Braedon Goudie

Braedon Goudie


My journey in CrossFit and Strongman training has been marked by numerous achievements reflecting physical strength and mental fortitude. Among these feats are a 245 lb Clean and Jerk, a 405 lb Deadlift, and a 175 lb Strict Press. Beyond the numbers, I take pride in my commitment to form and technique, striving to set a standard of excellence for myself and those I coach. Additionally, I introduced Strongman implements to CrossFit Draper, fostering a culture of strength and resilience within our community.


I am a CrossFit Level 2 Trainer with Strongman, Endurance, and Mobility certifications. With that - I prioritize ongoing education and professional development for those I coach. Alongside my coaching credentials, I hold CPR/AED certification, ensuring the safety and well-being of every athlete under my guidance. Outside of Crossfit, in my role as a Senior Product Manager, I've achieved Pragmatic Certification and ICE Certified Admin and Developer status. These help bring about my commitment to excellence in both fitness and professional spheres.

About Coach

I'm Braedon Goudie, born and raised in Murray, Utah. I am the oldest of four siblings, husband to my wife, Katie, and father to four fabulous daughters. My journey began with childhood sports, where I explored everything from mountain biking to soccer, tennis, and skiing. I have always had a love for physical activity instilled in me from a young age. However, as I entered my early teens, I grappled with self-consciousness about my weight, which led to a period of depression and anxiety. It wasn't until my wife, Katie, entered my life that I rediscovered my confidence and passion for movement. We've been inseparable since childhood, sharing a bond that turned into love during our senior year of high school, which led to marriage at 22. Then, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and growth and found a love for CrossFit. Through those beginning years of navigating the complexities of adulthood while nurturing a growing family and a thriving career in the mortgage industry, my passion for CrossFit grew, and I decided to get certified and start coaching. Outside of the gym, I am a Senior Product Manager for a mortgage company, an avid Mountain Biker, and a lover of all things fantasy and sci-fi (whether they be books, TV shows, or movies). If I had to give you a perfect evening, it would be surrounded by good friends, good food and drinks, playing games, and finishing with watching some fantasy or sci-fi movie with the kiddos.

Turning Point

One of the defining moments in my life came during my struggle with weight and self-doubt in my early teens. It was a period marked by internal conflict and uncertainty, as I grappled with feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. However, the unwavering support of my wife, Katie, and the encouragement of a dear friend ultimately helped me break free from the grips of self-doubt and rediscover my passion for movement and physical activity, especially Mountain Biking and Crossfit. Their belief in me ignited a spark of confidence and resilience that continues to shape my journey to this day, and I want to help bring that to others around me.

Motivation & Passion

My purpose as a coach is deeply rooted in a desire to empower others to realize their full potential and achieve their fitness goals. I am passionate about serving those who seek transformation, offering guidance, support, and encouragement every step of the way. Whether it's helping someone conquer a challenging workout or supporting them through personal struggles, my motivation lies in fostering a sense of community and empowerment that extends far beyond the gym's walls.