Wednesday October 16, 2019

Lauri, Gabe, and Christian are working their way through the Strict Pull Ups and Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks of”Point Break”!


“Bam Bam”
Teams of 3
10/7 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
10 Shuttle Runs (10 Meters)


“Life is a wonderful, wonderful opera, except that it hurts.”

~Joseph Campbell

Our life is a summation of what we think about.
Where we choose to place our thoughts and attention, we become. It’s what the human brain is programmed to do – to pay attention to what we’re thinking about.

If we are in the market to buy a silver Toyota, all we see are silver Toyotas on the road. It’s as if they suddenly appeared out of the sky, yet, they were there all along. It’s called the “Reticular Activation System”. We get what we focus on. It becomes exaggerated, monopolizing our thoughts. If we look for the negative, it will be there. If we look for the positive, it will be there.

Are we going to see the wonderful opera, or are we going to be distracted by the pain?

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