Wednesday May 6, 2020

Dave 08 is representing in his shiny white CFD T-shirt!

Click here for the 7:00am Zoom WOD.



“Macho Taco”

5 Rounds x AMRAP 3:
60 Double Unders
20 Jumping Lunges
Max Rounds of  “Macho Man” (115/85)

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds


“Macho Taco”

5 Rounds x AMRAP 3:
60 Double Unders
20 Jumping Lunges
Max Rounds of Dumbbell “Macho Man” (50’s/35’s)

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds


*3 minutes on and 1 minute off in these quick interval pieces
*After working through the double unders and jumping lunges, you’ll complete max rounds of Double *Dumbbell “Macho Man” until the 3-minute mark
*Record your total rounds + reps of “Macho Man”
*Your score is the lowest number of rounds + reps of the 5 sets
*1 Round of Double Dumbbell “Macho Man”:
3 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Shoulder to Overhead
*Choose a set of weights that you are capable of completing 4+ rounds of this complex unbroken when fresh
*Only one head of the dumbbell has to touch the ground in the bottom of the power clean
*You can get the weights overhead however you’d like for the shoulder to overhead (push press or push jerk)
Click Here to see a demo of this complex
*Choose a double under rep number or variation that allows you to clear this station in under 1 minute
*Alternate legs each rep for a total of 10 reps each side
*The back knee should touch the ground at the bottom of each rep
*Jump to full lower body extension between lunges
*Reduce Reps
*1 Minute of Practice
*90 Single Unders (1.5x)
*30 Over and Back Dumbbell Hops Video
*60 Line Hops Video
*60 Double Taps Video
*Step Back Lunges
*Single Dumbbell “Macho Man” (3 Reps Each Side) Video
*Barbell “Macho Man”
*Odd Object “Macho Man”
*Kettlebell “Macho Man” (Russian Swings-Goblet Squats-Full Swings)
*Medicine Ball “Macho Man” (5 Slams + 5 Squat Cleans)
*In all these movements, we are rewarded for moving straight up and down
*Any movement forward or backward is wasted energy
*On double unders, focus on keeping the body in a straight line during the jump
*It can be common here to pike forward with the feet or kick back, which makes our movement less efficient and increases the likelihood of tripping
*We’re used to moving forward in a walking lunge, but these jumping lunges are designed to be vertical
*To stay in one place, think of creating “footprints” on the ground that you can target with the feet on each rep
*On all the dumbbell movements, we want to keep the weight balanced over the middle of the body
*Make sure the weight is equally balanced between the front of the foot and the back of the foot for the cleans, squats, and jerks
*It can be common here, especially with odd dumbbells and all the jumping in the workout, to get pulled onto the toes
*With only 1 minute of rest between intervals, all out sprints are likely not sustainable
*Aim to move with a purpose that allows you to stay consistent with your scores across the board
*Use your first round to feel things out and see if you can gradually increase your rounds and reps as you go
*Starting under control helps you sustain your efforts for all rounds today
*If there is one “best” place to break up these rounds it’s before the last power clean
*Taking a short break after the 2nd power clean can help you go big through the front squats and push jerks
*Rest as needed, complete your 3rd and final power clean, then hold on for unbroken squats and shoulder to overhead


3 Sets

30 Seconds Single Unders
30 Seconds Active Samson Video
30 Seconds Slow Air Squats

Dumbbell Warmup

Each Side With Light Weight:
10 Deadlifts (Outside of Legs)
10 Hang Clean + Strict Press
10 Front Squats
10 Step Back Lunges

Body Armor

3 Giant Sets:
9 Tempo Single Arm Bent Over Rows (Left)
21 Banded Good Mornings
9 Tempo Single Arm Bent Over Rows (Right)
21 Banded Pull Aparts


*Targeting the back side of the body in this Body Armor piece
*”Giant Sets” mean you’ll move directly from one station to the next without sacrificing quality
*On each movement, focus on controlling the tempo on the eccentric portion
*On the way down in the bent over rows and good mornings
*As the hand move away from the body in the banded pull aparts
*The tempo for the single arm bent over rows is 3 seconds down + fast up
*Choose weights and band tensions that are challenging, but allow you to complete the station unbroken


Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row: Video

Banded Good Mornings: Video

Banded Pull Aparts: Video




“It takes as much energy to wish, as it does to plan.”

~Eleanor Roosevelt

We are problem-solving-machines. Once we get started, it’s like we kick into gear. Sometimes, it even surprises us how naturally and seamlessly we work through the issue. Turns out we just need to transition that energy from the “wishing” phase, and into the “action” phase.

Ever have a hard time starting to clean the house? The “trick” everyone knows, is to just start. We could stress over it all morning, where we can actually feel the energy being sapped from us, despite the lack of anything being done. Or, we can take that energy and just start.. And as we do, we snap into motion and things start flowing.

Wishing, hoping, wanting… they do nothing. Planning, action, and the demanding of ourselves to create the “how” makes change.

Let’s reinforce it in our minds – we weren’t made to “wish”. We were made to act.

Tuesday May 5, 2020

And just like that we’re right back at it!



For Time:
400 Meter Run

Deadlfts (205/145)
Lateral Barbell Burpees 🙂

800 Meter Run

Deadlfts (205/145)
Lateral Barbell Burpees 🙂

400 Meter Run



For Time:
400 Meter Run

Double Dumbbell Deadlifts
Lateral Dumbbell Burpees

800 Meter Run

Double Dumbbell Deadlifts
Lateral Dumbbell Burpees

400 Meter Run


*Rounds of double dumbbell deadlifts and lateral dumbbell burpees are sandwiched between runs in today’s workout
*The flow of the workout goes as follows:
400 Meter Run
9 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts
9 Lateral Dumbbell Burpees
12 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts
12 Lateral Dumbbell Burpees
15 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts
15 Lateral Dumbbell Burpees
800 Meter Run
15 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts
15 Lateral Dumbbell Burpees
12 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts
12 Lateral Dumbbell Burpees
9 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts
9 Lateral Dumbbell Burpees
400 Meter Run
*We expect this piece to take around 15-22 minutes to complete
*Hold two dumbbells on the outside of the body with a narrow stance
*Only one head of the bell has to make contact with the floor outside the foot
*You can jump up or step up out of the burpee
*Jump over the handle of 1 dumbbell with two feet
*There is no need to stand to full extension when jumping over the dumbbell
*If you’re choosing a sub for the runs, consider the following recommendations:
*400 Meter Run + Subs: Designed to take less than 2:30 to complete
*800 Meter Run + Subs: Designed to take less than 5:00 to complete
500 Meter Row
1,000 Meter Bike Erg
400 Meter Ski Erg
25/18 Calorie Assault or Echo Bike
40/28 Calorie Schwinn Bike
30 x 10 Meter Shuttle Runs
1,000 Meter Row
2,000 Meter Bike Erg
800 Meter Ski Erg
50/35 Calorie Assault or Echo Bike
80/55 Calorie Schwinn Bike
60 x 10 Meter Shuttle Runs
Single Dumbbell Deadlifts (15-12-9 Each Side) Video
Barbell Deadlifts
Odd Object Deadlifts
Kettlebell Swings
*The dumbbells make us take a slightly different position than we would in the barbell deadlift
*Our stance is a little more narrow, but a big point of performance remains the same
*Let’s make contact with one head of the dumbbell parallel to the center of the foot
*Keeping the weight back over the middle of the foot instead of towards the toes gives us control and helps the back stay neutral
*In the lateral dumbbell burpees, let’s think about sending the weight of our lower legs back
*Instead of jumping over by bringing the knees to the chest, think about flicking the heels back
*The shin and foot weight a lot less than the whole leg
*This flick back can save a lot of time and energy over the 72 burpees, especially with “heavy” legs from running and deadlifts
*The dumbbell deadlifts are the only station you would potentially stop moving on today
*Approach your burpees and runs in a steady, moderately paced manner that allows you to thrive on the dumbbell deadlifts
*Coming off the runs and your last burpee reps, see if you can get your hands right on the bells for your first set
*Your break-up strategy will likely depend on what weights you are using
*If you’re breaking these up, choose an option that allows for under 10 seconds of rest between sets
Set of 15: 15 / 8-7 / 5-5-5
Set of 12: 12 / 6-6 / 4-4-4
Set of 9: 9 / 5-4 / 3-3-3


30 Seconds Active Spidermans Video
30 Seconds Shuttle Runs
30 Seconds Mountain Climbers Video
30 Seconds Shuttle Runs
30 Seconds Frog Hops Video
30 Seconds Shuttle Runs
30 Seconds Push-up to Down Dog Video
30 Seconds Shuttle Runs
30 Seconds Air Squats
30 Seconds Shuttle Runs
30 Seconds Slow Burpees

Body Armor

Alternating On the Minute x 10 (5 Rounds):
Minute 1: Max Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press
Minute 2: Max Hollow Rocks


*Rotating between an upper body push and midline movement in today’s Body Armor
*Within each minute, complete as many reps as possible
*The upper body gets a rest on the hollow rocks and the core gets a little rest on the bench press
*With that in mind, let’s try to move for as much of each minute as possible
*Alternate arms each rep for this station
*Wait for one dumbbell to fully lock out at the top before switching to the other
*Choose a challenging weight, but one that allows you to move for most of the minute
*We’ll count 1 rep as rocking “back and forth”
*If this is too challenging of a movement, complete one of the following:
*Hollow Hold
*Front Plank


Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press: Video

Hollow Rocks: Video

Hollow Hold: Video



“It’s not the stress that kills us. It’s the reaction to it”

~Hans Selye

Frame of reference is everything.

The most successful in life are able to frame their thoughts to serve them. If there is a single trait we must master to get to where we want to go, it’s that. Our perspective.

To see an obstacle, as simply part of the way.
To see that pain, is an instructor.
To see that failure, is merely a lesson.

Monday May 4, 2020

Today is the day, we are finally re-open! Make sure to check your email for all of the details.

Click here for the 7:00am Zoom WOD.



3 Rounds:
300 meter Run
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Directly Into…

3 Rounds:
21 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
15 Thrusters (95/65)



Double Dumbbell Thrusters
Strict Pull-ups


*”Sfran” is a variation of the popular workout “Fran”
*With strict pull-ups and double dumbbell thrusters, this variation is intended to be slower than the typical sprint style benchmark
*However, since the workout alternates between a total body press and an upper body pull, we’ll be able to keep the intensity relatively high
*We expect this piece to take around 8-12 minutes to complete
*In a perfect world, we’re using weights that allow you to complete each round of thrusters within 2-3 sets
*Understanding that everyone has different weights available at home, you can increase or decrease reps based on your loading
*Heavier Weight Option: 15-12-9 or 12-9-6
*Lighter Weight Option: 30-20-10 or 27-21-15
*See “modifications” section for more options
*If you have 10+ unbroken strict pull-ups when fresh, let’s try this workout as written
*If you’re not quite there, consider reducing reps or completing another variation listed in “modifications”
*Single Dumbbell Goblet Thruster Video
*Odd Object Thruster Video
*Single Dumbbell Thruster (Split Reps Between Arms) Video
*Medicine Ball Squat Clean Thruster Video
*Barbell Thruster
*3x Squat Jumps
*2x Odd Object Rows Video
*Barbell Bent Over Rows
*Single Arm Bent Over Row (Full Reps Each Side) Video
*Dumbbell Rows From Push-up Position Video
*Inverted Row Video
*Ring Rows
*Banded Strict Pull-ups
*Reduce Reps
*On both movement’s today, let’s focus on squeezing the legs hard
*Coming out of the squat in the double dumbbell thruster, an aggressive squeeze of the quads and glutes is *going to help drive the dumbbells to lockout quickly
*In the strict pull-up, squeezing the quads and glutes will keep your body in a more compact hollow position, making for good looking reps
*The place to push today is likely the dumbbell thrusters
*In traditional “Fran” with kipping pull-ups, there is quite a bit of heavy breathing on both movements
*In this variation, the strict pull-ups give you a chance to catch your breath while the upper body pulling muscles are put to work
*Work through bigger sets of thrusters and chip away at smaller sets of strict pull-ups
*With 45 strict pull-ups in total, maintaining sets of 1-5 will be more manageable than trying to hold on with larger sets


Inchworm to Push-ups Video

After Each Set:
30 Second Hollow Hold Video
30 Seconds Over and Back Dumbbell Hops Video
30 Seconds Goblet Squats (Light Weight) Video

Body Armor

3 Rounds:
:30 Static Weighted Bulgarian Split Squat (Left)
:30 Max Unweighted Bulgarian Split Squats (Left)
:30 Static Weighted Bulgarian Split Squat (Right)
:30 Max Unweighted Bulgarian Split Squats (Right)

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds


*Alternating between a static hold with weight into regular reps with no weight
*This hold will be in the active bottom position of the Bulgarian Split Squat
*Choose a weight for the static hold that allows you to hold for the whole 30 seconds
*Drop the weight at the 30 second mark and immediately transition into the unweighted reps
*You’ll stay on one leg for 1 minute before switching to the other


Static Weighted Bulgarian Split Squat: Video

Unweighted Bulgarian Split Squat: Video




“I would rather die on my feet, than live on my knees.”

~Emiliana Zipada

What if we never reach the finish line? What if, as sobering as the thought may be, we never reach our dreams?

Would it change who you are today? Would we look back at our goals, and shoot lower? Change our dreams? To something, easier?

Even if we somehow knew how it would all pan out… we wouldn’t change a thing. Life isn’t about tip-toeing through with safety and assurance. It’s about chasing after what you believe in. The process builds the character – not the achievement.

Sunday May 3, 2020

Who’s excited to crush their Handstands in May!



“Supple Sunday”

9 Single Dumbbell Strict Presses (Each)
15 Single Dumbbell Weighted Sit-ups
21 Single Dumbbell Bent Over Rows (Each)
1 Minute Wall Sit

“Supple Sunday”

20 Odd Object Strict Presses
20 Strict Sit-ups
20 Odd Object Bent Over Rows
1 Minute Wall Sit


*We’ll finish out the week with some strict movements in this AMRAP workout
*The focus is quality of movement over speed on these four movements
*You can use a different dumbbell weight for each movement, but use the same weight for that movement across the whole workout
*We can expect to complete around 3+ rounds over the 15 minutes
*Choose a weight that is challenging, but one that allows you to complete 9 reps unbroken
*Complete 9 reps on the right side, then 9 on the left
*Substitute an odd object strict press or another option from “modifications”
*Choose a challenging weight that allows you to move for all 15 reps without stopping
*Hold the bell high up on the chest throughout the full range of motion
*Anchor your feet under another set of dumbbell or the couch for leverage
*Use an AbMat if you have one available
Demo: Video
*Substitute strict sit-ups (no arms) or another option from “modifications”
*From a bent over position, row the dumbbell from full extension until it makes contact with the chest
*Complete 21 reps on the right, then 21 reps on the left
*Choose a weight that is challenging, but one that allows you to complete the 21 reps unbroken
*Substitute an odd object row or another option from “modifications”
*Using the wall as back support, sit in a position just below parallel
*The hips and shins should both be at 90 degrees
*Accumulate 1 minute – the time does not have to be completed unbroken
*Odd Object Strict Press
*Single Kettlebell Strict Press
*9 Barbell Strict Press
*18 Push-ups
*15 Strict Sit-ups (No Arm Throw)
8Odd Object Bent Over Rows
*21 Barbell Bent Over Rows
*21 Banded Rows (Each Side) Video
*Active Air Squat Hold
*On all these movements, focus on staying rock solid throughout the body
*This means keeping the whole body active and core tight
*The two stations this is most important on is the presses and rows
*Avoid any rotating, use of the hips, or arching of the back
*The only thing that should be moving is the upper body
*Don’t trade quality for speed as you move through these rounds
*Conditioning is less important than the strength benefit we get from these movements
*Move with a purpose from one movement to the next, as there is no interference between consecutive stations:
Upper Body Press
Upper Body Pull
Lower Body Push


3 Rounds

30 Second Front Plank
30 Second Wall Sit
30 Second Arch Hold Video

After Each Round: 6 Inchworm to Push-ups




“The man on top of the mountain did not fall there”

~Vince Lombardi

When we see the best of the best compete, they seem to make it look effortless. So effortless, they get labeled with terms like “naturally talented” or “gifted”.

But this couldn’t be farther from the truth. As Vince Lombardi writes, they didn’t fall into excellence by chance.

The hard truth is that they have worked harder than us. It’s not because they were born with it, or because they received it by chance. It’s because they earned it. They climbed the mountain… there’s only one way up.

This isn’t intended to be demoralizing… it’s quite the opposite. It’s empowering. It’s proof that we too can climb, if we so choose to put in the work. That discipline and commitment over time can get us there.

It doesn’t matter where you started. And it doesn’t even matter where you are right now. All that matters, is where you want to go, and how hard you are willing to work for it.

Saturday May 2, 2020

Don’t forget to join Heather for zoom mobility today at 9:00am!

Happy Birthday McKenzie and Lacey!


Even though classes will look a little different, we are so excited to be opening back up this Monday, May 4th! Make sure to check your email for all the information, and a survey that will help us navigate re-opening the best way possible.

Click here for the 9:00am Recovery/Mobility WOD.



“Double Time”

For Time:
3 Mile Run

Every 3 Minutes:
9 Burpees + 21 Air Squats


*Going longer in today’s running focused workout
*We aren’t just running – as a set of burpees and air squats will interrupt our progress every 3 minutes
*Every 3 minutes, starting at 0:00 on the clock, you’ll complete 9 burpees and 21 air squats before being able to continue forward for the run
*Make sure to wear a watch so you know when these 3-minute intervals arrive
*This workout will likely last 30+ minutes
*In order to achieve the right stimulus, let’s cap this workout at 40 minutes
*These 30 total reps should take between 1:00-1:30 to complete
*This gives you at least 1:30-2:00 to make progress on your runs
*Reduce the reps as needed to complete the work in that amount of time
*6k Row
*12k Bike

*Convert Your Assault, Echo, or Schwinn Bikes to Kilometers
*Click Here to Learn How to Convert Assault Bikes From Calories to Kilometers
*Let’s aim to find a rhythm to your breathing during this longer run
*This can help you pace yourself better and help provide a steady flow of oxygen to your muscles
*Breathe from your belly and try out a 2:2 ratio
*Inhale in for 2 seconds – then exhale for 2 seconds
*Try it out walking, then at a steady jog, then at a faster pace
*Based on your speed and comfort level, you can even try extending this to 3:3 or 4:4
*When you control your breathing, you can better control your thoughts and movement
*With the built in burpees and air squats, this workout will likely feel more like a 5 mile run
*Let’s pace it out from the beginning with that in mind
*Hold a pace that you see yourself being able to maintain for 30+ minutes
*It’s not about moving fast at any one station – rather maintaining a similar speed throughout


Running Line Drills

High Knee Karaoke
Over the Hurdle
Knee to Chest
Cradle Stretch
Walking Samson
Lunge & Twist (Over Front Leg)
Toe Touches
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Straight Leg Hops
Side Shuffles
Side Shuffle with Jumping Jacks
Toes Out Walk
Toes In Walk
Heel Walk
Toe Walk
Outside Foot Walk
Inside Foot Walk
Fast Feet

DEMO VIDEO: Click Here

Body Armor

Hollow Rocks

After Each Set:
20 Dumbbell Rows From Push-up Position (10/Side)


*Working a lot of midline, as well as upper body pull in today’s Body Armor
*We’ll count 1 hollow rock as back and forth
*If hollow rock is too challenging – accumulate equal seconds in a hollow hold
*After each set of hollow holds, complete 20 alternating dumbbell rows from a push-up position
*Choose a moderate weight that you can complete with 1-2 breaks


Hollow Rocks: Video

Hollow Holds: Video

Dumbbell Rows From Push-up Position: Video



“A hero is one that knows how to hang on for one, minute, longer.”

~Norweigan Proverb

Often the difference between those who make it, and those who don’t.

If we want to see it through, we have got to be able to hang on. To push further than before. Success is like a wrestling match, with bouts of incredibly high intensity, and full of twists and turns. But in that… it’s a test of endurance.

But above all, its a test of will. That when everyone else stops, gives up, turns in… we hold on for one, minute, longer.

Friday May 1, 2020

Even though classes will look a little different, we are so excited to be opening back up this Monday, May 4th! Make sure to check your email for all the information and a survey that will help us navigate re opening the best way possible.
We are excited to be getting into what is hopefully our last few weeks of online Zoom WOD’s, which means we’re one week closer to getting back in the gym! But for now the Zoom times are 7:00am, 12:00pm, and 4:30pm, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Heather will also be teaching a Recovery/Mobility Zoom class Saturdays at 9:00am. Just click on the links that are provided on the website. We can’t wait to see all of you on Zoom!

Click here for the 7:00am WOD.
Click here for the 12:00pm WOD.
Click here for the 4:30pm WOD.



For Time:
50 Single Arm Alternating Dumbbell Squat Cleans
100 Double Unders
50 Hand Release Push-ups
100 Double Unders
50 Single Arm Alternating Dumbbell Squat Cleans

“Round-a-Bout” (No Equipment)

For Time:
50 Odd Object Squat Cleans
50 Over and Back Dumbbell Hops
50 Hand Release Push-ups
50 Over and Back Dumbbell Hops
50 Odd Object Squat Cleans


*Working through 3 movements in this up and back chipper style workout
*We expect this piece to take around 12-18 minutes to complete
*Hitting both heads of the bell on the ground between the feet, you’ll alternate arms every rep
*Choose a weight here you are capable of completing for 20+ unbroken reps when fresh
Demo: Video
*Substitute and odd object squat clean or another option from “modifications”
*Choose a rep number or variation that allows you to clear this station within 3 minutes
*If you don’t have a rope, complete 50 over and back hops over the dumbbell or odd object
*For this sub, over and back is 1 rep
*At the bottom of each push-up, you’ll lift the hands off the ground to stop your momentum before pushing back up
*Choose a number or variation that allows you to clear this station in under 3 minutes
*You can reduce the reps or choose from another modification listed further down the page
*Odd Object Squat Cleans
*100 Air Squats
*50 Over and Back Hops Video
*Reduce Reps
*150 Single Unders (1.5x)
*3 Minutes of Practice
*Reduce Reps
*Hand Release Push-ups From Knees
*AMRAP in 3 Minutes (50 Reps Max)
*Let’s focus on keeping the body straight during these three movements:
*Single Arm Alternating Dumbbell Squat Cleans: It is common when cycling squat cleans to bring the weight down off the shoulders a little early. Stand to full extension so the body is in a straight line before switching hands for the next rep.
*Hand Release Push-ups: Every push-up is a plank, but not every plank is a push-up. Aim to keep the body in one straight line as you press out of the bottom. Avoid “worming” by squeezing the belly, butt, and quads tight.
*Double Unders: Think of the body like a pogo stick during the jump. Avoiding any kick forward or backwards of the feet helps you conserve energy for these big sets.
*With higher skilled and higher fatigue movements, look to take calculated breaks early and often in this workout
*Sometimes the best way to keep moving forward is to make sure you never burn out in the first place
*Chip away at smaller sets that contribute to the overall workload
*Consider the following option for 50 reps
1 Set: 50
2 Sets: 25-25 or 30-20
3 Sets: 25-15-10
4 Sets: 15-15-10-10
5 Sets: 10’s
6 Sets: 10-10-8-8-7-7
10 Sets: 5’s
Consider the following options for 100 reps
1 Set: 100
2 Sets: 50-50
3 Sets: 40-30-30
4 Sets: 25-25-25-25
5 Sets: 20-20-20-20-20
6 Sets: 25-15-15-15-15-15


5 Minutes For Quality

5 Push-up to Down Dog Video
10 Pausing Air Squats (2 Seconds in Bottom)
40 Single Unders

Body Armor

Alternating On the Minute x 10:
1st Minute: 4 Tempo Split Squats (Left)
2nd Minute: 4 Tempo Split Squats (Right)

Tempo: 4 Seconds Down, Fast Up


*With your back foot elevated (chair, box, bench..) slowly lower down into a single leg split squat
*Today’s tempo is 4 seconds down + fast up
*Bodyweight may be challenging enough – but you can also hold a pair dumbbells
*Choose a loading that allows you to maintain this tempo for 20 total reps on each side
*Alternate legs every minute on the minute (5 sets each side)


Tempo Split Squats: Video




“How wonderful it is that nobody needs to wait a single minute before starting to improve the world.”

~Anne Frank

Written by one of the most courageous of girls, who experienced first hand what monstrocity is. A victim to the Holocaust, she had every reason in the world to turn to hate. To turn to blame. To turn away from everything that is humanity. Yet she chose a different path.

Be the change we want to see in this world

Thursday April 30, 2020

Throwback to January when super model Kamrie was crushing her V-Ups! She still is, by the way.




4 Rounds:
30 Dumbbell Swings
30′ Single Dumbbell Overhead Carry (Left)
30 Sit-ups
30′ Single Dumbbell Overhead Carry (Right)


4 Rounds:
30 Odd Object Swings
30′ Odd Object Overhead Carry (Left)
30 Sit-ups
30′ Odd Object Overhead Carry (Right)


*This four round workout includes three movements that will challenge the core, grip, posterior chain, and breathing
*We expect this piece to take around 12-16 minutes to complete
*Hold one head of the dumbbell with both hands for this movement
*The arms will finish parallel to the ground like they do in the Russian Kettlebell Swing
*Choose a weight that you can complete in 1-2 sets
Demo: Video
*Substitute an odd object swing or another option from “modifications”
*Lock the dumbbell out overhead with one arm for the carries
*The elbow should be next to the ear so the body resembles “oI” not “o/”
*Choose a weight that allows you to complete the 30 foot segments unbroken
Demo: Video
*Substitute an odd object carry or another option from “modifications”
*Use an AbMat for this station if you have it
*If not, you can anchor your feet under dumbbells or your couch
*Odd Object Swings
*Russian Kettlebell Swings
*Banded Pull Throughs Video
*Odd Object Overhead Carry
*Kettlebell Overhead Carry
*30 Second Side Plank (For 30′)
*20 Second Handstand Hold (For 30′)
*The belly and the knees play a big role in the dumbbell movements
*A tight belly means the core is engaged – which makes it easier to transfer power from the lower body in the swings
*This also makes it easier to support the weight in the carries – as the dumbbell is stacked over every joint in the body
*Soft knees in the keeps us efficient in the swings and balanced in the carries
*When the knees bend too much, the movement becomes more of a squat – meaning the bell has to travel a further distance
*When the legs straighten in the carries, it can cause a “rocking” from side to side – which makes it harder to balance the weight
*If there’s one station to bring it – it’s the dumbbell swings
*With very short overhead carries and sit-ups to follow, theres more to gain by pushing through big sets here than anywhere else
*One thing that can be helpful in hanging on is breaking the 30 reps into mental checkpoints
*Thinking of the full set as 15-10-5 instead of 30 straight can help you stay focused on the larger task at hand


60-45-30 Seconds

Alternating Bird Dogs Video
Shoulders Taps Video
Glute Bridge Walkouts Video
Flutter Kicks Video
High Knee Run (In Place)



“Nothing is ever attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome.”

~Samuel Johnson

Just imagine, that we are going to train for the CrossFit Games.
And imagine listing out everything that could possibly prevent us from getting there.

The list.. Goes into the thousands. It’s essentially unending. Imagine if we tried to solve each and every one of those potential problems before beginning?

We’d never start. We want to realize that we can bring the possibility of failure so far into reality that… we never take the first step. It’s called paralysis, through analysis. We overthink, and freeze.

So how do we work around this? It’s not that we pretend those possibilities aren’t there. That’s delusional. Those possibilities are real. But we see those possibilities in a different vein. That they are part of the way, and not in the way. That we recognize the starting line will never be perfect, but we’re going anyways.

Wednesday April 29, 2020

Once upon a time when we could hang out with our workout buddies!


We are excited to be getting into what is hopefully our last few weeks of online Zoom WOD’s, which means we’re one week closer to getting back in the gym! But for now the Zoom times are 7:00am, 12:00pm, and 4:30pm, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Heather will also be teaching a Recovery/Mobility Zoom class Saturdays at 9:00am. Just click on the links that are provided on the website. We can’t wait to see all of you on Zoom!

Click here for the 7:00am WOD.
Click here for the 12:00pm WOD.
Click here for the 4:30pm WOD.


“Bergeron DBeep Test”

On the Minute For As Long As Possible:
7 Single Dumbbell Goblet Thrusters
7 Alternating Single Dumbbell Power Snatches
7 Burpees 🙂

After 10 Rounds: Add (1) Rep to Each Movement

“Bergeron DBeep Test” (No Equipment)

On the Minute For As Long As Possible:
7 Odd Object Thrusters
7 Odd Object Ground to Overhead
7 Burpees 🙂

After 10 Rounds: Add (1) Rep to Each Movement


*The “Bergeron DBeep Test” is a twist on the benchmark workout “Bergeron Beep Test”
*Every minute on the minute for as long as possible, you’ll complete the 21 listed reps
*When you are no longer able to complete the work within the minute, the workout is done
*Your score is total completed rounds and reps
*The goal is to choose weights, rep schemes, and movement variations that allow for at least 7-10 rounds
*If you are not able to make it to 7 minutes, continue to complete the workout AMRAP style until 10:00 on the clock
For Example:
*If you only make it to 5 minutes, abandon trying to go “on the minute” and simply complete as many rounds and reps as possible for 5 more minutes
*In this scenario, record your score as total completed “On the Minute” rounds
*To make sure we’re not working forever, we’ll add 1 rep to each movement after 10 rounds
Round 11: 8 Reps of Everything
Round 12: 9 Reps of Everything
Round 13: 10 Reps of Everything…
*Choose a lighter weight that you could complete for 25+ reps unbroken
*Within the workout, you should be able to complete all 7 reps unbroken each round
*Use one dumbbell for this movement, holding one head in each hand
*It’s essentially like holding a very short barbell
Demo: Video
*Substitute an odd object thruster or another movement listed in “modifications”
*Let’s also choose a weight here than you can complete unbroken each round
*Both heads of the dumbbell touch the ground
*Alternate hands every rep
*Substitute an odd object ground to overhead or another movement listed in “modifications”
*These are standard burpees
*Chest and thighs touch the floor
*Get some air under the feet
*Small clap with hands overhead
*You can jump up or step up out of the bottom
*Reduce Reps of Each Movement
*Odd Object Thrusters Video
*Medicine Ball Squat Cleans
*Odd Object Ground to Overhead Video
*Medicine Ball Slams
*Box Jumps
*Our focus for all three movements will be on the timing of the arms
*Think about launching the bell off the shoulders with the lower body instead of pressing it overhead in the goblet thruster
*Keep your elbow completely locked by flexing the triceps until you fully extend the lower body in the dumbbell snatch
*Lowering down too slowly with the arms in the burpee can negatively affect the other two movements – drop to the ground
*You can work through these rounds in 1 of 2 ways
*The first option is to move very quickly through the 21 reps
*This gives you more rest, but gets the heart rate up quite a bit
*The second option is to move at a steady pace through the 21 reps
*This gives you less rest before beginning the next round, but may allow to sustain longer
*In either option, look to make your transitions quick, as every second counts within the minute


3 Rounds

30 Seconds Slow Air Squats
30 Seconds Spiderman + Reach Video
30 Seconds Down Dog Video

3 Rounds

20 Seconds Jumping Jacks
20 Seconds Air Squat Jumps
20 Seconds Mountain Climbers Video

Body Armor

Strict Pull-ups

Every Minute on the Minute:
7 Dumbbell Push-ups


*Today’s body armor is max strict pull-ups in 5 minutes
*However, your progress will be interrupted by 7 dumbbell push-ups every minute on the minute
*If you have 8+ strict pull-ups unbroken, try to complete this as written
*If you’re not there yet, consider one of these subs:
*Banded Strict Pull-ups
*Ring Rows
*Bent Over Rows (Barbell or Dumbbell)
*Place your hands on dumbbell handles to create a slight deficit
*Position the bells wide enough to allow your chest to make contact with the floor
*The push-ups happen on the (0-1-2-3-4)
*Choose a number of push-ups that you can complete unbroken
*You can also choose one of these variations:
*Reduce Reps
*No Deficit
*Knee Push-ups
*Elevate Hands (Box, Bench, Chair)


Dumbbell Push-ups: Video




“I can accept failure. Everyone fails at one time. But I can’t accept not trying.”

~Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan is re-known for his incredible work ethic.
In this quote he speaks to the dedication to the process.

And no matter what our goal is, whether it be in the gym, at work, or at home, this central theme rings true. That we don’t commit to success. We commit, to giving our absolute very best. And wherever the cards fall, they fall.

Joining Michael Jordan, what we can’t accept, is never trying.
No one on their death bed ever said they regret trying.
Far too often, they have to say the opposite.

Tuesday April 28, 2020

We are so excited for Chayden and his family to move forward with a new chapter in his career! However we are so sad that we didn’t get to say goodbye. Good luck Chayden, and we’ll see you in a year!



“Tiger Balm”

200 Meter Run
7 Double Dumbbell Power Clean and Jerks
40 Double Unders

“Tiger Balm” (No Equipment)

200 Meter Run
7 Odd Object Power Clean and Jerks
40 Double Unders


*This longer AMRAP includes a little cardio, weightlifting, and gymnastics
*Each station is designed to be relatively short – ideally taking 1 minute or less to complete
*That being said, we can expect to complete 6+ rounds today
*Choose a weight here that you can complete within 1-2 sets each round
*One head of each dumbbell will touch the ground outside of the feet at the bottom of each rep
*You can push press or push jerk the weight overhead
*If you have only 1 dumbbell – complete 14 Alternating Power Clean and Jerks
*If you don’t have a dumbbell – complete an odd object power clean and jerk or choose from a variation in “subs”
*Choose a number or variation that allows you to clear this station in under 1 minute
*If you don’t have a jump rope, complete 40 lateral line hops (Over & Back = 2 Reps)
*14 Single Dumbbell Alternating Clean and Jerks (Hit Dumbbell Between Legs)
*Odd Object Power Clean and Jerks
*Reduce Reps
*60 Single Unders (1.5x)
*1 Minute of Practice
*40 Lateral Line Hops
*40 Double Taps Video
*250 Meter Row or Ski
500 Meter Bike Erg
*12/9 Calorie Assault or Echo Bike
*20/14 Calorie Schwinn Bike
*20 x 10 Meter Shuttle Runs
*Let’s bring our attention to the legs on all three of today’s movements
*Clean and Jerks + Double Unders: Aggressively straightening the legs by pushing the knees back and squeezing the glutes is what gives us elevation. Elevation of the body on the jump rope and elevation of the dumbbell in the clean and jerks. The more elevation you get on the jump, the more time you have to rotate the rope around. The more elevation you get on the bells with the legs, the less you have to rely on pulling and pressing with the arms. This leads to better efficiency in both movements.
*Running: Running is a little different than the other two movements. We want to keep the knees soft and slightly bent during the landing phase. Landing with a straight leg is very high impact and tends to slow us down. This helps the legs better absorb the impact of our full bodyweight with each stride.
*In a longer workout like this, it’s all about consistency
*Imagine how fast you’ll be going 15 minutes into this workout and try to hold that speed or break-up strategy from the beginning
*It can be helpful to utilize a clock or your watch to help with proper pacing
*Move at a sustainable speed on the opening round, then take a look at the clock when you finish
*If you finish this round in a clean 2:30, that could also be your goal for the rounds that follow
*If you held this example pace for the rest of the workout, you would complete 8 rounds (2:30-5:00-7:30-10:00-12:30-15:00-17:30-20:00)
*The right pace for you is the one that keeps you moving at a very similar speed throughout and allows for a sprint to the finish


6 Minutes For Quality

5 Inchworms Video
100 Meter Run
20 Single Leg Glute Bridges (10 Each Side) Video
40 Single Unders

Body Armor

Single Arm Bent Over Rows (Left)
Single Arm Bent Over Rows (Right)
Overhead Tricep Extensions


*Working pulling and pushing accessory movements in today’s upper body focused body armor
*Not being on the clock – this is a great opportunity to go heavier than you normally would
*Choose a weight that allows you to complete the higher rep numbers within 1-2 sets
*Rest as needed between movements to maintain quality


Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Rows: Video

Overhead Tricep Extensions: Video




“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”

~Bruce Lee

We would all come to quickly agree that quality repetition, through honed, focused practice, breeds mastery. We recognize this in application to our squat snatches, our double-unders, and every other movement in CrossFit.

What we don’t always talk about, is how this concept applies to our personal lives. We are quick to see that we need more practice reps on the double-under to get better. Can we be just as quick to identify we need more repetitions on being more forgiving? On being more receptive to feedback? On maintaining an open-mind, despite having our own strong opinions?

Much like how we would pick up the jump rope and get to work… let’s do the same. Seek out the reps.

Monday April 27, 2020

Happy Birthday Erin and Julie!

We are excited to be getting into what is hopefully our last few weeks of online Zoom WOD’s, which means we’re one week closer to getting back in the gym! But for now the Zoom times are 7:00am, 12:00pm, and 4:30pm, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Heather will also be teaching a Recovery/Mobility Zoom class Saturdays at 9:00am. Just click on the links that are provided on the website. We can’t wait to see all of you on Zoom!

Click here for the 7:00am WOD.
Click here for the 12:00pm WOD.
Click here for the 4:30pm WOD.



3 Rounds:
10 Strict Pull-ups
20 Push-ups
30 Sit-ups
40 Jumping Lunges
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Strict Pull-ups

Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds

“Barbs” (No Equipment)

3 Rounds:
20 Odd Object Rows
20 Push-ups
30 Sit-ups
40 Jumping Lunges
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
20 Odd Object Rows

Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds


*This all bodyweight workout is a twist on the benchmark “Barbara”
*After completing the 7 stations, you’ll rest 3 minutes between rounds
*With a fair amount of rest built in and little interference between consecutive movements, the goal is work quickly through each round
*Your score is the total time it takes to complete the 3 rounds, including rest time
*Choose a number or variation that allows you to complete the work in 1-3 sets
*If you don’t have a pull-up bar available – complete 20 odd object rows
*Choose a number or variation that allows you to complete the work in 2-4 sets
*Use an AbMat for this station if you have it
*If not, you can anchor your feet under dumbbells or your couch
*Alternate legs every rep for a total of 20 each side
*Jump to full lower body extension at the top of each rep
*Gently kiss the back knee to the ground at the bottom of each rep
*If jumping lunges bother the knees in any way, switch to alternating step back lunges
*Reduce Reps
*Banded Strict Pull-ups
*Ring Rows
*20 Odd Object Rows
*Reduce Reps
*Elevate Hands (Box, Bench, Chair)
*Knee Push-ups
*Alternating Step Back Lunges
*In each movement we can think about getting one part of our body to a vertical position:
*Strict Pull-ups: Keeping the forearms vertical throughout the full range of motion enables you to stay hollow and better use the lat muscles to pull yourself up
*Push-ups: Setting the hands back far enough to establish a vertical forearm allows for greater leverage to press the body off the ground
*Sit-ups: At the top of each rep, ensure the torso reaches vertical (or slightly past) to meet the full range of motion
*Jumping Lunges: Aim for a vertical shin position with the front leg when alternating back and forth
*The workout has little interference between back to back movements
*The movements flow as follows:
Upper Body Pull
Upper Body Push
Lower Body Push
*This format – along with built in rest – allows you to work through bigger sets
*Be intelligently aggressive, especially on the strict pull-ups and push-ups
*Envision how you’d break these up in the second half of each round and do that from the beginning


1 Minute Each

Spiderman + Reach Video
Active Samson Video
Push-up to Down Dog Video

1 Minute Each

Front Plank on Hands
Side Plank (30 Seconds Each Side)
Hollow Hold Video

1 Round

3 Strict Pull-ups
6 Push-ups
12 AbMat Sit-ups
24 Step Back Lunges

Body Armor

Tabata Dumbbell Front Squats

8 Rounds:
20 Second Work
10 Seconds Rest


*Hold 2 dumbbells in the front rack position for these squatting intervals
*Tabata Intervals:
8 Rounds:
20 Seconds Work
10 Seconds Rest
*With rest built in, the goal is to move for as much of the 20 seconds as possible
*If 2 dumbbells is too heavy and will cause you to stop moving – only use 1 dumbbell
*In this case, you can hold the bell in the goblet position


“I don’t like that man. I should get to know him better.”

~Abraham Lincoln

Perspective is everything.

In the abundance mindset, there is the belief all human beings are good. No one is born evil. The differences, between a terrorist and a police officer, are not malintentions. Both in their own mind, believe they are doing “the right thing”. The difference between the two are their interpretations, and understanding, of the world. Massive differences, but still at the root, perspectives.

A situation we can all relate to from some point in our lives, is poor first impression. An introduction to someone who… you’d rather not spend another second on. After the interaction, you want to distance yourself as far away as possible. Yet, life puts us right back next to them, not by choice, but by chance.

And we talk.
And we strike some common ground.
And we understand.
And things… change. We may not be close friends, but, that animosity we initially felt is no longer there. The brief amount of time we spent talking with them afforded us the chance to better understand their perspective. And why they came across that way.

Next time we find ourselves feel the wave of animosity towards someone, remind ourselves… we just need to get to know them a little bit better.