Monday May 18, 2020

Happy Birthday Verno!



”Nasty Girls”

3 Rounds:
50 Air Squats
7 Ring Muscle-Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)


”Nasty Dozen”

50 Air Squats
7 Strict Pull-ups
10 Double Dumbbell Power Cleans


*”Nasty Dozen” is a twist on an old school benchmark workout that balances weightlifting and gymnastics
*Choose weights and variations that allow you to complete 3-4 rounds over the 12 minutes of work
*This works out to a round every 3-4 minutes
*Within the workout, this should be a station you can clear in 1 minute or less
*Adjust reps or choose from a variation listed in “modifications” to match that recommendation
*One head of the dumbbell makes contact on the ground outside of the feet for this movement
*There is no prescribed loading, as everyone has different dumbbells available at home
*Ideally, we’re clearing this station in 1-3 quick sets
*If you only have heavy dumbbells, you can bring the reps down to something like 7
*If you only have really light dumbbells, you can increase the reps to something like 14 or 21 to get the right stimulus
*Reduce Reps
*Banded Strict Pull-ups
*Ring Rows
*Inverted Rows Video
*Barbell Bent Over Rows Video
*Double Dumbbell Rows Video
*Single Dumbbell Row (7 Each Side) Video
*Odd Object Rows (2x Reps) Video
*Single Dumbbell Power Cleans (10 Each Side) Video
*Odd Object Power Cleans
*Barbell Power Cleans
*Slamballs Video
*Box Jumps
*The final two movements of each round involve an upper body pull
*On the dumbbell power cleans, let’s focus on using the hips and legs to the best of our ability – as the arms will likely be fatigued from the strict pull-ups
*Jump the weight to the shoulders instead of trying to pull it up
*While the upper body movements stick out on paper, much of the workout will be spent on air squats
*Make sure you have 3 points of contact with the feet to ensure proper balance and technique through these 150 total squats
*These 3 points of contact are the big toe, pinky toe, and the heel
*Determine your speed on the air squats based on how comfortable you are with the two movements that follow
*The more confident you are with strict pull-ups and dumbbell power cleans, the faster you can cycle these squats
*If you know you’re going to take a few breaks on the bar and bells, slow down your cycle time to make sure your breathing is under control for the more challenging movements
*Having good self awareness of your abilities on each of these movements will help you determine the best strategy
*Envision what you can realistically hold for sets if you were to make it to the 3rd round of the workout and do that from the beginning
*Especially on the strict pull-ups, it’s better to be conservative early and speed up later than it is to start hot and gradually slow down
*Breaks tend to be a lot shorter when they are pre-determined as opposed to unplanned
*Keep in mind there will be some interference between the two movements – as both involve an upper body pull
*Consider the following sets for the strict pull-ups:
1 Set: 7
2 Sets: 4-3
3 Sets: 3-2-2
4 Sets: 2-2-2-1
*Consider the following sets for dumbbell power cleans:
1 Set: 10
2 Sets: 5-5
3 Sets: 4-3-3


6 Minutes For Quality

3 Inchworms Video
6 Russian Baby Makers Video
9 Double Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts Video


On the 1:30 x 6 Sets:
Weighted Split Squat Complex
Unweighted Split Squat Complex

1 Split Squat Complex:
7 Bottom Range Split Squats
7 Top Range Split Squats
7 Full Range Split Squats


*Sets begin every 90 seconds in this lower body focused Body Armor
*Start Times: 0:00-1:30-3:00-4:30-6:00-7:30
*One set is considered to be the weighted complex + the unweighted complex (42 total reps)
*Alternate legs after every set for a total of 3 each side
*It is your choice on loading for the weighted portion
*Choose a weight that you are able to complete unbroken each set – opting for speed over load
*Elevate your back leg on anything between knee and hip height (counter tops, chair, bench…)
*If you do not have any loads, not even a backpack to hold, complete all unweighted sets


Complex Demo: Video




“I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living, or get busy dying”.

~Andy Dufrense, The Shawshank Redemption

Last week, we thought through the meaning of how “Crisis” is written in Chinese. Two symbols, translating to “danger”, and “opportunity”.

A third word to add comes from the Greek “krisis”, where the English word originated from. In Greek, “krisis” translates to “choice”.

Adversity will change us, but how it changes us is the “krisis” – the choice. Are we choosing to learn from our challenges, leading to wisdom, growth, and depth? Or do we choose to become hardened and bitter?

Danger, Opportunity, Choice.

Sunday May 17, 2020

Tiff, Chevy, and Dr. D getting their Dumbbell Hops in during Wednesdays crazy WOD!


Supple Sunday

3 Giant Sets:
9 Front Plank to Push-up Planks
1:00 Left Elbow Plank
1:00 Right Elbow Plank
15 Hollow Rocks
1:00 Left Elbow Plank
1:00 Right Elbow Plank
21 V-Ups

Rest as Needed Between Sets


*This “Supple Sunday” workout focuses on our core strength
*”Giant Sets” mean you’ll move with a right from one movement to the next, prioritizing quality over speed
*We alternate between the front side, left side, and right side in this piece
*This rotation of muscle groups is designed to allow you to keep moving forward without overtaxing one part of the body
*This workout is not for score
*Aim to keep your body as square as possible as your move between a plank on your elbows and and plank on your hands
*Choose a number you can complete unbroken to start each round
*Down to the elbows and back up to the hands = 1 rep


*With your elbow placed directly under the shoulder, lift your hips up so you body is in a straight line from head to toe
*Choose a duration that allows you to clear this station with just 1 break per round


*Squeeze the legs tight, push the belly button into the floor, and keep the shoulder blades off the ground as you rock from the glutes to lower back
*Count 1 rep as a rock “back-and-forth”


*Start laying on your back with the legs tight
*Reach for your toes as your raise your legs up
*Touch the feet at the top and reach a fully extended position at the bottom
*Reduce the range of motion to make this station easier


*Reduce Reps
*30 Second Front Plank Hold
*Reduce Time
*Reduce Reps
*30 Second Hollow Hold Video
*Reduce Reps
*Reduce Range of Motion
*Straight Leg Sit-ups Video
*One way to keep the midline engaged is to pretend there is a spear pointed an inch away from your belly button
*In all these movements, the goal is pull the belly button away from the imaginary spear by squeezing it towards the center of the body
*This active position helps us get the most out of every movement in the workout
*Don’t make contact with the spear by letting the midline loosen
*Don’t worry about speed when moving through these “Giant Sets”
*With a lot of core interference, break these reps/durations up to maintain quality movement
*If you feel your body position start to break down, take a short break to recharge
*Try to keep these breaks to 10 seconds to stay on track


4 Sets

5 Inchworms Video
10 Sit-ups
20 Second Hollow Hold Video
30 Second Side Plank (15 Each Side) Video




“You’re remembered for the rules you break.”

~General MacArthur

There’s something oddly intoxicating about fitting into a group. By falling in to cultural norms. It’s truly in our DNA – to connect with others through similarities.

That is an amazing thing. But at the same time, it can be a dangerous one. We can take the limits of our surroundings, for the limits of our own. This can often happen without even a conscious realization.

These “unspoken rules” that society lives by can hold us back. The “unspoken beliefs” that we should live life a certain way. With genuine respect, we sit humbly at the feet of anyone we can learn from. Yet, we must keep our minds open to possibilities outside of the confines of our norm. Some rules are just meant to be broken.

Saturday May 16, 2020

James is leading the pack in from his Farmers Carry during Thursdays WOD!

Reminder: Heather will be teaching Zoom Yoga today at 9:00am! Click here to join.


“Triple Threat”

On the 0: 1 Mile Run
On the 10: 100 Burpees 🙂
On the 20: 100/70 Calorie Assault Bike

*30 Minute Time Cap*


“Mirror Effect”

On the 0: 1 Mile Run
On the 10: 100 Burpees 🙂
On the 20: 1 Mile Run


*Working through 3 all bodyweight intervals to start the weekend
*After completing the 1 mile run, you will rest with whatever time remains until the 10 minute mark before completing the burpees
*Follow the same format for the burpees into the next 1 mile run/bike
*We definitely want some rest built it so we can maintain intensity for the next movement
*To do so, let’s either reduce the distance/reps or set a time cap of 9 minutes for each movement
*There is a 30 minute total time cap for the workout, which means you’ll have 10 minutes to complete the final 1 mile run/bike
*2k Row
*4k Bike Erg
*1,600 Meter Ski Erg
*100/75 Calorie Assault or Echo Bike
*160/115 Calorie Schwinn Bike
*1200 Meter Air Runner or Trueform
*While we are falling forward in the run and falling down in the burpee, the “up” movement will be different for both
*In the “up” action of the burpee, we want to push through both feet to jump to full extension and clap overhead
*The “up” action of the run should be a pull rather than a push
*Pushing through the ground with the leg can often cause “overstriding”
*Overstriding can lead to heel striking, which slows us down and takes its toll on the joints
*Instead of pushing the ground away, this about pulling the ankle right under the hips as you run today
*Both these movements are all about establishing and maintaining a rhythm
*It’ll take about 200-400 meters and 15-30 burpees to settle into your cadence, but once you do, try to hold that rhythm until the work is complete
*Just like a car on cruise control, set your target and then lock it in until you get to your destination
*Imagine your speed on the second 1 mile run and the final 50 burpees when determining your opening paces on these movements
*In a perfect world, your second 1 mile run and final 50 burpees are performed at almost the same pace or even faster than the first 1 mile run and 50 burpees


Running Line Drills

High Knee Karaoke
Over the Hurdle
Knee to Chest
Cradle Stretch
Walking Samson
Lunge & Twist (Over Front Leg)
Toe Touches
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Straight Leg Hops
Side Shuffles
Side Shuffle with Jumping Jacks
Toes Out Walk
Toes In Walk
Heel Walk
Toe Walk
Outside Foot Walk
Inside Foot Walk
Fast Feet

DEMO VIDEO: Click Here

Body Armor

Alternating On the Minute x 4 Rounds:
Minute 1:
20 AbMat Sit-Ups

Minute 2:
10 Single Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extensions
10 Close Grip Push-ups
Max Dumbbell Bench Press


*Today’s body armor focuses on the midline and upper body pressing
*You’ll alternate between these movement patterns on the minute for 4 rounds:
*Minute 1: 20 AbMat Sit-ups
*Minute 2: 10 Tricep Extensions + 10 Close Grip Push-ups + Max Dumbbell Bench Press
*After finishing the the first 20 reps in the upper body minute, you’ll complete as many dumbbell bench presses as you can with whatever time remains
*Choose loads and rep schemes that allow you to complete each movement unbroken
*Elevate your hands, go from your knees, or reduce the reps in the close grip push-up to allow for this
*You should have at least 20 seconds to complete bench presses at the end of each round


Single Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extensions: Video

Close Grip Push-ups: Video



“Problems are simply opportunities in work clothes”

In Chinese, “crisis” is written with two symbols. In the English language, these translate to “Danger”, and “Opportunity”. These two words summarize our emotional connection to adversity very well.

Problems feel “dangerous”, because we’d rather be comfortable, cozy, and safe. It’s a human condition… we don’t like change. But problems are also full of “opportunity”, as the uncomfortable hot mess of adversity is the greatest catalyst to our growth.

Our greatest opportunities in life will also be our most trying. And if we can reframe those “problems” to being the enablers of growth, we can go wherever we want to go. We just need to suit up and get to work.

Friday May 15, 2020

Lauren and Krissa are flying through the Dumbbell Hops during Wednesdays WOD!

Happy Birthday Dave 08!



“90 Shiny”

Power Cleans (135/95)
50 Double Unders After Each Round

Directly Into…

Front Squats (135/95)
50 Double Unders After Each Round


“90 Shiny”

Dumbbell Power Cleans
50 Double Unders After Each Round

Directly Into…

Dumbbell Front Squats
50 Double Unders After Each Round


*There are 2 parts to this workout, each consisting of a double dumbbell movement and jump rope movement
*After each round on the dumbbell, you’ll complete 50 double unders
*There is no rest between the first coulplet and the second
*The workout flows as follows:
21 Dumbbell Power Cleans, 50 Double Unders
15 Dumbbell Power Cleans, 50 Double Unders
9 Dumbbell Power Cleans, 50 Double Unders
21 Dumbbell Front Squats, 50 Double Unders
15 Dumbbell Front Squats, 50 Double Unders
9 Dumbbell Front Squats, 50 Double Unders
*Your score is the total time it takes you to complete the full workout
*We expect this piece to take around 10-16 minutes to complete
*We’re looking to use one dumbbell weight for both movements
*This should be a moderate set of dumbbells that allows you to complete 21+ reps unbroken on each movement when fresh
*On the power cleans, only one head of the dumbbell has to touch the floor on each rep
*If you’re modifying to a single dumbbell movement, complete the rep scheme as 30-20-10 to make up for the lighter weight
*Choose a number or variation here that takes around 1 minute to complete
*Reduce Reps
*75 Single Unders (1.5x)
*60 Seconds of Double Under Practice
*25 Over-and-Back Dumbbell Hops Video
*50 Line Hops Video
*50 Double Taps Video
*Single Arm Dumbbell Front Squats
*Goblet Squats (Kettlebell or Dumbbell) Video
*Odd Object Goblet Squats Video
*Barbell Front Squats
*2x Jumping Squats (42-30-18) Video
*Single Arm Dumbbell Power Cleans Video
*Odd Object Ground to Shoulder Video
*Single Dumbbell Russian Swings Video
*Barbell Power Cleans
*Timing is everything in these 3 movements
*Be patient with your jump in the double under
*Wait to jump until the rope is just about to make contact with the floor to jump
*Jumping too early, when the rope is still behind you, can cause a lot of excessive trips
*Be patient off the floor in the power cleans
*It’s tempting to want to rip the weight off the floor
*Stay under control until the weight has passed your knees before jumping hard
*The main goal off the floor is to make sure your hips and shoulders rise together
*Be patient in the dumbbell front squats
*Staying controlled in this movement actually makes it easier
*When we try to squat and stand quickly with the unstable dumbbells, they can pull us out of position
Taking your time through the squats can help you maintain better balance through the foot and *better balance of the weight on your shoulders
*Double dumbbell movements can be challenging, not only because of their weight, but also due the unstable nature of the objects
*Shorter bursts can be mentally and physically more manageable on both the dumbbell movements over the course of the 90 total reps today
*Consider quick breaks of 10 seconds or less along the way on all movements to help keep you on moving towards the end goal:
Round of 21:
1 Set: 21
2 Sets: 12-9
3 Sets: 7-7-7
4 Sets: 6-5-5-5
5 Sets: 5-4-4-4-4
Round of 15:
1 Set: 15
2 Sets: 8-7
3 Sets: 5-5-5
4 Sets: 4-4-4-3
5 Sets: 3-3-3-3-3
Round of 9:
1 Set: 9
2 Sets: 5-4
3 Sets: 3-3-3
50 Double Unders:
1 Set: 50
2 Sets: 25-25
3 Sets: 25-15-10
4 Sets: 15-15-10-10
5 Sets: 10-10-10-10-10


6 Minutes For Quality

20 Single Unders
5 Push-up to Down Dog Video
20 Single Unders
10 Slow Wall Squats Video

Body Armor

For Time (5 Minute Cap):
100 Jumping Lunges

On the Minute (Starting at 0:00):
5 Double Dumbbell Thrusters


*Today’s body armor primarily focuses on pressing with the lower body
*At the top of every minute, you’ll complete 5 double dumbbell thrusters
*With whatever time remains in the minute, you’ll complete as many jumping lunges as you can
*Your workout will end when you have completed 100 jumping lunges
*Count each jump as 1 rep (50 each side)
*Alternate legs every rep for a total of 50 each side
*The back knee makes contact with the ground on each rep
*Reach full lower body extension between jumps
*Sub reverse lunges for jumping lunges
*Choose a light-moderate weight that you can complete unbroken to start each minute


Jumping Lunges: Video




“Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you’d have preferred to talk”

~Doug Larsen

When we hear the phrase “communication skills”, we’re often thinking about the ability to express ourselves. To that, maybe we should call that exactly that – “expression skills”.

Although expression skills are part of communication, they’re one half at best. Great communicators are far better listeners than speakers.

“Empathy” is the focus on great communication. Understanding where the other is coming from by placing ourselves in their shoes, genuinely. Free of judgment, and fully present to connect.

The paradigm shift is this: instead of eagerly awaiting your turn to speak, eagerly await your turn to listen.

Thursday May 14, 2020

Gabe is looking calm and collected as he works through his Bar Over Burpees!


“Grip Don’t Trip”

100 Air Squats, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
50 Sit-ups, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
80 Air Squats, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
40 Sit-ups, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
60 Air Squats, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
30 Sit-ups, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
40 Air Squats, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
20 Sit-ups, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
20 Air Squats, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
10 Sit-ups, 100 Meter Farmers Carry

Dumbbell: 50/35


*The rotation between leg, grip, and core dominant movements in today’s workout allows for a higher intensity despite the high rep volume
*Between each set of air squats and sit-ups, you’ll complete a 100 meter farmers carry
*We expect this piece to be on the longer side
*The intended time range is around 25-30 minutes
*Carry a dumbbell or a kettlebell by your side in one hand
*Choose a weight that allows you to complete the 100 meters without dropping
*You can also reduce the distance if you have a heavier weight
*Switch hands as needed during the walk to stay moving
*Use and AbMat if you have it, as it allows the abs to fully flex and extend
*If you don’t have an AbMat, you can anchor your feet on dumbbells or under the couch
*Kettlebell Farmers Carry
*20-30 Second Side Plank (Each Side) Video
*Sandbag Carry Video
*Barbell Front Rack or Back Rack Carry
*The arms aren’t heavily involved as the main movers in this workout, but they can help you move better and more efficienty
*With high rep sit-ups, being aggressive with the arm throw will help keep you moving by taking some pressure of the core
*In the farmers carry, we want to keep the arm carrying the weight pinned to the body to prevent any swinging
*You can also hold the opposite arm up slightly in front of you to help “counterbalance” the dumbbell trying to pull you in the opposite direction
*You can also use the arms to help “counterbalance” you in the squat
*Your chest wants to drop towards the floor, but lifting your arms up as your squat can help you maintain a more upright and neutral position
*This workout starts out fairly front loaded on the squats and sit-ups
*There are more reps in the first two rounds than there are in the last three rounds
First 2 Rounds: 180 Air Squats + 90 Sit-ups
Last 3 Rounds: 120 Air Squats + 60 Sit-ups
*While the workout has a lot of reps early on, you are incentivized to maintain intensity based on the format:
*The numbers are pretty big in the first two rounds, but they do get smaller every time you come back to them
*There is also very little interference between movements – as we move from a lower body push, to a midline flexion and extension movement, to a grip dominant carry
*Use this format to your advantage to find a way to keep moving on each station
*When your quads, abs, or forearms are burning and you want to stop moving, tell yourself that “this body part gets a break on the next movement and I have less reps next time”


3 Sets

1 Minute Active Spidermans Video
1 Minute Side Plank (30 Second Each Side)
1 Minute Wall Sit

*Using the wall as back support, sit in a position just below parallel

*The hips and shins should both be at 90 degrees




“The world as we have created it, is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”

~Albert Einstein

If our world is full of joy, that’s our own construction.
If our world is full of desperation, that’s our own construction.
Whatever our world is, its a process of our current thinking.

To change our world, as Albert Einstein writes, we must change our thinking. Change our core beliefs. Our identity.

If we happen to realize that our thinking has put us into downward spirals at times, this is an enormous victory. Because just as our thinking has manifested problems we may have today, we now realize it can now manifest the solutions.

Wednesday May 13, 2020

Warde is catching his Power snatch with “active” shoulders during Saturdays WOD!
Attention:Due to low attendance we will not be doing a 7:00am Zoom WOD. We are re evaluating what time will be best for everyone. We will Let you know as soon as we finalize a time. There will still be Zoom Yoga with Heather Saturdays at 9:00am!



On the 5:00 x 2 Rounds:
21 Over-and-Back Dumbbell Hops
12 Thrusters (50’s/35’s)
21 Over-and-Back Dumbbell Hops
9 Clean and Jerks (50’s/35’s)
21 Over-and-Back Dumbbell Hops
6 Devils Press (50’s/35’s)

On the 5:00 x 2 Rounds:
21 Over-and-Back Dumbbell Hops
6 Devils Press (50’s/35’s)
21 Over-and-Back Dumbbell Hops
9 Clean and Jerks (50’s/35’s)
21 Over-and-Back Dumbbell Hops
12 Thrusters (50’s/35’s)



On the 5:00 x 2 Rounds:
21 Over-and-Back Dumbbell Hops
12 Thrusters
21 Over-and-Back Dumbbell Hops
9 Clean and Jerks
21 Over-and-Back Dumbbell Hops
6 Devil’s Press

On the 5:00 x 2 Rounds:
21 Over-and-Back Dumbbell Hops
6 Devil’s Press
21 Over-and-Back Dumbbell Hops
9 Clean and Jerks
21 Over-and-Back Dumbbell Hops
12 Thrusters


*A new round starts every 5 minutes in this interval workout (0-5-10-15)
*You’ll quickly work through the stations listed and rest with whatever time remains until the next round begins
*We’re looking for these rounds to take 4 minutes or less to complete so you have at least 1 minute to recover
*The order of the dumbbell movements flip flops in rounds 3 and 4
*Record your time for each of the 4 rounds – as your score is the total of these times added together
*In order to maintain the faster paced stimulus of these rounds, choose weights that allow you to complete each dumbbell station unbroken
*This should be a moderate set of dumbbells that is challenging, but manageable
*If you’re on the fence – go on the lighter side and move faster
*Decide what weight to used based on the toughest of the 3 movements for you – as we’re ideally using the same weight for all movements
*Here are some things to consider:
Clean and Jerks:
*Only 1 head of the dumbbell has to touch the floor outside of the feet in the bottom
*You can push press or push jerk the dumbbells overhead

Demo Video

Devils Press:
*This movement is a combination of a dumbbell burpee and a double dumbbell snatch
*The chest should make contact with the floor on each rep
*Swing the bells overhead without pausing at the shoulders

Demo Video

*This movement is performed exactly as it sounds
*Jump over the handle of 1 dumbbell with both feet
*1 Rep: Over and Back (42 Total Jumps)
*42 Double Unders
*42 Line Hops Video
*42 Double Taps Video
*42 Mountain Climbers (21 Each Leg) Video
*65 Single Unders
*12 Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters Video
*12 Goblet Thrusters Video
*12 Medicine Ball Squat Clean Thrusters Video
*12 Wallballs
*12 Odd Object Thrusters Video
*24 Jumping Air Squats Video
*Barbell Thrusters (95/65) (Kilos: 43/29)
*Single Arm Dumbbell Clean and Jerks Video
*Odd Object Clean and Jerks
*Barbell Clean and Jerks (95/65) (Kilos: 43/29)
*Single Arm Devil’s Press Video
*Burpee Box Jumps
*Burpee Broad Jumps Video
*Barbell Power Snatch (95/65) (Kilos: 43/29)
*Your stance will differ on nearly every movement today
*For the over-and-back dumbbell hops, the width of your feet can make you faster or slower
*The more narrow your feet are, the closer you can stay to the inside of the dumbbells
*The closer you stay, the faster you can cycle these reps
*Think of your feet like paint brushes
*A wide brush (wide stance) isn’t as accurate as a narrow brush (narrow stance)
*Go wider to slow down your movement and more narrow to speed it up
*On the dumbbell clean and jerks, you will take the most narrow stance of all three dumbbell movements to allow for the bells to make contact outside the feet
*In this position, the feet will be almost directly under the hips
*On the thrusters, take your normal squat stance – right around shoulder width
*On the devil’s press, your feet will be slightly outside of shoulder width to allow for the dumbbells to settle *between them coming out of the “burpee portion” of the movement
*Make sure the feet don’t go so wide that the knees end up caving in
*With a little rest built in to each of these intervals, we want to move with smart intensity
*It’s easy to complete round 1 at lightning speed, but envision what speed you’ll be moving at in the 3rd interval
*That pace might be the best option from the beginning, as a good goal would be to keep your fastest and slowest rounds within 10 seconds of each other
*Move with a purpose in the opening interval, but use it as your “feel out round”
*After the first round is complete, evaluate whether you should slow down somewhere, speed up your movement, or hold a similar pace


3 Sets

30 Second Front Plank
20 Jumping Jacks
10 Glute Bridges Video
5 Inchworm to Push-up Video

Single Dumbbell Warmup

Performed With Light Dumbbell:
10 Goblet Squats Video
10 Romanian Deadlifts (Each Side) Video
10 Single Arm Russian Swings Video
10 Strict Press (Each Side)
10 Goblet Squats Video

Body Armor

Alternating Double Tabata x 4 Rounds:
A) 40 Seconds Flutter Kicks, 20 Seconds Rest
B) 40 Seconds Hollow Rocks, 20 Seconds Rest


*Today’s body armor is focused on the midline
*Alternate back and forth between these two movements for 4 rounds
*The flow of the workout goes as follows:
4 Rounds:
40 Seconds Flutter Kicks
20 Seconds Rest
40 Seconds Hollow Rocks
20 Seconds Rest
*With rest built in, the goal is to move for as much of the 40 seconds as you can


Flutter Kicks: Video

Hollow Rocks:Video




“Ductus Exemplo”

The above quote is Latin, translating to “Leadership by Example”. Below is a short story of Ghandi, the famed spiritual and political leader, on the power of authentic leadership.

One day, a woman traveled a great distance to take her son to Ghandi. When they finally met, she asks for him to tell her son to “stop eating sugar”. Ghandi, in response to the request, asks the woman to come back in 30 days.

Confused, the woman leaves with her son, and returns 30 days later. She asks the same, for Ghandi to tell her son to stop eating sugar. Ghandi tenderly looks at the boy, and tells him to stop. Immediately, the boy agrees, pledging that he will no longer eat sugar.

Grateful, but still confused, the mother asks why she had to travel back 30 days later to begin with. Ghandi replied, “Because 30 days ago, I was still eating sugar”.

Tuesday May 12, 2020

Tanya is working on her Handstand Holds during Mondays handstand Challenge!

Don’t forget to get your Murph shirt order in by 7:00pm tonight!


Happy Birthday Lauren!




For Time:
400 Meter Run
21 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
9 Bar-Facing Burpees 🙂
400 Meter Run
18 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
9 Bar-Facing Burpees 🙂
400 Meter Run
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
9 Bar-Facing Burpees 🙂
400 Meter Run
12 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
9 Bar-Facing Burpees 🙂
400 Meter Run
9 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
9 Bar-Facing Burpees 🙂



5 Rounds:
400 Meter Run
21 Russian Single Dumbbell Swings
9 Strict Pull-ups


*This triplet workout resembles the benchmark workout “Helen”
*The combination of cardio, simple weightlifting, and strict gymnastics will allow you to maintain intensity as you work through the 5 rounds
*We expect this piece to take about 12-20 minutes to complete
*Holding one head of the dumbbell with both hands, swing the weight like you would in a Russian Kettlebell swing
*The movement finishes with your arms parallel to the ground
*Choose a moderate weight that allows you to complete this station unbroken each round
Click Here for a demo video
*Let’s choose a rep number or variation that allows you to clear this station in right around 1 minute
*500 Meter Row
*1000 Meter Bike Erg
*400 Meter Ski Erg
*25/18 Calorie Assault or Echo Bike
*40/28 Calorie Schwinn Bike
*300 Meter Air Runner or Trueform
*21 Russian Kettlebell Swings
*20 Single Arm Russian Dumbbell Swings Video
*15 Kettlebell Swings
*15 Box Jumps
*15 Burpees
*Reduce Reps
*9 Banded Strict Pull-ups
*9 Ring Rows
*9 Inverted Rows Video
*18 Odd Object Bent Over Rows Video
*18 Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Rows (9 Each Side) Video
*Barbell Bent Over Rows (9 Heavy or 18 Light-Moderate) Video
*Having a solid grip on our two “inside” movements can make them easier to complete
*With the single dumbbell swings, a secure grip means you’re able to use the hips properly to drive the weight up
*If you have a loose grip on the head of the bell, your body recognizes that the weight could go flying out of your hands if the hip drive is too aggressive
*The more secure grip you have, the more aggressive you can be with the “snap” of the hips
*In the strict pull-up, a secure grip allows you to use more muscle
*Hanging from your fingertips means your most likely putting a lot of the workload on the biceps
*When you get the knuckle of your pinky up and over the top of the pull-up bar, you can recruit more muscles to lift your bodyweight up
*On the runs, keep your hands relaxed like you are holding flowers to preserve your grip for the other two movements
*This workout is a nice balance between cardio, weightlifting, and gymnastics
*Run at a pace on your 400’s that allow you to complete the dumbbell swings ideally unbroken
*The strict pull-up number looks innocent on paper, but the overall number isn’t
*With 45 total reps, don’t be afraid to break these up from the beginning
*A few quick sets from the very beginning might be the most consistent option for the 5 rounds
2 Sets: 5-4
3 Sets: 3-3-3 or 4-3-2
4 Sets: 3-2-2-2
5 Sets: 3-2-2-1-1


6 Minutes For Quality

100 Meter Run
10 Single Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts (5 Each Side)
20 Single Dumbbell Bent Over Rows (10 Each Side) Video

Body Armor

3 Giant Sets:
9 Double Dumbbell Single Legged Deadlifts (Left)
9 Double Dumbbell Single Legged Deadlifts (Right)
15 Double Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Sumo Deadlifts
21 Dumbbell Weighted Glute Bridges

Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets


*Today’s body armor is focused on the posterior chain
*”Giant Sets” mean you’ll work directly from one movement to the next while prioritizing quality over speed
*Control the down portion of each movement and squeeze your glutes hard at the top
*Choose weights that are challenging, but ones that allow you to complete the set without stopping
*You can use the same weights across or increase with each round


Double Dumbbell Single Legged Deadlifts: Video

Double Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Sumo Deadlifts: Video

Dumbbell Weighted Glute Bridges: Video




“People are not lazy. They simply have goals that do not inspire them.”

~Tony Robbins

Something we can all agree on – anything in life worth achieving, is going to be very, very hard. There’s no two ways about it. So we make goals.

But goals sometimes default to the “whats” in life. A “what” can be a certain amount of pounds on the barbell or an amount of pull-ups. Those are goals, but they are not “reasons”.

Reasons are what gets us out of bed in the morning. What we think about in the shower. What we see in the mirror when we look into it. Goals don’t move us forward – reasons do. Goals can be the waypoints or checkpoints along the way, but our reasons are the true North Star.

What are your goals? Can we refine them? Can we tie them to our reasons?

Monday May 11, 2020

Heidi coming in from her run during Saturdays WOD!
Attention:Due to low attendance we will not be doing a 7:00am Zoom WOD. We are re evaluating what time will be best for everyone. We will Let you know as soon as we finalize a time. There will still be Zoom Yoga with Heather Saturdays at 9:00am!


“Ceiling Fan”

For Time (15 Minute Cap):
21 Clean and Jerks (155/105)
100 Double Unders
21 Clean and Jerks (155/105)

On the Minute: 7 Wallballs (20/14)


“Ceiling Fan”

20 Single Dumbbell Alternating Power Snatches
40 Double Unders
20 Single Dumbbell Overhead Reverse Lunges
40 Double Unders


*Sets of jump rope separate the single dumbbell movements in today’s workout
*Choose a weight for both dumbbell movements that allow you to complete the 20 reps with 1 break
*Your score at the end of 15 minutes is total rounds + reps completed
*The intended range for scores on this workout is 3+ to 4+ rounds
*Alternate arms every rep for a total of 10 each side
*Both heads of the dumbbell should touch the ground on each rep
*You can change hands on the floor or in mid-air
*With a single dumbbell locked out overhead, you’ll alternate legs each rep
*Switch arms at the 10 rep mark and continue to alternate legs each rep
Demo Video
*Choose a number or variation that allows you to clear this station in roughly 45 seconds
*20 Odd Object Ground to Overhead Video
*20 Slamballs Video
*20 Box Jumps
*20 Jumping Lunges Video
*20 Odd Object Reverse Lunges Video
*20 Bodyweight Reverse Lunges
*Reduce Reps
*60 Single Unders (1.5x)
*45 Seconds of Double Under Practice
*20 Over-and-Back Dumbbell Hops Video
*40 Line Hops Video
*40 Double Taps Video
*Let’s focus on the elbow position on all of our movements today
*In the overhead position of the dumbbell movements, were looking for a straight arm with the elbow by the ear and thumb pointed back
*This “stacked” position allows you to support the weight from the strongest possible position – an externally rotated shoulder
*In the double under, bend the elbows backward so the hands are placed directly in front of the hip bones
*Driving the elbows back allows the rope to stay long, which can help minimize trips
*To move consistently across the 15 minutes of work, see if you can limit your breaks to 2 places:
1 break at the halfway point of each movement
1 break after each movement
*Taking short breaks of about 10 seconds in the middle of each movement and after each movement will have you moving in a “tabata-like” format (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off)
*Tabata can be helpful in ensuring you get the most of this workout by structuring your work and rest
*Unstructured rest plans can often eat into a significant amount of the workout, leaving us wondering how much time we actually spent not moving
*Following this format throughout the workout means you will have spent 10 minutes working and 5 minutes resting and transitioning
*It can also help to break a longer workout down into smaller, more manageable chunks
*Consider this approach when putting together your game plan for this workout


3 Sets

30 Seconds Single Unders
30 Seconds Active Samson Video
30 Seconds Push-up to Down Dog Video
30 Seconds Slow Air Squats to Medicine Ball

Body Armor

Single Arm Dumbbell Strict Presses

On the Minute (Starting at 0:00):
6 Hand Release Push-ups


*Today’s body armor is focused on upper body pressing
*Every minute on the minute (starting at 0:00), you’ll complete 6 hand release push-ups
*With whatever time remains until the top of the next minute, you’ll complete as many reps of a single arm dumbbell strict press as you can
*Switch arms every 5 reps on the dumbbell strict press
*Choose a weight that you could complete for 20+ reps unbroken when fresh
*At the bottom of each rep, lift your hands off the ground to stop your momentum before pressing back up
*Pick a number that you allows you to clear this station in 15 seconds or less
*You can complete these from your knees if needed to reduce the weight you are pressing


Hand Release Push-ups: Video




“The only difference between feedback and criticism, is how you hear it.”

~Tim Grover

We are defensive creatures. It’s in our nature for self-preservation.

We’ve all related to a time where we felt threatened by feedback. Where we felt like we were being attacked. Much like the primal man, self-preservation kicks in. But outside of that uncomfortable moment, we recognize that feedback is the best thing for us. It’s the secret sauce to improvement. So how can we train our minds to receive it as so?

Remind ourselves, whenever we have the luxury to receive feedback (because it is), there is no downside. There literally isn’t. Even if the feedback or advice is something we can’t use at all, or it doesn’t fit our goals, we still gained insight from another’s point of view or angle.

Whenever feedback comes our way, it’s a gift. If we can remind ourselves of this as the feedback comes, we’ll never hear “criticism” again.

Sunday May 10, 2020

Happy Mothers Day to all of the amazing CFD moms! 



“Supple Sunday”

Double Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts
Hollow Hold
Glute Bridges


*Working through “Tabata” intervals to finish out the week
*These movements target our core and posterior chain
*”Supple Sunday” workouts are designed with a focus on quality over speed
*Tabata is 8 rounds of 20 seconds work + 10 seconds rest
*With some rest built in, look to stay moving for as much of the 20 seconds as possible
*We’ll complete all 8 rounds at one station before advancing to the next
*There is no rest between stations beyond the final 10 seconds
*Record total reps accumulated at each station
*Holding two dumbbells, keep a soft knee as you push the hips towards the back of the room
*You should feel a huge stretch through the hamstrings and glutes as you load back
*Slowly lower the dumbbells down and stand up aggressively
*You’ll lower between just below the knee and mid-shin
*Go down until just before you are no longer able to maintain a neutral back position
8Choose challenging dumbbells that still allow you to work for all 20 seconds
*The big 3 things we’re looking for in the hollow hold are:
*Tight legs 6 inches off the floor
*Belly button pushed into the floor
*Shoulder blades off the floor
*If you are not able to hold for 20 seconds, consider the following modifications to make the hollow hold easier:
8Hands By Your Side With Legs Straight
*Knees Tucked To Chest With Arms Overhead
*Laying on your back, drive through the heels and aggressively squeeze the glutes to lock out the hips
*This is prescribed with just your bodyweight
*To make this station more challenging:
*Add resistance with a dumbbell, band, or barbell
*Elevate the feet to a box, bench, or plates
*Start laying on your back with the legs tight
*Reach for your toes as your raise your legs up
*Touch the feet at the top and reach a fully extended position at the bottom
*Reduce the range of motion to modify this station
*Barbell Romanian Deadlifts
*Single Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift (Hold Outside Bells)
*Glute Bridge Walkouts Video
*Hands By Your Side
*Knees Tucked To Chest
*Add Weight
*Elevate Feet
*Reduce Range of Motion
*Straight Leg Sit-ups
*On the two posterior chain heavy movements (romanian deadlifts + glute bridges), focus on squeezing the glutes hard to finish each movement
*We get the most out of both of these movements by reaching full hip extension
*When moving in an interval style format like tabata, it can be common to short this hip extension
*Let’s bring our attention to the shoulders in the core focused movements (v-ups and hollow hold)
*They are often the most overlooked and challenging parts of both these movements
*In the hollow hold, keep the shoulder blades about 6 inches off the ground to match the 6 inch foot position
*In the v-up, really reach forward and up with the shoulders to meet the legs
*Look for about an equal contribution between the upper half and lower half – meet in the middle
*There isn’t too much strategy on top of trying to move for as much of the 20 seconds as possible
*Alternating between movements that target the back side of the body and the front side of the body is a nice incentive to stay moving through these 8 sets
*Move well and take advantage of the 10 seconds of rest after each set
*While quality is most important, you can keep a running count of your reps at each station if you’d like
*Make a mental or physical note of total reps completed during the quick 10 second transition to the next station


2 Rounds

30 Seconds Each

Single Leg Glute Bridges (Each Side) Video
Straight Leg Sit-ups
Glute Bridges Video
Front Plank
Glute Bridge Walkouts Video
Hollow Hold Video
Air Squats
V-ups Video




“It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but rather the most adaptive to change.”

~Charles Darwin

There’s a reason why we are still here on Earth. We adapted.

Yet the very thing that pushed us to where we are today, we find ourselves avoiding. We avoid, as human beings, challenge. We would much rather be comfortable, cozy, and safe. Now we aren’t going to let loose predators to chase us around, but if we truly want to find that next best version of ourselves… we know we need to get uncomfortable.

When we find ourselves struggling today, take a step back. Realize for just a moment, in the uncomfortable mess that we are in, that this is us… getting better. If we can re-wire ourselves to embrace those sweaty, painful, often embarrassing moments… we can go wherever we want to go.

Saturday May 9, 2020

Join us at the gym or at home for Zoom Yoga with Heather! Click here to get your mobility on!




10 Rounds For Time:
200 Meter Run
1 Power Snatch (155/105)
3 Bar Muscle-ups
5 Strict Handstand Push-ups



Double Dumbbell Clusters
200 Meter Run


*Kicking off the weekend with a descending rep couplet workout
*The big movement on paper is the double dumbbell cluster, also referred to as a squat clean thruster
*This is one of the most effective movements out there, as it requires us to work through a very large range of motion
*After each round of clusters, you’ll complete a 200 meter run
*We expect this workout to take around 15-20 minutes to complete
*In the start of each clean, touch one head of the dumbbell to the ground
*Squat clean the weight and drive it overhead with no re-bend of the knees
*We’re ideally choosing a moderate set of dumbbells that allows you to complete 10+ reps unbroken when fresh
*Understanding that everyone has different weights available at home, there are some other option
*Heavier Weight Option: Complete 4-5 Reps Per Round (Reduces Reps From 55 to 40-50)
*Lighter Weight Option: Complete 6-8 Reps Per Round (Increase Reps From 55 to 60-80)
Click Here to see a demo of the double dumbbell cluster
*250 Meter Row or Ski
*500 Meter Bike Erg
*12/9 Calorie Assault or Echo Bike
*20/14 Calorie Schwinn Bike
*20 x 10 Meter Shuttle Runs
*Single Dumbbell Clusters Video
*Barbell Clusters Video
*Medicine Ball Squat Clean Thrusters Video
*Squat Clean Wallballs Video
*Odd Object Clusters Video
*In the double dumbbell clusters, it’s all about staying connected to the weight
*The goal here is to get as much of the dumbbells in contact with the body in the clean and while standing up the squat
*The better contact we have with the weight, the more secure it is and the more powerful we can be getting the weight overhead
*The opposite is true for running, as keeping the foot in contact with the ground for a long time likely means we are “heel striking”
*This can slow us down and take it’s toll on the joints
*Pull the foot up off the ground quickly like you’re running on hot pavement
*Less time in contact with the ground and more pulls can lead to more efficient running
*The first 5 rounds of the workout will feel very dumbbell heavy, as 40 of the 55 total reps take place from rounds 10-6
*With a lot of dumbbell reps, consider slowing down your runs to allow for more consistent movement on the clusters
*Taking a quick break at the halfway point of each set can also be beneficial
*When you get to the round of 5, you only have 15 total dumbbell reps remaining
*At this point in the workout, see if you can increase your pace on 1 of the 2 stations
*This could mean slightly speeding up your runs or cycle time through the clusters


Running Line Drills

High Knee Karaoke
Over the Hurdle
Knee to Chest
Cradle Stretch
Walking Samson
Lunge & Twist (Over Front Leg)
Toe Touches
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Straight Leg Hops
Side Shuffles
Side Shuffle with Jumping Jacks
Toes Out Walk
Toes In Walk
Heel Walk
Toe Walk
Outside Foot Walk
Inside Foot Walk
Fast Feet

DEMO VIDEO: Click Here

Single Dumbbell Warmup

30 Seconds Each Side

Performed with Lighter Weight:
Hang Power Clean
Front Squat
Strict Press

Body Armor

3 Giant Sets:
50′ Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge (Right)
15 Single Arm Deadlifts (Right)
50′ Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge (Left)
15 Single Arm Deadlifts (Left)


*Working some one sided action in today’s Body Armor piece
*The goal here is to move directly from one movement to the next without sacrificing quality of movement
*Choose a weight that is challenging, but allows you to complete the 50 feet and 15 deadlifts unbroken
*You have the option to increase weight each round or stay the same across
*The back knee should hit the ground in the bottom of each rep
*The hips should reach full extension at the top before stepping forward with the opposite leg
*Hold the dumbbell in one arm on the outside of the body with a more narrow stance
*Only one head of the dumbbell needs to make contact with the floor


Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge: Video

Single Arm Deadlifts: Video




“The purpose of pain is to move us in action, not to make us suffer.”

~Tony Robbins

Pain gets a bad rap. Not in our world.

If we can frame pain for what it is, action for the betterment of ourselves, we redefine what this feeling means to us. As Tony Robbins puts it, it’s purpose is to move us forward. It’s leverage. An advantage, and a very powerful one at that. Few things in the world can get a human being to move faster than pain.

We recognize to do anything great, it’s going to be uncomfortable. Our body is going to resist it – change is hard. Change all too often has plenty of pain involved.

What pain is not however, is suffering. Pain is a feeling, where suffering is a state of mind. Those that can endure pain and value it for the heights it pushes us towards, will reap the benefits. If we fall into the trap however of emotionally despising it, we’ll naturally avoid it. And it’s the daily reaction to this pain that compounds to dramatically different results over time.

Pain is mandatory, suffering is optional.