Friday February 5, 2021

Laura and Raegan are working through Wednesdays quad crusher!




For Time [18 Minute Time Cap]:
12 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
9 Burpee Pull-ups
“X” Clean and Jerks

Round 1: 15 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
Round 2: 12 Clean and Jerks (155/105)
Round 3: 9 Clean and Jerks (185/135)
Round 4: 6 Clean and Jerks (205/145)
Round 5: 3 Clean and Jerks (225/155)



“No one was ever wise by chance”


Let’s pretend we have two individuals out hiking in the woods.

The first trips over a root, and after scrambling back to his feet, kicks the root in frustration and storms off. The second individual trips over the very same root as well, but has a different response. After gathering himself, he looks around, refreshing himself of the importance to scan the path ahead. He then moves on, now paying closer attention to the ground in front of him.

One took the effort to learn from it, one did not.
Wisdom isn’t by chance. It is by choice.

Thursday February 4, 2021


Heather is demonstrating perfect form as she crushes the Back Squats during Mondays Strength session!



2-Position Power Snatch

Build to a Heavy Complex in 10 Minutes

“You Complete Me”

9/7 Calorie Assault Bike
12 Hang Power Snatches (75/55)
15 Push-ups

Alternate Every Station With Partner



“Your mind is not your shoe size.”

~Jim Kwik

Have you ever taken an “IQ Test”?

Chances are you have of some sort. A test that claimed to tell us our capacity in life. Where the resulting score is the equivalent of looking into a crystal ball on how successful we’ll be.

As ridiculous as that sounds, it’s a nightmare that comes to life for many. A self-fulfilling prophecy that can cut potential at the knees.

The truth of it all however, is that we know so very little about how the mind actually works. It’s still such a mystery to us. Yet, we can find ourselves building an imaginary ceiling over our heads.

In regards to one of life’s greatest mysteries, there’s one thing we can bank on… that our mind is not our shoe size.

Wednesday February 3, 2021

Erin is working her way through some tough Front Squats, and she’s crushing it!


“That Escalated Quickly”

For Time:
3 Rounds:
15 Front Squats (95/65)
25 Double Unders

1,000/800 Meter Row

3 Rounds:
12 Thrusters (95/65)
25 Double Unders

1,000/800 Meter Row

3 Rounds:
9 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters (95/65)
25 Double Unders



“Your actions speak so loudly that I can’t hear what you’re saying.”

It’s not about what we talk about, but what we tolerate.

When we think of our greatest role models, those we truly look up to in life, there’s a consistent commonality we’ll notice… their action under adversity. They achieved something great, under incredibly hard circumstances. They overcame a specific challenge in their darkest hour. And for that, we remember them.

Our identity isn’t shaped by the good times… but the challenging ones. In those moments, it’ll never be about what we say, but what we do.

Tuesday February 2, 2021

Jake  is jumping in on Christian and Julie’s Friday night workout date!


Congratulations Raegan for being the January PR winner! Also take a look at the new website to find out who the member of the month is!



“Quittin’ Time”

Buy-In: 30/21 Calorie Assault Bike
Max Rounds With Time Remaining:
12 Deadlifts (225/155)
12 Barbell Facing Burpees

Rest 5 Minutes

Buy-In: 30/21 Calorie Assault Bike
Max Rounds With Time Remaining:
8 Deadlifts (275/185)
8 Burpee Box Jumps (24″/20″)

Rest 5 Minutes

Buy-In: 30/21 Calorie Assault Bike
Max Rounds With Time Remaining:
4 Deadlifts (315/205)
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)



“If people knew how hard I worked to achieve my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful after all.”


Written by someone recognized as one of the greatest artists of time.

“Natural born talent” is a myth. Movies portray it, sports news glamorizes… the “uncontrollable factor” that leads to such heights of achievement. Yet here he is, Michelangelo himself, expressing his backbone to success.

It’s easy to believe that we can’t control tomorrow. To believe that it is by chance. It’s far harder, to believe that it is within our capabilities. That there is another level of true grit and unrelenting effort we can choose to go. It’s realizing that the great Michaelangelo simply worked his ass off… and that we can too.

Greatness is never by chance. It is always by choice. The choice to do the work.

Monday February 1, 2021

Sergey has been working on his heavy Deadlifts with the goal of reaching 600 pounds!



Back Squats

Every 2 Minutes x 6 Sets:

“Devil In Disguise”

10 Single Arm Devil Presses (50/35)
10 Single Dumbbell Box Step-ups (50/35)
10 Toes to Bar



“Well done is better than well said.”

~Benjamin Franklin

Talk is cheap.
Anyone can talk.
Only the few, choose to do.

There will be a point today where we will feel compelled to express our thoughts to someone. Maybe it’s how something could be done better.

Press pause in that moment. “Ductus Exemplo” is a Latin phrase that translates to: “Lead by Example”. Actions will always speak louder than any words.

WD > WS.

Sunday January 31, 2021

Estee is making sure to get her much needed mobility in!


Reminder: Shayan will be running Open Gym today from 8:00am to 10:00am. Come get your weekend WOD on!



“Hello Darkness”

On the 4:00 x 7 Rounds:
400 Meter Run
20 Kettbell Swings (53/35)
10 Burpee Pull-ups



“We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are.”

~Bill Watterson

“Satisfied” feels like a dangerous word.

As competitors, we’re always striving for betterment. Through an everlasting hunger to improve, we wake each day looking to press forward. Although a phenomenal quality, this can be a double-edged sword.

We can fall into the trap of telling ourselves, “I’ll be happy when”. I’ll be happy when I make this PR, get that job, or buy that home. Yet, the finish line always moves. As soon as we do reach that PR, we’re immediately turning to thinking about the next.

The call to action is to appreciate where we are today. To reflect not just on the “to improves”, but to reflect on the positives. The accomplishments. To be proud of where we’ve come from, and where we’re about to go.

Saturday January 30, 2021

Casey made a comeback during last Fridays WOD with her amazing Handstand Push-Ups! 


Attention: There will be NO zoom Yoga this week. It will be back next Saturday!



“Purdy Thirty”

5 Rounds For Time:
30/24 Calorie Row
30 Wallballs (20/14)
30 Box Jumps (24″/20″)



“Discipline is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most.”

~Abraham Lincoln

The desire to seek immediate gratification can be our mortal enemy. It drives us towards the comfortable choice. The safer option, or the compromise.

What we lack in those weak moments is discipline. Discipline is the willingness to stick to goals we set out to do. Emotions and conditions can tempt us to sway, where our discipline can see the temptations for what they are, and make the right decision.

This skill, as it truly is one that we can practice, has been linked many times over to being a critical component of success.

What our emotions drive us towards today, may very well be directly against what we want in the long run. So we must question them. Stacked side by side, here we need to choose. Which one do we want more? There can only be one.

Friday January 29, 2021

John, Christian, and Klae are off to a great start during Wednesdays interval WOD!



Overhead Squat

Every 2 Minutes x 6 Sets:
Minutes 1-2: 9 Overhead Squats
Minute 3-4: 7 Overhead Squats
Minutes 5-6: 5 Overhead Squats


12 Deadlifts
9 Overhead Squats
6 Hang Power Snatches

Barbell: 115/85




“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Fate puts opportunity in front of us.
Destiny is the result of what we choose to do with it.

In turn, destiny is a choice. Not some predetermined thing of fairy tales and lore. We can sit and allow destiny to happen to us, or we can choose to have destiny happen for us.

Don’t wait to be chosen… instead choose.
Decisions = Destiny.

Thursday January 28, 2021

Liz is all smiles as she sets a new PR on her Double-Unders!



“Counting Calories”

Max Calorie Bike

2 Rounds:
20 AbMat Sit-ups
10 Push-ups

Switch Stations After 2 Rounds of Sit-ups + Push-ups

Score is Total Calorie on the Bike



“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”

~Peter Drucker

In business, this is ever important for leaders to fully understand. That the culture of a team is everything. Over any marketing plans, product launches… anything.

The same mindset is true for us as athletes.

We’ve all heard the line, “it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog”. And we believe it to be true. The picture perfect strategy, executed half-heartedly, will always be beaten by the less-than-ideal strategy, but executed with full heart.

Our character is our back bone. During round 4 of “Kelly”, or the final minutes of an Open AMRAP, it will not be our “workout strategy” that we fall back to. It’s something deeper. Cultivate that, and everything else falls into place.

Wednesday January 27,2021

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Check out our new site! And… the Open is back. Look in the News and Events section for details. 



“4th Down”

24/18 Calorie Row
24 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
24 Thrusters (75/55)

Rest 4 Minutes

18/14 Calorie Row
18 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
18 Thrusters (75/55)

Rest 4 Minutes

12/9 Calorie Row
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
12 Thrusters (75/55)



“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” – Scott Adams

How does an echo start?

With a tiny sound. One that might not even be noticeable. But shortly thereafter, that soft sound brings a soft echo. Still, maybe nothing to turn heads. Yet, the echo then builds… doubling, tripling, several times over. Before we know it, it’s impossible to ignore.

It’s called the “changing of the echos”, and it starts with a single tiny noise.

The misnomer is that a big life shift requires the “loudness” to turn heads at the start. Not true. What is important here isn’t the decibel, or the magnitude… but the intention.

Disciplined intention is everything. And we just need to start.
