Thursday October 27, 2016

Brittney, Tanya, and Kandice decided to make it a girls night at CFD on Tuesday!
Reminder: This Saturday October 29th is our annual Halloween costume WOD and fundraiser!
Attention: Due to Halloween we will not be running the evening WOD’s on Monday October 31st, the morning will be the regular schedule. Thanks for understanding!


Today we will be running the WOD’s open gym style! You will have two options:
Option 1:
Teams of 2:
12/8 Calorie Row
12/8 Calorie Bike
100m Run
*One full round, then switch.

Option 2:
Make up a WOD that you missed, or a WOD that you have really been wanting to try, work on skills, etc!

*You must still come to one of the regularly scheduled WOD times.

“Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.”

~Robert H. Schuller


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