Wednesday June 8, 2022

Suns out, guns out!


Happy Birthday Katie and Jake!



PART 1: Overhead Squat

5 Sets of 5

*Score = Sum Total Load of All 5 Sets

PART 2: “Race to Randy”

Every 4 Minutes Until 75 Reps of Power Snatches:
1,000/800 Meter Bike
15 Overhead Squats (75/55)
Max Power Snatches (75/55)

*Time Cap: 20 Minutes
*Score = Time it takes to complete 75 Power Snatches


There are two definitions in the English language for the word “Overcome”.

The first is that we are helpless. Overwhelmed, overrun, and beaten down, one who is “overcome” has lost the battle.

The second difference is the polar opposite. It is to triumph. To square off towards some form of adversity or obstacle, and to win.

These two definitions are on opposite spectrums for a reason. There is no middle ground. Adversity causes some to break. For others, it breaks records.

We don’t run from the fire. We run to it.

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