Friday May 7, 2021

Lacey is back and crushing it!




10 Rounds For Time:
3 Ring Muscle-Ups
6 Front Squats (165/105)
9/6 Calorie Assault Bike



“I don’t like that man. I should get to know him better.”

~Abraham Lincoln

Perspective is everything.

In the abundance mindset, there is the belief all human beings are good. No one is born evil.

A situation we can all relate to from some point in our lives is a poor first impression. We meet someone we really do not want to spend another second around. Yet, life puts us right back next to them. Definitely not by choice, but by chance.

And we talk.

And we strike some common ground.

And we understand them a bit more.

And things… change. We may not be close friends, but, that animosity we initially felt is no longer there. The brief amount of time we spent talking with them afforded us the chance to better grasp their perspective. And potentially even the reason why we felt the way we did.

Next time we find ourselves feeling that wave of emotion towards someone, remind ourselves… maybe we just need to get to know them a little bit better.

Thursday May 6, 2021

The Tuesday evening peeps working through their Burpee Box Jump Overs!




10 Double DB Box Step Overs (50/35# / 24″/20″)
100m DB Farmer’s Carry (50/35#)
200m Run
:30 L-Sit (Accumulate)



“Patience is not the virtue. Discipline is.”

Discipline is not a term reserved for the military or martial arts. Where patience is our anchor in the storm, it is our discipline that pushes us forward.
Discipline to our commitments, regardless of how large or seemingly small.
Discipline to our values, staying true to ourselves in both our best and worst moments.
Discipline to the details, when there’s every reason to “let this one slide”.

Patience is a subset of a deeper practice.
That of discipline.

Wednesday May 5, 2021

John is taking his deficit Push Ups to the next level!




On the 3:00 x 6 Rounds:
Rounds 1-3:
10/7 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
10 Thrusters (95/65)

Rounds 4-6:
10 Thrusters (95/65)
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
10/7 Calorie Assault Bike



“If you put limits on everything you do – physical or anything else – it will spread into your work and your life. There are no limits, only plateaus, and we must go beyond them.”

~Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee was involved in a horrific motorcycle accident when he was younger. He was told he would never be able to walk again.

So he was left to make a choice. To believe that his life was limited, where the self-fulfilling prophecy would follow. Or, to choose to believe that there truly are no limits. That there are only the ones we impose on ourselves.

Bruce made his choice. He chose to believe in cause and effect, and he put in the work. When times got hard, he got harder. When he reached a plateau, he recognized it for what it was. Not a limit, but the next challenge. And he found a way to overcome.

Bruce made his choice.
When we reach our next challenge, what will be ours?
Will we see it as our limit, or the next plateau to go beyond?

Tuesday May 4, 2021

Casey is working through the Wall Balls during last weeks leg burner!




For Time:
Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
Power Clean & Jerks (135/95)



“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has already taken place”. 

~George Bernard Shaw

Have you ever believed that you were on the same page with someone, but, as it turned out, not even close?

Sometimes we can be so sure that we have communicated everything properly, that we don’t even consider it to be a possibility.

Happens all the time, and definitely to all of us. What’s interesting, is that it’s never about effort, or the lack thereof. It’s about perspective.

What we actually don’t want to do, is “communicate” more. Part of it might actually need less.

What we may need, is to understand more. To place ourselves in their shoes. If I were them, what questions would I have? If I were them, how would I feel about this?

The illusion that Shaw refers to in the quote is the entrapment of our perspective.
Detach and think… if roles were reversed, is this clear?

Monday May 3, 2021

Donette is looking shredded as she works trough the Z Presses during  Thursdays upper body crusher!




40 Air Squats
300/250 m Row
20 Power Snatches (75/55)



“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”

~Bruce Lee

We would all come to quickly agree that quality repetition, through honed, focused practice, breeds mastery.

We recognize this in our sport, thinking of complex movements such as squat snatches and double-unders.

What we don’t always talk about, is how this concept applies to our social lives. We are quick to see that we need more practice reps on the double-under to get better. Can we be just as quick to identify we need more repetitions on being more forgiving? On being more receptive to feedback? On maintaining an open-mind, despite having our own strong opinions?

Just like on the jump rope… seek out the reps.

Sunday May 2, 2021

Who’s excited to Bench Press!!


Happy Birthday Lacey!


Reminder: There will be Open Gym today from 8:00am to 10:00am. Come get your weekend WOD on!




For Time:
1000m Bike
10 Bodyweight Bench Press
900m Bike
9 Bodyweight Bench Press
800m Bike
8 Bodyweight Bench Press
700m Bike
7 Bodyweight Bench Press
600m Bike
6 Bodyweight Bench Press
500m Bike
5 Bodyweight Bench Press
400m Bike
4 Bodyweight Bench Press
300m Bike
3 Bodyweight Bench Press
200m Bike
2 Bodyweight Bench Press
100m Bike
1 Bodyweight Bench Press

(Women: 3/4 Bodyweight)



“If you aren’t going all the way, why go at all?”

~Joe Namath

The most powerful force in the world is our full commitment. The “man-on-fire” mentality. Unyielding to any circumstance. A lack of commitment is the opposite. It’s one of the most dangerous things we can live with.

If we are going to fall flat on our face in something… then we are going to fall flat on our face. All too often we can’t control that outcome. If the ocean water is cold, whether we go in slow or fast, it’s not going to matter. It’s going to be really freaking cold. So we have two options.

Let’s burn it into our mind, that no matter what, we sprint into the water. That our standard is full commitment, in everything we do. We don’t just flirt with the idea of doing something. We go all in.

When we go to work, we show up to put in a championship performance.
When we have family over for dinner, we show up to put in a championship performance.
When we go to the gym to train ourselves, we show up to put in a championship performance.

Saturday May 1, 2021

Andrew is demonstrating perfect form as he works through the “Z Press”!


Correction: There will be no Yoga today. Thanks for your understanding.



“Two Thousand Words”

Partner Workout For Time:
2,000/1,600 Meter Row
40 Bar Muscle-ups
16 Rounds of “Macho Man” (155/105)

(“Macho Man” = 3 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats + 3 Push Jerks)



Science has measured humans to have 20,000 genes.
Some onions have 40,000.

The idea of better or worse “gene pools” is a myth. True for our skin and hair color at birth, but not at all towards our potential in life.

Another “gene” controls that. It’s called “Epigenetics”. A fancy word that says, we are the ultimate adaptation machine. We respond to our environment, and most specifically, to stress.

The great thing about Epigenetics is that we’re all born with it.
We just need to get after it.

Friday April 30, 2021

Verno and Scott are feeling the pump as they work through Thursdays Ring Dips!



“Karen! Run!”

10 Rounds For Time:
12 Wall Balls (20/14)
100m Run



“Perfection can be spelled with the word paralysis.”


The act of “starting” is all to often the most challenging.

As human beings, our survival mechanism kicks in when we approach change. It sounds the alarm, telling us we are in dangerous waters. We may find ourselves forecasting to the future, vividly conceptualizing the hardships, obstacles, and all the tough unknowns that path may bring.

This defense mechanism is amazing for avoiding predators. It can save our life! But on the hand… it can also prevent it.

Breathe into those thoughts that run through our mind when we approach change. Recognize them. Accept them for what they are. And then put them where they belong, because it’s time to get to work.

Thursday April 29, 2021

Aimee and Dustin are keeping a great pace throughout Tuesdays Push Jerks!




For Time:
DB Z Press (35/25)
Strict Ring Dip
DB Deficit Push-Up (hand on DB’s)



“Water the flowers, not the weeds.”

Imagine your vision being a water hose.
And wherever your attention goes, you water.
Whatever we water… grows.

There is truth behind this. Every day, we are going to spend our water (our thoughts), on something. There is a finite amount. If we choose to spend it on the weeds, the negatives in life, those thoughts will grow into reality.

But the opposite is also true.
Check in with ourselves today.
Are we watering the flowers, or the weeds?

Wednesday April 28, 2021

Ryan has been working on his gymnastics skills with some Wall Walks! Oh and he just got his first Bar Muscle Up!




AMRAP 5:00
27 Power Snatches (95/65)
27 Burpees 🙂
27/21 Calorie Assault Bike

(Rest 5:00)

AMRAP 5:00
21 Power Snatches (115/85)
21 Lateral Barbell Burpees 🙂
21/15 Calorie Assault Bike

(Rest 5:00)

AMRAP 5:00
15 Power Snatches (135/95)
15 Barbell Facing Burpees 🙂
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike



“All progress depends on the irrational person.”

The thought that a human could run a sub 4:00 mile was absurd. The attempts to put human beings in a giant metal tube and throw them into outer space was thought to be even more ridiculous.

When we think back to the largest accomplishments in life, it was done by those who defied the status quo. It was done by those believed things could be done differently.

We know that change is uncomfortable. It has to be. But we welcome it, fully allowing ourselves to believe that something else is possible. In the words of Epictetus, “If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish, and stupid.”