hundred different angles.

Because just like the carpenter, we won’t ever know the specifics of the next problem until we’re in it. Uncertainty is the only certainty. But also just like the carpenter, it’s not the toolbox that solves the problem. It’s the mind behind it.

Tuesday April 21, 2020

Happy Birthday Belinda!




3 Rounds:
25 Strict Pull-ups
400 Meter Run
50 Sit-ups
800 Meter Run

“Oxygen” (No Equipment)

3 Rounds:
50 Odd Object Rows
400 Meter Run
50 Sit-ups
800 Meter Run


*All bodyweight movements today in this longer 3-round workout
*We expect this piece to take around 30-36 minutes to complete
*The strict pull-ups will be the most muscularly demanding of all the movements
*Let’s choose a rep number or variation that allows you to complete the 25 reps in no more than 3 minutes
*This works out to right around 8 reps on the minute
*If you have an AbMat available, let’s use it
*If you don’t have an AbMat, you can anchor your feet with dumbbells or underneath an object like your couch
*Reduce Reps
*Max Reps in 3 Minutes (Max of 25 Reps)
*Banded Strict Pull-ups
*Ring Rows
*Odd Object Rows
*Accumulate 2 Minute Front Plank
*500 Meter Row
*1,000 Meter Bike Erg
*400 Meter Ski Erg
*25/18 Calorie Assault or Echo Bike
*40/28 Calorie Schwinn Bike
*30 x 10 Meter Shuttle Runs
*800 Meter Row
*2,000 Meter Bike Erg
*800 Meter Ski Erg
*50/35 Calorie Assault or Echo Bike
*80/56 Calorie Schwinn Bike
*60 x 10 Meter Shuttle Runs
*Let’s focus on the placement of our feet today
*In the strict pull-up, we want our feet tight together and slightly in front of the pull-up bar
*This allows us to stay in a solid hollow position throughout the full range of motion
*The run is the opposite of the strict pull-up
*Instead of the feet being in front of the body, we always want the feet to make contact right underneath us
*When the feet land in front of the body, we “put the brakes on”
*When the feet land right underneath the body, we operate more like a wheel on a bicycle
*Without constantly tapping the brakes, you can move forward more efficiently
*The movements that surround the runs are more challenging on our strength and muscular stamina than on breathing
*This is a good incentive to get slightly outside your comfort zone on the runs
*Break up the strict pull-ups early and often
*With 75 reps total, the best break-up strategy is the one that keeps you moving
*Even quick sets of 1-3 are acceptable here


Easy Jog:
400 Meters

3 Rounds:
30 Seconds Knuckle Drags Video
30 Second Hollow Hold Video
30 Second Active Samson Video

Body Armor

Alternating Tabata:

Banded Pull Aparts

Hollow Rocks


*Today’s Body Armor piece will alternate between an upper back and midline movement
*Tabata Intervals = 8 Rounds: 20 Second On + 10 Seconds Rest
*You’ll alternate between movements until 8 rounds are completed at both
*The flow of the workout goes:
8 Rounds:
20 Seconds Banded Pull Aparts
10 Seconds Rest
20 Seconds Hollow Rocks
10 Seconds Rest
*Choose a band tension that allow you to move for all 20 seconds
*If the hollow rocks are too challenging – complete hollow holds


Banded Pull Aparts: Video

Hollow Rocks: Video



“One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness. It usually comes back to you.”


Science has shown us that showing kindness to another elicits one of the most powerful hormonally driven emotions we can feel. But what is even more interesting, is that kindness is contagious.

Think back to the last time you saw someone else doing something generous. Maybe it was as simple of a gesture as someone holding the door open for an elderly citizen entering a store. Or when another randomly buys the next person in line behind them their coffee at the drive-through Starbucks. Think back to those moments… how did you feel, witnessing that? Did it make you feel, more generous?

If kindness is contagious, we just need to start the chain.

Monday April 20, 2020

Happy Birthday MK!

We are excited to be getting into what is hopefully our last few weeks of online Zoom WOD’s, which means we’re one week closer to getting back in the gym! But for now the Zoom times are 7:00am, 12:00pm, and 4:30pm, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Heather will also be teaching a Recovery/Mobility Zoom class Saturdays at 9:00am. Just click on the links that are provided on the website. We can’t wait to see all of you on Zoom!

Click here for the 7:00am WOD.
Click here for the 12:00pm WOD.
Click here for the 4:30pm WOD.


“Seventy Two”

1 Double Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean
1 Double Dumbbell Thruster
30 Double Unders
2 Double Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans
2 Double Dumbbell Thrusters
30 Double Unders
3 Double Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans
3 Double Dumbbell Thrusters
30 Double Unders

Continue to Add (1) Rep to Dumbbell Movements Per Round

“Seventy Two” (No Equipment)

1 Odd Object Hang Squat Clean
1 Odd Object Thruster
30 Line Hops
2 Odd Object Hang Squat Cleans
2 Odd Object Thrusters
30 Line Hops
3 Odd Object Hang Squat Cleans
3 Odd Object Thrusters
30 Line Hops

Continue to Add (1) Rep to Odd Object Movements Per Round


*We’ll climb the ladder for 15 minutes in today’s ascending rep scheme workout
*After each set of double unders, which remain at 30, the dumbbell reps will climb by 1 rep
*We’ll use [Rounds + Reps] as our scoring choice to keep things simple
*For Example: If you finish the round of 8’s and complete 6 hang squat cleans in the round of 9’s – your score is 8 Rounds + 6 Reps
*There is no prescribed loading for these double dumbbell movements – as everyone has access to different weights at home
*Those with lighter weights will get further into the workout while those with heavier weights will get more of a strength stimulus
*An option for those with heavier dumbbell weights who don’t want to get “stuck” would be to use a single dumbbell instead of two
*The number here is designed to be fairly small
*Choose a rep number or variation that allow you to complete the work in around 30-40 seconds
*See below for modifications
*Single Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans (Split Reps Evenly Between Arms)
*Medicine Ball Squat Cleans (Climb by 3’s Each Round)
*Kettlebell Goblet Squats (Climb by 3’s Each Round)
*Single Dumbbell Thrusters (Split Reps Evenly Between Arms)
*Single Dumbbell Goblet Thrusters Video
*Wallballs (Climb by 3’s Each Round)
*Kettlebell Swings (Climb by 3’s Each Round)
*The Double Unders require us to be primarily on the front of the foot, while the dumbbell movements are better performed with the whole foot balanced on the floor
*The combination of these movements can easily lead us into drifting towards the toes during our squats
*Make a conscious effort to keep the heels grounded in the hang squat cleans and thrusters in order to stay balanced and drive the weight overhead with more power
*This workout will be pretty taxing on the lower body – as there is a lot of interference between the two dumbbell movements
*With 15 minutes of work ahead of you, don’t feel like you have to go directly from the hang squat cleans into thrusters
*You may even be able to get more work done when all is said and done by taking calculated breaks instead of long, unplanned breaks
*The best place to break may be in between the hang squat cleans and thrusters
*As the dumbbell reps get higher, see if you can stick with unbroken sets on each movement while extending the rest a little bit between them


4 Sets:
30 Seconds Single Unders
30 Seconds Slow Air Squats
30 Seconds Push-up to Down Dog Video


3 Rounds:
Minute 1: Work
:20 Seconds Max Dumbbell Floor Press
:20 Seconds Dumbbell Hold at Extension
:20 Seconds Max Push-ups
Minute 2: Rest



*We’ll alternate between 1 minute of work and 1 minute of rest for 3 rounds
*The 1 minute of work is divided into 3 x 20 second sections
*All 3 stations have an upper body press focus
*Dumbbell Floor Press: Using two moderate dumbbells, lower the weight until the upper arm makes contact with the floor and press to full extension at the top (See Further Down For Video)
*Dumbbell Hold at Extension: Isometric hold with the two dumbbells at the locked out top position of the floor press
*Push-ups: Traditional bodyweight push-ups focusing on a full range of motion: chest to floor + elbows locked out at top
*There is no rest between 20 second sections – you’ll move right from one to the next


Dumbbell Floor Press: Video




“The fact of the matter, is that it’s just my opinion.”

~Benjamin Franklin

Have you ever caught yourself saying, “Well the fact of the matter is…”?

Sometimes we can be so sure of something, that we forget that it’s actually not a fact. And that it’s truthfully just our opinion.

We are a proud, dedicated group. With strong, passionate beliefs. That is an amazing quality, and on the character level, one we do want to cultivate. Yet, there is a tipping point here.

We can hold such strong thoughts about something, that we can literally blind ourselves to another perspective. Another way of doing things. To continue to grow into the next best version of ourselves, Franklin’s quote brings us back to a core focus of ours, humility. To always have an open mind, and to always be a student.

Sunday April 19, 2020

How are those April Abs coming along?!


“Supple Sunday”

4 Rounds (20 Minutes Total):
:40 Second Weighted Hollow Hold
:20 Seconds Rest
:40 Second Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts
:20 Seconds Rest
:40 Second Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat Hold (Left)
:20 Seconds Rest
:40 Second Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat Hold (Right)
:20 Seconds Rest


*This static hold heavy workout is primarily focused on our midline and overhead stability
*You’ll work through 4 rounds of 40 seconds on and 20 seconds of rest
*Following the last movement, you’ll rest 1:20 before beginning the next round
*This piece takes 20 minutes in total
*Record weights used for each round in the score section
*You can increase in load or stay the same across the board
*The weighted hollow hold involves you holding a weighted object behind your head to further challenge the position
*You can use a light plate, dumbbell, or other weighted object
*While weighted is prescribed, this should be a weight that allows you to hold for 40 seconds straight
*You can also go with no weight if 40 seconds will be a good challenge in itself
*Slow and controlled is the goal of the Romanian deadlifts
*Unlike a traditional deadlift, you do not have to make contact with the ground
*Slowly lower down by sending the hips and knees back until you are unable to maintain your neutral back position
*When you reach the end range, squeeze your glutes to stand to the finish position
*Choose a weight on the dumbbell here that allows you to hold for 40 seconds without breaking
*The overhead squat hold requires quite a bit of mobility
*It may help to elevate your heels onto plates to help maintain an upright position
*If the mobility is too challenging, completed a front squat hold, goblet squat hold, or wall sit
*Stay active with the lower body and upper body for the whole duration of the movement
*Regular Hollow Hold
*Modified Hollow Hold:
*Pull Knees into Chest
*Arms By Your Side
*Front Plank
*Glute Bridges
*Glute Bridge Walkouts
*Single Arm Dumbbell Front Squat Hold
*Single Arm Dumbbell Goblet Hold
*Wall Sit
*Squat Hold
*Make it your goal to stay active in all of these movements
*The challenge is not conditioning – rather positioning
*In the squat, hang out just below parallel instead of relaxing into the total bottom position
*In the hollow hold, stay squeezing to maintain a tight body position
*In the Romanian Deadlift, control the dumbbells down instead of quickly moving between top to bottom
*Check in with yourself every 5-10 seconds on your positioning, especially on the holds
*Scan your body from top to bottom to make sure:
Hollow Hold:
*Arms are reaching behind you
*Shoulder blades are off the ground
*Lower back is pushed into the floor
*Legs are squeezed tight
*Feet are 6 inches off the floor
Overhead Squat:
*Elbows are locked
*Head is neutral
*Belly is tight
*Knees are driving out
*Heels are in contact with ground




“Don’t bunt. Aim out of the ballpark.”

~David Oglivy

One of the most dangerous things we can do in life: to dream too small.

What stops dreamers from dreaming, is fear.
We can convince ourselves that we don’t have what it takes. That we’re not ready yet. That we’re too young or too old.. This fear, in and of itself, is the dream killer. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy from that point forward, as we can’t accomplish what we can’t believe.

It doesn’t start with the dream. It starts with the belief. The belief that we deserve to step up to the plate, and put the ball over the fences.

Saturday April 18, 2020

Join us on Zoom today at 9:00am for some Mobility/Recovery with Heather!

If you haven’t jumped in on one of the online Zoom WOD’s at 7:00am, 12:00pm, and 4:30pm, Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays you are missing out! It’s not too late to get in on the fun. Heather will also be teaching a Recovery/Mobility Zoom class this Saturday at 9:00am! Just click on the links that are provided on the website. Be patient with us as this is all new and we are still learning. If you would like to see a WOD time added, please let us know on the CrossFit Draper community facebook page. We can’t wait to see all of you on Zoom!

Click here for the 9:00am Recovery/Mobility WOD.




Every 5 Minutes x 5 Sets:
200 Meter Run
15 Burpees 🙂
200 Meter Run


*Rounds begin every 5 minutes in this simple bodyweight interval workout
*You’ll complete the three stations for time and rest whatever time remains until the next round begins
*Rounds begin on the 0-5-10-15-20
*Record your time following the second 200 meter run
*Your score is the slowest of the 5 rounds
*We’re looking for these rounds to take no more than 4 minutes – giving you at least 1 minute of rest
*These are standard burpees requiring chest to floor, a small clap overhead, and air under the feet
*You can jump up or step up out of the burpee
*See below for run subs
*250 Meter Row or Ski
*500 Meter Bike Erg
*20/14 Calorie Schwinn Bike
*12/9 Calorie Assault or Echo Bike
*Gravity is your friend on both of these movements today
*Rather than fighting it, let’s use it to our advantage
*Leaning forward at the ankles more aggressively and trying to take more steps can help you run faster with less effort
*In the burpee, don’t resist the way down too much
*Flop down to the ground and do most of your work on the way up
*See if you can make your final 3 rounds faster than your first 2 rounds
*This approach will help you start at a strong pace, but one that you can improve upon as you go


8 Minutes For Quality:
10 Frog Jumps
200 Meter Run
5 Inchworm to Push-ups


Not for Time:
50 “Child Makers”

1 “Child Maker” (Click Video for demo):
With a dumbbell in each hand:
1 Pushup
1 Dumbbell Row (left)
1 Dumbbell Row (right)
1 Dumbbell Deadlift


Athletes choice on loading
If we have only a single dumbbell, complete a regular pushup, and the remainder as above
If we do not have any weights, complete:
1 Pushup PlankVideo
1 Pushup
1 Burpee


“Shallow people believe in luck and circumstance. Strong people believe in cause and effect”

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

We can choose to believe that life is happening to us, or that we are fully in control.

We could stand by, and wait for life to happen to us. Or, we can choose to believe that we have a say in our own story. That we are the writers of our own script.

Life is a direct reflection of the choices that we make. That the good, bad, ugly, and everything in between is a direct result of our actions. It’s a cop-out to believe that chance is what makes the great, great. If we can train ourselves to truly believe that everything is by choice, opportunity opens.

Friday April 17, 2020

Just a little throwback to last April when we were able to get close to each other!

We are excited to be starting our third week of online Zoom WOD’s, which means we’re one week closer to getting back in the gym! But for now the Zoom times are 7:00am, 12:00pm, and 4:30pm, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Heather will also be teaching a Recovery/Mobility Zoom class this week, day/time to be determined. Just click on the links that are provided on the website. Be patient with us as this is all new and we are still learning. If you would like to see a WOD time added, please let us know on the CrossFit Draper community facebook page. We can’t wait to see all of you on Zoom!

Click here for the 7:00am WOD.
Click here for the 12:00pm WOD.
Click here for the 4:30pm WOD.



2 Double Dumbbell Power Cleans
2 Double Dumbbell Thrusters
30 Double Unders
4 Double Dumbbell Power Cleans
4 Double Dumbbell Thrusters
30 Double Unders
6 Double Dumbbell Power Cleans
6 Double Dumbbell Thrusters
30 Double Unders

Continue to Add (2) Reps to Dumbbell Movements Per Round

“Sandpaper” (No Equipment)

2 Odd Object Clean and Jerks
2 Odd Object Thrusters
30 Line Hops
4 Odd Object Clean and Jerks
4 Odd Object Thrusters
30 Line Hops
6 Odd Object Clean and Jerks
6 Odd Object Thrusters
30 Line Hops

Continue to Add (2) Reps to Odd Object Movements Per Round


*In this 12 minute workout, the reps on the dumbbell movements will climb by 2 each round
*The double under reps will stay static at 30
*Your score total is total reps accumulated over the 12 minutes
*Use the following cheat sheet for scoring:
Finish 2’s: 34
Finish 4’s: 72
Finish 6’s: 114
Finish 8’s: 160
Finish 10’s: 210
Finish 12’s: 264
Finish 14’s: 322
Finish 16’s: 384
*Only one head of the dumbbell has to touch the ground for the power cleans
*Choose your weight based off the more challenging movement – which will likely be the thrusters
*This should be a load that you feel confident completing for 20+ reps when fresh
*The number on the rope is designed to be very small
*This should be a number that you can complete in 30 seconds or less
*See further down the page for modifications
*Single Dumbbell Power Cleans (Alternating Every Rep)
*Odd Object Clean and Jerks
*Single Dumbbell Thrusters (Divide Reps Evenly Between Arms)
*Single Dumbbell Goblet Thrusters
*Odd Object Thrusters
*Reduce Reps
*30 Second or Practice
*45 Single Unders
*30 Line Hops (Over and Back = 1 Rep)
*Holding onto dumbbell handles and jump rope handles can make this workout fairly grippy
*It may be helpful to use the hook grip on the power cleans if possible
*If you’re unable to do so – breaking up the power cleans into smaller sets can preserve your grip
*On the thruster, relaxing your grip can help you better keep the bells in contact with your shoulders for a strong drive overhead
*On the rope, relaxing the hands can make it easier to to rotate from the wrists instead of the shoulders
*Break up the power cleans in a way that allows you to thrive on the thrusters
*Resting with 1 rep to go on the power cleans can enable you to work through bigger sets on the thrusters
*For Example: On the set of 6 power cleans, you would rest as needed after the 5th rep – then complete the 6th power clean – then immediately transition to the set of 6 thrusters
*Since the power cleans come back to the ground each time – this is the best movement to break up in the workout


2-3 Sets

15 Double Unders or Line hops
15 Glute Bridges Video
15 Air Squats

2-3 Sets*

10 Odd- Object Squat Cleans
10 Odd-Object Strict Press

Work up in weight each set


Part A) 5 Sets:
1 Squat Complex
Rest :30s between

1 Squat Complex (Click Video for demo):
5 Weighted Bottom Range Squats
5 Weighted Full Range Squats
5 Weighted Full Range Jumping Squats
5 Unweighted Max Height Jumping Squats

Part B) Not for Time:
20 Slow Cossack Squats (Click Video for demo):
This is 10 per side


Athletes choice on loading on the weighted squats
If using a single dumbbell, hold in goblet position
Looking for speed, versus slow-and-grindy
Be explosive
Final jumping squats… go for max height
If we do not have any traditional weights, grab a backpack/bag, or just go bodyweight



“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

~Dr. Seuss

People aren’t thinking about you.
What people are thinking about – is what you’re thinking about them.

We’ve all been in this rabbit hole… moving about our day wondering what others think of us. In an effort to please everyone, to “look right” in their eyes. Again, we’ve all been there.

Taken from a children’s book, this quote is anything but childish. In a world where we can be consumed with the thoughts of anothers… we can realize that there’s only one opinion that matters. With every other one being background noise.

Thursday April 16, 2020

You probably never thought you would miss rowing!



“Tabata Something Else”

8 Rounds (20 Seconds On + 10 Seconds Off):
Strict Pull-ups
Air Squats

“Tabata Something Else” (No Equipment)

8 Rounds (20 Seconds On + 10 Seconds Off):
Odd Object Rows
Air Squats


*Working with all bodyweight movements in this Tabata style workout
*Tabata intervals are 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest
*You’ll complete all 8 rounds at one movement before advancing to the next
*Keep a running count of the numbers completed at each station
*You’ll enter your total reps separately for pull-up, sit-ups, push-ups, and air squats
*Your final score is total reps accumulated over the workout
*Choose a variation that allows you to complete at least 5 reps within each 20 second window
*If you have an AbMat, let’s use it
*If you don’t have an AbMat, you can anchor your feet with dumbbells or another weighted object
*Choose a variation that allows you to complete at least 7 reps within the 20 second windows
*Banded Strict Pull-ups
*Ring Rows
*Odd Object Rows
*Elevate Hands to Box or Bench
*Knee Push-ups
*As we’re moving quickly through these short rounds, let’s make it a point to nail the range of motion standards:
*Strict Pull-ups: Chin over the bar at the top, elbows completely locked at the bottom
*Sit-ups: Back flat on ground in the bottom, shoulders forward of the hips at the top
*Push-ups: Chest to floor and elbows locked out at the top
*Air Squat: Hips below parallel at the bottom and body in a straight line at the top
*Be conservative and consistent on the upper body movements – as things start to get real in rounds 3 or 4
*Pick a rep number for the first two rounds that you feel confident repeating for rounds 3-8
*Be more aggressive on the air squat and sit-ups
*Don’t necessarily pick a number – just move quickly for the whole 20 seconds as these stations are easier to get reps on than the upper body movements


“One can have no smaller or greater mastery, than mastery of oneself.”

~Leonardo DiVinci

Leonardi DiVinci was one of the first documented individuals to believe that humans could take flight.

Before it was invented… talk about a nightmarish idea. The thought of hurling ourselves into the air, like a bird, with no guarantee of landing. For him to write the above quote, speaks to his greatest accomplishment – his mastery over his mind. He well knew of the risks, and well recognized the fears. But he believed it to be possible regardless.

It’s good to acknowledge the primary job of our brain – to keep us safe.
It’s going to aim to convince us that we want to avoid risk, danger, and failure.
The saying “it’s you versus you” couldn’t be truer.
It’s not the competition that will beat us. It will only be ourselves.

Wednesday April 15, 2020

Dr. D one year ago, crushing his Handstand Walks!

We are excited to be starting our third week of online Zoom WOD’s, which means we’re one week closer to getting back in the gym! But for now the Zoom times are 7:00am, 12:00pm, and 4:30pm, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Heather will also be teaching a Recovery/Mobility Zoom class this week, day/time to be determined. Just click on the links that are provided on the website. Be patient with us as this is all new and we are still learning. If you would like to see a WOD time added, please let us know on the CrossFit Draper community facebook page. We can’t wait to see all of you on Zoom!

Click here for the 7:00am WOD.
Click here for the 12:00pm WOD.
Click here for the 4:30pm WOD.



Every 3 Minutes x 7 Rounds:
12 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches
6 Lateral Dumbbell Burpees 🙂
12 Alternating Dumbbell Reverse Lunges
6 Lateral Dumbbell Burpees 🙂

“Shenanigans” (No Equipment)

Every 3 Minutes x 7 Rounds:
12 Odd Object Ground to Overhead
6 Lateral Burpees Over Odd Object
12 Odd Object Reverse Lunges
6 Lateral Burpees Over Odd Object


*We’ll work through 7 fast paced intervals today
*You’ll work through the 4 stations for time and rest until the next round begins
*Rounds begin on the 0-3-6-9-12-15-18
*Choose weights or rep numbers that allow you to complete these rounds in 2 minutes or less – giving you at least 1 minute to rest
*Your score is the slowest of the 7 rounds
*We’ll switch hands every rep on the dumbbell power snatches
*Choose a moderate weight here that allows you to complete the 12 reps unbroken each round
*Both bells should touch the ground at the bottom of each rep
*You can hold the dumbbell goblet style for the reverse lunges
*Alternate legs every rep for a total of 6 on each side
*The back knee should touch the ground at the bottom of each rep
*Reach full hip extension at the top
*Both feet should pass over the top of the dumbbell when jumping over
*You can step up or jump up out of the burpee, but should jump over the dumbbell with two feet
*Odd Object Ground to Overhead
*Kettlebell Swings
*Odd Object Reverse Lunges
*Kettlebell Reverse Lunges
*12 Jumping Lunges
*6 Regular Burpees
*Let’s focus on the feet for all three movements today
*On the dumbbell snatches – aim to keep the front head of the dumbbell behind your toes in order to keep the weight close and controlled
*On the lateral dumbbell burpees – setting up with he hips forward of the front bell can make it easier to get the feet to pass over the bell in the jump over
*On the reverse lunges – keep your feet a little wider to maintain a balanced stance instead of trying to walk a tight rope
*With your score being the slowest of the 7 rounds, establish your slowest time in the first round
*With each round, try to improve your score – even if only by 1 second
*This could simply mean finding one movement to go faster on each time
*This approach keeps you under control instead of in the panic zone from the beginning


For Quality
60 Second Frog HopsVideo
6 Inchworms Video
6 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (light weight )
6 Reverse Lunges- Each Side (light weight)

40 Second Push-ups
4 Inchworms
4 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (light weight)
4 Reverse Lunges- Each Side (light weight)

20 Second Burpees
2 Inchworms
2 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (workout weight)
2 Reverse Lunges – Each Side (workout weight)


3 Rounds:
30s Max Double Dumbbell Row
30s Max Chest Slap Pushups
30s Max Double DB Romanian DL
30s Max Pushups
Rest 1:00 between

Click Video for demo.


*Rows – Single dumbbell, or any odd-object can work here
*Clapping Pushups – Can be completed as any variation of pushup (regular, knees, box)
*Romanian Deadlifts – Unlock knees, but allow them to be a larger hinge than a traditional deadlift. No need to *touch ground with bells (go as low as comfortable)
*Pushups – Can be completed with same intentions above (knees or box an option)



“The most common lies a man tells are to himself.”

~Frederich Nietzsche

Do you ever think, about the way you think?

Hands down, we are our own harshest critic. Most of us would never, ever talk to another human being the way we talk to ourselves. Think about the doubts we’ve had recently, whether it be about ourselves, or other people. This is not an attempt to say we are bad people for having those thoughts. They come. But the step that must take place in the middle, is awareness. To recognize these “lies” as Nietzsche puts it, so that we can put them into their place.

As we move through our day today, let’s think about the way we think.

Tuesday April 14, 2020

Dave 08 and Coop one year ago!



“White Knuckles”

For Time:
20 Strict Pull-Ups
400 Meter Run
40 Double Dumbbell Power Cleans
800 Meter Run
40 Double Dumbbell Push Jerks
400 Meter Run
20 Strict Pull-Ups

“White Knuckles” (No Equipment)

For Time:
40 Odd Object Rows
400 Meter Run
40 Odd Object Ground to Shoulder
800 Meter Run
40 Odd Object Shoulder to Overhead
400 Meter Run
40 Odd Object Rows


*In this chipper style workout, we’ll alternate between running and either dumbbell movements or strict pull-ups
*We expect this workout to be on the longer side, taking around 18-25 minutes to complete
*Choose a rep number or variation that takes 2 minutes or less to complete
*Only one head of the dumbbell has to touch the ground at the bottom of each rep
*Choose a weight here that allows you to complete at least 10 reps at a time
*We’re getting the dumbbell from our shoulders to overhead here
*This is ideally the same weight as the power cleans – something you can complete at least 10 reps at at time
*Choose a weight, rep number, or variation that takes 2 minutes or less to complete
*Choose a weight here that allows you to complete at least 10 reps at a time
*This is ideally the same weight as the ground to shoulder – something you can complete at least 10 reps at at time
*Reduce Reps
*Banded Strict Pull-ups
*Ring Row
*40 Odd Object Rows
*Single Dumbbell Power Cleans
*Odd Object Ground to Shoulder
*Single Dumbbell Push Jerk
*Odd Object Shoulder to Overhead
400 Meters:
500 Meter Row
1000 Meter Bike Erg
40/30 Calorie Schwinn Bike
28/20 Calorie Assault or Echo Bike
30 x 10 Meter Shuttle Runs
800 Meters:
1000 Meter Row
2000 Meter Bike Erg
80/60 Calorie Schwinn Bike
56/40 Calorie Assault or Echo Bike
60 x 10 Meter Shuttle Runs
*We’re doing a lot of pulling with the arms in the strict pull-ups that begin and end the workout
*Let’s make sure on the power cleans that the elbows stay locked until the hips open
*Flexing the triceps can help keep the elbows locked out
*Overloading the arms can make the cleans and the final set of strict pull-ups much more challenging
*Break up the strict pull-ups into smaller sets – something you see yourself being able to hold or improve upon the second time around
*Push for larger sets on the dumbbell movements as there is about 4 minutes of “rest” between them during the longer 800 meter run
*Move at a moderate pace on the runs that allows you to accomplish your game plan on the dumbbells and strict pull-ups


8 Minutes Straight
200m Run *
1 Minute Glute Bridges

200m Run *
1 Minute Single Leg Glute Bridges (30 Seconds Each Side)

200m Run*
1 Minute Glute Bridge Walkouts

200m Run*
1 Minute Active Dive Bombers

*200m Run or 200m Run Substitute



“If life changes from the outside in, life ends. If life changes from the inside out, life begins.”

It’s been said before that external events don’t define us. We 100% believe in that. Going a bit further, we also believe that external events cannot create us.

Winning the CrossFit Games is something incredible. A monumental achievement. We won’t discredit that. But… does it change who are?

It can’t. It’s external. We aren’t a different human being the morning after. What can change us however, is the character we become. The beliefs we choose to hold. The standards we live up to.

A change on the inside reflects on the outside.
Never the other way around.

Monday April 13, 2020

Thank you to everyone that joined us for “Happy Hour” on Friday! We had such a great time visiting and it was so good to see so many of your faces!
We are excited to be starting our third week of online Zoom WOD’s, which means we’re one week closer to getting back in the gym! But for now the Zoom times are 7:00am, 12:00pm, and 4:30pm, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Heather will also be teaching a Recovery/Mobility Zoom class this week, day/time to be determined. Just click on the links that are provided on the website. Be patient with us as this is all new and we are still learning. If you would like to see a WOD time added, please let us know on the CrossFit Draper community facebook page. We can’t wait to see all of you on Zoom!

Click here for the 7:00am WOD.
Click here for the 12:00pm WOD.
Click here for the 4:30pm WOD.


“Trust Fall”

40 Air Squats
20 Push-Ups
10 Reverse Burpees 🙂

*Every 2 Minutes (Starting at 0): 40 Double Unders

“Trust Fall” (No Equipment)

40 Air Squats
20 Push-Ups
10 Reverse Burpees 🙂

*Every 2 Minutes (Starting at 0): 40 Line Hops


*We’ll work through 4 movements in this longer, all bodyweight workout
*Every 2 minutes, starting at the beginning of the workout, you’ll complete 40 Double Unders/Line Hops
*With the remaining time in the 2-minute window, get as far as you can into the rounds of squats, push-ups, and reverse burpees
*When the clock hits the next 2 minute interval, you’ll complete 40 more double unders before picking up where you left off
*Your score is total rounds and reps completed at the end of 20 minutes
*The double under and line hop reps do not count towards your score

*Choose a number or variation that you can ideally complete in around 30 seconds – giving you 1:30 to work through rounds of the scored portion of the workout
*You’ll complete double unders on the (0-2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18)

*Choose a number or variation that you can complete in no more than 4 sets
*Ensure the chest hits the floor and elbows lock out at the top of each rep

*A reverse burpee is essentially a combination of a sit-up and a burpee
*You’ll lay all the way back on the ground and use your momentum to transition to a standing position
*At the top, just like in a regular burpee, get a little jump and clap overhead before laying back down
Click Here for a demo video


*Reduce Reps
*30 Seconds of Practice
*60 Single Unders
*40 Line Hops (Over and Back = 1 Rep)

*Reduce Reps
*Elevate Hands to Box or Bench
*Knee Push-ups

*10 Regular Burpees
*20 AbMat Sit-ups


One thing to keep in mind on these movements is what your hands are doing
Push-ups: Set-up with the hands directly underneath the shoulders
Double Unders: Keep the hands relaxed and in front of the hips bones throughout the movement
Reverse Burpees: Get a lot of momentum out of the sit-up portion of the movement by throwing your hands and bodyweight forward
Try to work through bigger sets of push-ups, as that is the only upper body movement in the workout
Place your rope neatly on the ground to make for easy transitions back and forth between movements – which will allow you to get more work done over the 20 minutes


3-4 Sets
10 Double Unders
30 Second Wall Sit
5 Push-Ups
30 Seconds Dumbbell Goblet Squats Video

*Performed With 1 Light Kettlebell or Dumbbell


On the 1:30 x 6 Sets:
Weighted Split Squat Complex
Unweighted Split Squat Complex

First set is completed entirely on a single side. Second set on the opposite, totaling three total for each side. Choice of weight, and how to hold.

1 Split Squat Complex – Video Here
7 Bottom Range Split Squats
7 Top Range Split Squats
7 Full Range Split Squats


*One set = Two complexes, first weighted, and then unweighted (same leg)
*This is a total of 42 reps per set (21 weighted, 21 unweighted)
*Athlete’s choice on loading for the weighted portion, and how to hold
*Intention is unbroken each time
*Opt for intensity and speed over slow and potentially stops
*Elevate your leg on anything between knee and hip height (counter tops, chair)
*If we do not have any loads, not even a backpack to hold, complete all bodyweight



“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”

~Albert Einstein

We don’t get what we want.
We get what we expect.

The world will treat us the way we expect to be treated. If we believe it’s “dog eat dog”, and “every man for himself”, then we are doomed to believe so. The lens we’ll see through will be of defensiveness, comparison, and general hostility… even when it’s not even there to begin with.

But the opposite can also be true.
Our expectations become our realities.
It’s not good enough to want it. We have to believe it.