Wednesday August 15, 2018

In memory of our dear friend Draper Battalion Chief Matthew Burchett.


“Big Clean Complex”
Compare to 5/10/17
6 Sets of the Following Complex:
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Press
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Jerk
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Split Jerk
*Goal is to build in weight each set

Recipe for a great workout: one part strength, one part cardio, one part technique. Big Clean Complex blurs the line between strength training, cardio, and proper mechanics. This holds true to Greg Glassman’s quote, “Blur the distinction between strength training and metabolic conditioning for the simple reason that nature’s challenges are typically blind to the distinction.”

“I have no ambition in this world but one, and that is to be a fireman. The position may, in the eyes of some, appear to be a lowly one; but we who know the work which the fireman has to do believe that his is a noble calling. Our proudest moment is to save lives. Under the impulse of such thoughts, the nobility of the occupation thrills us and stimulates us to deeds of daring, even of supreme sacrifice.”

~Chief Edward F. Croker

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