Thursday June 11, 2020

Austin completed his first Muscle-Up WOD on Tuesday, and he crushed it!


“Sleepy Hollow”

Tabata Intervals [8 Rounds of :20 Work + :10 Rest]:

Bike Calories
Single Dumbbell Strict Press (Alternate Arms Every Round)
Hollow Hold

*Complete All 8 Rounds at Each Station Before Advancing




“Impossible is nothing but a word thrown around by small individuals, who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given, than to explore the power they have to change it.”

~Mohammed Ali

One of the greatest to enter the boxing ring summarizes his legacy in a single sentence.

Who we are today, is a direct reflection of our choices yesterday. And who we will become tomorrow, will be a reflection of the choices we make today. There’s no talent here. No born ability. Only choices.

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